
Chapter 1284

Chapter 1284
Flying into Yi Tian from the back door of Mingyan Realm, he didn't even know that Master Huisheng deliberately made this breakthrough.Its main purpose is unknown, but after entering, I found that the road in front of me is not like entering the interface channel, but it looks like I have come to Mingyan territory.

It's just that this place is like a paradise, with the scenery of singing birds and fragrant flowers everywhere.Look back and see that the boundary gate when you came in has been closed at this time, so there is only one way to go forward.

Walking along the stone path under his feet, he felt that the scenery around him changed again and again, and Yi Tian quickened his pace after paying attention for a while.

In less than an hour, I saw the end of the road far away, and quickly came to the end of the path when I ran forward, and then suddenly found that the front of me suddenly opened up.It's just that Yi Tian's face couldn't help twitching at this time, as if he had walked around and returned to the starting point.

It seems that the way of practicing magic is not so big. After walking around, he returned to the original place. Just about to take another step, he stood still, and then there was a little green light in his eyes.

Guessing that he might be trapped in a maze, after his eyes swept across the world, he couldn't find even a trace of the formation.After feeling a little disappointed in his heart, Yi Tian still didn't give up. After walking a few books and looking around, he made sure that there were no traces of formations, and then reluctantly put away the pupil technique.

After taking a look at my own situation, I sat cross-legged and thought about it, and it was obvious that this place was a little different from the previously mentioned way of refining magic.At least I haven't met anyone, not even a demon created by the demons in my heart, so how can it be regarded as the way of refining demons.

I was thinking that the environment here is a bit like the Xishan Lingzhi Garden in the Taiqing Pavilion Zongmen of the spiritual world where I stayed.Suddenly, with a thought, he found a black spot flying towards him in the distance, and after a while, it landed not far in front of him, and it turned out to be Qing Lianyun and Hua Yuxin.

Secretly said: "The main event is coming, it is estimated that the trial of refining the magic way has begun." "

After thinking about it, he walked forward and looked at the two with a smile, and after a while, he heard Qing Lianyun say: "You don't want to tell us when your husband will come back. Now there are so many trivial matters in Lingzhi Garden, and you have to wait." It's up to you to deal with it."

Hua Yuxin on the side shouted cheerfully: "Yes, yes, husband, come, hurry up," and after she finished speaking, she was about to step forward and reach out to hold her arm, wanting to go to the guard house in the distance.

It's just that her hand hadn't touched her arm yet, Yi Tian snorted coldly, and suddenly several sound waves exploded in Zhou Sheng.Then he raised the Taiyuan Sword with both hands and mercilessly tore Hua Yuxin and Qing Lianyun in front of him into pieces.

The figures of the two immediately turned into nothingness, and the entire space began to collapse.Yi Tian only felt that the surroundings became pitch black after weightlessness under his feet, and his body somehow couldn't perform escapism and could only let it fall freely.

I don't know how long after falling, a thought flashed in my mind, and then I just felt that I hit the ground heavily.After finally getting up and looking around, I found that I was deep in the end of the world.

In front of him is the time-lapse space where Patriarch Wuye was banned. Yi Tian hurriedly went forward to open the ban and found that Patriarch Wuye was sitting cross-legged inside.It's just that the shackles on his hands and feet have been removed, and when he saw himself coming, he showed a reproachful face and said: "Boy, what level is your kung fu refining, and I will return to Lihuo Palace in the future. Do you want to do it?" Take action to support that traitor Ji Xuanyuan for me."

After a respectful look flashed in his eyes, Yi Tian just replied indifferently: "The disciple never forgets the sustenance of the patriarch, even if you are just the phantom of the patriarch Wuye in front of you."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand to sacrifice Leiyan Ziyan, and then turned into several fireballs, directly smashing the phantom of Patriarch Wuye in front of him.

After putting away the real flame, I found that the surrounding environment has not changed this time. After ten breaths, I suddenly heard a voice coming from the diagonal.In front of the pitch-black darkness, a golden light descended slowly, and after standing still in front of him, the voice and shadow of Master Ding Ding appeared.

He only heard him ask: "Yi Xiaoyou, have you fulfilled the agreement with me, can the treasure in my hand be sent to the Arhat Hall of Daleiguang Temple?"

I had already expected this in my heart, and then I saluted Master Jie Ding without changing my expression: "I will keep the master's entrustment in mind, and I have completed the entrustment to the master, so you can go with peace of mind. It's a pity that you are just my heart It’s just a sliver of obsession and it’s not real.”

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and took out the big sun golden wheel, and then used the kung fu to manipulate it. After taking it out, he instantly reduced the figure of the master of discipline in front of him and defeated him.

After this time, the world he lived in collapsed again. Fortunately, after learning the lesson from last time, Yi Tian calmly adjusted his body and fell down at will.

It's just that this time the surrounding environment changed again to the situation in the cave of the Fallen Land, and the blood-refined demon flesh in front of him gathered and turned into a blood-colored body.After ten breaths, the flesh and blood shrank to reveal the figure of Kudhara.

Yi Tian's face frowned slightly, and he didn't expect that he would still be in his mind. It is estimated that the duel back then left a big shadow on him.

Before the opponent made a move, he sacrificed the Great Sun Golden Wheel and turned into a golden light and slashed towards the opponent.It was cut into two with one move, but this time the figure of Kudhara did not disappear directly.

After the sound of 'Pu Pu Pu Pu', I saw the broken part of the other party's body re-fused, and later heard him laughing and said: "How can you be my opponent with your little Buddha power? You were attacked by you last time. Now that I have succeeded, I have recovered [-]% of my strength and can almost compete with you."

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand to take out the red blood evil spirit from the flesh and blood in his hand, which split in the air and turned into several bloody skulls flying towards him.

Yi Tian was also taken aback, this was the first time he saw the illusion in front of him attacking him after he came in.After the figure flashed past again and again, it was found that the blood-colored skull hit the ground and exuded a red evil spirit.

Obviously, these tricks are also aggressive and can cause certain damage to oneself.

At this point, Yi Tian's face froze and he knew that the opponent in front of him was not easy to deal with, so he stretched out his hand to sacrifice the Great Sun Golden Wheel again, and then spoke the mantra in his mouth to speak out the eight sounds of Tianlei.

Circles of golden light waves spread out and swept onto Kudara Xuying's body, but he didn't purify the evil spirit in him at all.

Immediately, Yi Tiancai realized that these were the illusions of his own obsessions, and there was a difference between the real situation, and it was expected that Judhara would resist the eight sounds of the thunder.Fortunately, Sonic can restrain his figure, which is convenient for him to take the opportunity to make a move.

After sacrificing the Great Sun Golden Wheel, it slowly became the size of Zhang Xu in the air, and then stretched out its hand to manipulate it to cover the top of Juddara's head.

With one blow, he immediately traps his figure and then refines him with the golden light of Buddha sect.After finishing all this, a voice came to mind: "Yi Tian, ​​who are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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