
Chapter 1283 The Great Thunder Light Temple Test

Chapter 1283 The Great Thunder Light Temple Test
In addition to the Arhat Hall, Daleiguang Temple has many branch halls, but Yi Tian has never had the chance to visit there.Like the Taiqing Pavilion, there are many branches in the sect, even Yi Tianmen has not gone through them in turn for nearly 200 years.

Following Master Pushen, he flew all the way from the back mountain of Luohan Hall to the depths of Daleiguang Temple and continued to fly for several hours without any sign of landing.

Fortunately, Master Pushen's escape speed is not fast and he can keep up. After several days of recuperation in the cave, Master Pushen received the summons to go to the forbidden area of ​​the sect.

After flying for a while, Master Pushen shouted through voice transmission: "Going forward, we are about to enter the Mingyan Realm, junior brother followed me."

"Isn't Master Huisheng not in this world?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

"Of course it is within this realm, but this bright and beautiful realm is a virtual realm opened up by the great powers of my ancestors of the Daleiguang Temple. The Mahayana monks of the Zongmen are all practicing in it, and they will not be easily dispatched if there is no important matter," Pu Shen explained.

"So that's how it is," Yi Tian didn't say much after hearing the words, and followed Master Pushen in front of him and flew all the way down.

Shaoqing suddenly saw a huge gate of light, about three feet high, appearing out of nowhere in the sky above the mountains.Pushen said with a happy face: "It's just ahead, after passing the gate of the imaginary world, you will enter the Mingyan Realm."

As soon as the two of them approached the light gate, within ten miles of the light gate, several escaping lights flew out from the surrounding mountains and formed a formation in front of the passage.One of the leading monks flew forward and shouted: "Which courtyard's disciple has reported his name, is there a jade talisman from the ancestor?"

Yi Tian was shocked as soon as he swept away his divine thoughts. There were as many as eighteen monks in front of him, and their cultivation bases ranged from the early stage to the middle stage of the fusion, which was far from the state that he could fight against now.

Unexpectedly, there is such strength in the Daleiguang Temple. Anyone here can go to the outside world to become the abbot of any temple.Even with so many fit monks, the position of abbot was passed on to Yizhen, which shows that he is really outstanding.

Just as he was thinking about it, Pu Shen said: "Senior Brother Mingjian, Junior Brother is ordered by Master Huisheng to bring his named disciple Yi Tian to see him." After speaking, he stretched out his hand and took out a jade talisman and sent it forward respectfully.

After the inspection, the leading monk stared at himself and then asked, "Which patriarch's disciple is he?"

Pushen's eyelids trembled slightly, hesitated for a while, and finally bit the bullet and said: "It's my teacher's discipline."

As soon as the words came out, the head monk snorted coldly, looked at it again and said: "The patriarch's message jade talisman is only for one person to use."

"Then let Junior Brother Yi go to Mingyan Realm alone," Pu Shen hurriedly said.

"Junior brother's words are wrong, this jade talisman is obviously summoned to you, how can you let others use it, besides, you are not ignorant of the rules of this bright and beautiful realm," the monk replied like this.

Pushen's face froze and he became helpless later, he turned around and explained: "Junior Brother Yi is not because I don't take you in, but the rules in Mingyan territory are like this, but anyone who has no summons to enter must go to the 'heart refining magic way' way Can."

"I don't know how to get through this road, so please ask my brother to clear up my doubts," Yi Tian said in surprise. He didn't expect that he would encounter such difficulties when he came to Daleiguang Temple after traveling thousands of miles, but he could not give up halfway through the entrustment of Master Jieding's remnant soul.

But just by listening to this 'heart refining the way of demons', you know it's not a good place to go, so you have to do it again.But I only have the early stage of distraction, so I don't know if I can pass it.

Feeling a little uneasy, I heard Pu Shen explain: "There are many traps in this Tao, but it has an extraordinary magical effect on refining the demons. Throughout the history of the Daleiguang Temple, only two ancestors passed it at one time. It was awarded the title of abbot after going through the crack twice."

Hearing this, Yi Tian's heart also became angry for no reason, and even Yizhen walked twice before coming out. I don't know how many times I need to go to break through.This gang of doorkeeper monks made it clear that they were making things difficult for themselves, and Pu Shen did not dare to do anything wrong due to his prestige.

After a few sneers, he asked lightly: "I don't know how many times the senior brother walked out of the barrier?"

Pu Shen stretched out a finger to signal, Yi Tian immediately changed his face and exclaimed: "So the senior brother is one of those two?"

"No, I only passed the test ten times, and it was the tenth attempt after the fusion period." Pu Shen smiled wryly.

"Then you also make it clear that one finger represents ten times," Yi Tian said after a burst of laughter in his heart, "I don't know who are the two people who cleared the customs that time?"

"You already know each other, and you've even got involved with them," Pu Shen said meaningfully.

"Could it be the predecessor of Master Jie Ding and the evil Buddha from the mixed world," Yi Tian tentatively replied.

Pu Shen didn't answer directly, but the look on his face showed that his guess was true.Thinking about it, Yi Tian's face became unnatural, this is really a rush to the shelves, and it's really unfortunate that he compares himself with these two amazing predecessors for no reason.

But it seems that there is no second way ahead. If you want to see Master Huisheng, you have to go to the heart to practice magic, and then nodded to Pushen to signal that you are ready.

Later, he followed Pushen to the back of the light gate, and the light gate in front of him was completely different from the front, showing a bright and dark tone.There were streaks of gray thunder flashing out of the light gate.

Pu Shen then said: "This is the 'Xin Lian Mo Dao', which is the reverse entrance of the Mingyan Realm. You can go through it to reach the Bright Beauty Realm. I will wait for you at the exit."

"But if I fail to break through the level, will I go back to the entrance?" Yi Tian asked.

Pushen shook his head helplessly and said, "That's not necessarily the case, it might be teleported to somewhere in this world."

It turns out that there are still such disadvantages in the way of practicing magic. After hearing this, Yi Tian solemnly raised his head to look at the passage in front of him, and then said in a deep voice: "Okay, I will find out all kinds of tricks when I go through it. Brother Pushen, can you help me?" Is there anything worth mentioning?"

"Every time you go in, you will encounter something different, so even if I give you some tips, it won't be of much use. But junior brother, remember that if you practice your mind, the demons will recede, and you can't complete the journey until you get rid of the demons," Pu Shen said slowly. Said slowly.

After listening, Yi Tian nodded in response, then stepped into the light gate with a big stride, and disappeared after three breaths.Little did he know that after the waiter left, the leading monk who protected the Dharma flew forward and asked, "How many times do you think he can pass the test?"

Pushen replied angrily: "One time, since he is the candidate that the former teacher favored, he is naturally superior. It is expected that even Yizhen praised him a lot back then, maybe he can really become the third person who passed the test once. .”

"I hope so. If you hadn't informed in advance, I would have to use the Eighteen Arhats to help you perform this play to trick him into practicing the way of demons like his heart," the monk laughed.

"It's the master's idea. I just want to see what's so special about this person who should be robbed. I'm just in charge of spreading the word," Pu Shen said with a smile.

 Thank you for the monthly pass at Zhonggukou
(End of this chapter)

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