
Chapter 1282 Talks at Daleiguang Temple

Chapter 1282 Talks at Daleiguang Temple
Under the leadership of De Jing, Yi Tian walked in slowly outside a simple cave in the restricted area behind the Luohan Hall.After entering the cave, he came to the bottom of the cave not long after walking, and found a skinny old monk sitting cross-legged in the middle of the cave.Presumably, this person should be Master Pushen, the first member of the Arhat Hall in the combined stage.

I saw Dejing stepped forward to bow three times, then turned around and introduced: "This is my master."

When I went forward and was about to pay homage, Master Pushen suddenly opened his eyes and stared at it for a while, then turned his gaze to the Suanni Beast behind him, with a rare joy on his face, and said: "Since it is the little brother who is here, please welcome me." Sit down, Dejing will wait for you and don't slack off."

Yi Tian was taken aback, and then saw the shock in Dejing's eyes.After showing a little bit of embarrassment, he hastily said: "To participate in Master Pushen, I don't know when this junior will have such a seniority, and I dare not pretend to be myself in a hurry."

"Junior brother, you don't need to be too polite. Since you have learned the Great Sun Sutra of your benefactor, it is true, and I will also accept your kindness after sending the Leiwen Muyu back. This status is also confirmed," Pu Shen laughed.

Seeing this, De Jing who was on the side also hurriedly echoed: "Since the master has already spoken, then the little uncle doesn't have to refuse, and please take a seat. Presumably the master must have a lot of things to ask you."

Sighing helplessly, Yi Tian walked forward without arguing, and after a respectful salute, he slowly sat down on the left side beside Master Pushen, while De Jing followed behind and sat down opposite him.

Then the Suanni Beast slowly flew forward and stared at Pushen and said, "I didn't expect you to suffer because you haven't been reincarnated and recultivated for ten thousand years, but if you are on duty and meritorious service, you will be able to get your wish."

"Thank you for the good words, Uncle Master," Pu Shen said with a smile on his face after hearing this, and then he stretched out his hand and asked De Jing to bring the Leiwen Muyu, put it on his hand and looked at it again and again.

At the end, there was a trace of loneliness in his eyes, and after ten breaths, he came back to his senses and said to the beast: "Please return the master." The figure of the beast flashed a few times in the air and then disappeared directly into it. , and later on the surface of the Leiwen Muyu appeared attached portraits.

After Pushen gently put away the Leiwen wooden fish, he turned to Yi Tian and said, "Junior brother must have suffered a lot all the way from the spirit world."

"Don't dare, since it's the agreement of Master Jie Ding, I naturally want to be loyal," Yi Tian replied hastily.

"Then I don't know where His Royal Highness is now?" Pu Shen asked again.

"I don't know either. When I opened the last seal of Qingfeng Old City, I saw that Prince Qiu Yu had already sat down. His reincarnation must have been reincarnated in this world for several lives," Yi Tian said helplessly.

Pu Shen just nodded slightly and then asked: "I don't know if you have any doubts, please come here so that I can clarify your doubts."

This is the biggest purpose of my trip to Daleiguang Temple. To be honest, the agreement between Master Jie Ding and myself has been fulfilled.But in my heart, I felt that it was not the end but just the beginning. After I came to the Buddhist world, I learned about the Hunshi Evil Buddha and the Exterminating Demon, and I didn't know how to solve the time bomb with the power of the magic source.

After thinking for a long time, he asked, "Unknown senior brother Pushen, does he know the real reason why the master of precepts fell into the devil world?"

As soon as this remark came out, Pu Shen didn't change his face, but his face was full of helplessness, and he sighed before replying: "This is also the secret of my Daleiguang Temple for thousands of years. Since you ask me, I don't have to hide it. Back then, the teacher voluntarily I went to the Demon Realm. The purpose was to get back the fairy seed, but I didn’t expect that there would be an evil Buddha who fell from the previous generation in the Demon Realm to obstruct it, and finally fell into it helplessly.”

"Is it really the evil Buddha from the mixed world?" Yi Tian exclaimed.

"Why have you heard the legend of this mighty man?" Pu Shen asked with a bright eye.

"Not only have I heard of it, I have also fought against his big disciple Jiutuoluo, but unfortunately his strength is still too bad, and finally let him forcefully break through and escape with the sound of seizing the house." Yi Tian replied, and then put himself He and the Youwen tribe secretly told the story of meeting Jiuduoluo Duoshe Dark Moon Fairy in the Fallen Land in detail.

After hearing this, Pu Shen's face became cloudy and uncertain, and finally he sighed deeply: "I didn't expect that the peace of the Buddhist world for 2 years would be broken soon. How many lives will be ruined in one battle."

"Master, how did you see it?" De Jing who was sitting on the side asked hastily with an unclear expression.

"That's right, why did Master Pushen say this? Even if the evil Buddha enters the Buddha Realm, he may not be the opponent of the masters of the Mahayana stage," Yi Tian puzzled.

"The key is that this person was originally an ancestor of the Buddhist sect, and his skills are not inferior to any Mahayana monks. Moreover, with his predecessor's cultivation base, he is not afraid of purification by the power of the Buddhist sect. We can already find some clues," Pu Shen said worriedly.

"That's right. Even though Nakutara's kung fu is restrained by Buddhist kung fu, it's still limited. Back then, he was able to compete with me by relying on his ability to transform himself into a god. There will be few rivals at the same level when his cultivation base recovers to the fusion stage," Yi Tian replied, and every time he thinks of this, he feels a lump in his heart. He must be one of the first few people on his must-kill list.

"Junior Brother Yi doesn't need to worry too much at this time. As far as I know, the advanced integration of the disciples of the evil Buddha of the mixed world is also restricted by the skills. Juddara can only recover to the peak of the distraction stage at most. If you want to For an advanced fit, one must obtain the Buddhist seal from Minglun Temple in Daxue Mountain and bring it back to the Demon Realm for refining," Pushen explained.

After hearing this, Yi Tian felt a little more at ease. From this point of view, it would take a little effort for Jiutuoluo to enter the combined body.I still have a lot of opportunities to deal with him.

But when he thought of the power of the demon source on his body, and the trip to the demon world that Master Jie Ding said, he couldn't calm down.

Suddenly, I heard Master Pushen's voice saying: "I see that you seem to be anxious, Junior Brother. There should still be something unsolved. Can you explain it to me?"

"I have three things to do when I come to Dalei Guang Temple, and now I choose two of the three. The other thing is to visit Master Huisheng with a trace of spiritual thoughts left by Master Jieding. I wonder if Brother Pushen can arrange it," was asked. And so Yi Tian had no choice but to bite the bullet and say.

"Master has been in seclusion for thousands of years, and he didn't even show up on his previous trip to the Demon Realm," Pu Shen said slowly.

"Then what should I do? I know that my identities are very different, but the matter entrusted by Master Jie Ding is extraordinary, and he clearly stated that only his master Master Huisheng can solve my doubts," Yi Tian said helplessly.

"Although it's difficult, it's not necessarily impossible, Junior Brother will wait with me in the cave for now, let me ask Patriarch," Pu Shen replied.

(End of this chapter)

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