
Chapter 1285

Chapter 1285
Yi Tian was really shocked when he heard this sentence suddenly and for no reason in the heart refining magic way. He raised his head and turned around to look in front of him, and there seemed to be a black shadow slowly forming.Then he walked towards him slowly, and when he walked in and stood ten feet in front of him, the figure appeared was his appearance when he was young.

He only heard him shouting: "Who are you, Yi Tian, ​​and where are you from?"

These problems are exactly what Yi Tian wants to avoid the most, and the other party seems to be chasing after him, and it seems that this is exactly the situation when he came to Hewan Village Yijia at the beginning of the year.

There was a wry smile on his mouth, Yi Tian shook his head and asked instead: "I am Yi Tian, ​​is there any difference between Yi Tian and me?"

It seems that the other party didn't listen to the sound of talking to himself, but the figure of himself on the opposite side slowly grew up from young to young and then to himself now.Then the nameless fire in the void will ignite the whole body after it falls, and after three breaths, the real image of Asura with three heads and six arms will appear under the raging fire.

Seeing this, Yi Tian just twitched the corner of his mouth and continued to look, only to see a black light falling from the sky above his head again, flashing in front of him, and then showing the appearance of a jade box sealed by Tai Chi in the storage ring.

With a 'click' sound, the lid of the jade box split open, and a trace of red flame sprang out from it, and then gathered into a ball in the air.

Yi Tian raised his eyebrows, although he didn't know what to do with the power of the magic source in front of him, but he always had an ominous premonition in his heart.

With a "bang", the power of the magic source fell directly in front of him and merged with the phantom.In an instant, a red flame ignited the dharma body of Asura in front of him, and then the flames quickly converged into the dharma body at a speed visible to the naked eye.

All the clothes on his body were melted by the red lotus fire, and then the black-red skin was exposed with dark golden runes attached to it.The aura around him suddenly exploded and rolled up until the heat wave rushed towards him.

Yi Tian suddenly felt that the phantom in front of him had reached the point of becoming real. Standing ten feet away, he could fully feel the aftermath of the real fire in the red demon realm like a sharp blade separating the surrounding air to form a demonic fire extinction zone. .

With both feet sprinting, the figure retreated thirty feet away, and then raised the protective cover to block the roiling heat wave three feet away.Looking back, I glanced at myself in front of me, only to see that after being fused by the power of the magic source, the three heads showed different expressions, completely showing the negative emotions in my heart.

After a moment of stunned, I saw the magic phantom turned into a real image with three mouths and shouted: "I am the real Yi Tian, ​​you are just a thought left in my heart." Point to yourself.

Immediately, Yi Tian felt a chill behind his back for no reason, and then saw white threads of light emerging from his body, which were absorbed by the blackened demon body.After performing teleportation and moving three miles away, he found that he seemed to be pulled by an invisible force and couldn't get rid of it.

And the invisible white light on his body is still seeping out continuously, and after the magic body absorbs it, the whole person's aura increases sharply.

Under the ebb and flow, Yi Tian naturally knew that the other party was absorbing spiritual power to feed back to himself, and it seemed that he and the other party were completely one and had an inseparable relationship.

Although it reminds me that I once learned that the Taiyi Jinxian in the fairy world has a way to kill three corpses, which can kill the good and evil thoughts and desires in my body, but it is not a magical power that I can use now.

And the person in front of him should be the incarnation of his own evil thoughts. If he guessed right, this should be the last level of the way of refining the devil.It's just that I don't know how Master Jie Ding and the predecessor of the evil Buddha from the mixed world passed the test.

Just after thinking about how he would suddenly appear, the demon body in front of him began to move. It seemed that he felt that he could try to attack after absorbing a large amount of true energy from the main body. Under the seal of his hands, he sacrificed several magic electricity on his chest and moved towards himself. Surrounded.

Being forced to this level, Yi Tian didn't dare to be careless and hurriedly retreated, and the defensive cover all over his body displayed his spiritual power to block all the magic electricity from outside.Then he said in a seal with his hands, "Change," and he also showed the body of Asura.

At the same time, he silently worked to display the corona behind his head, and took out the purple flame wind and thunder fan from the arms on both sides.The hands on the front are holding the Zixiao lamp, and finally sacrificed the thunder flame and the purple flame turned into a true flame armor, and a purple halo appeared around itself instead of a protective shield, swallowing up all the magic electricity from the outside world.

He stretched out his hand to sacrifice the Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan, aimed it at the location of the demon body, and several real flames turned into sparks that flew across the air and enveloped it.After pointing with both hands, those sparks hit Mo Lian's body accurately, and there were bursts of roaring sounds.

The space where the two were originally was in chaos, and under the light of the bursting flame, it seemed like daytime.With one blow, Yi Tian found that the spiritual power overflowing from his body had also stopped, but in front of him, after the bursting fire light faded, he revealed his demonized avatar in a state of embarrassment.At this time, his aura was a little shorter, and the real flames of the defensive magic domain around his body also flickered.

After a while, the demon body flew forward and stood ten feet away, then looked at it steadily and shouted: "You are just relying on these spiritual weapons and treasures, if you have the ability, give me one."

After looking at the other party, Yi Tian seemed to understand something, reached out and gently pushed the Zixiao lamp in his hand to the other party and said: "This thing is my strongest spiritual weapon, let me show you how powerful it can be Bar."

After Mo Lian's real body took it, he played with it in his palm, and then his face became congealed. After the Moyu real fire in his hand gathered, he refined Zixiaozhan into a dark golden appearance.After catching it with his right hand, he swung it in the air again using the demonized Zixiao lamp as a three-foot long sword.

"Chixiao Sword, that's right, Zixiao Sword," Yi Tian said with joy instead of surprise, "Since you can use Lihuo Nine Changes, you should have part of my memory."

"Bah, I am me and you are you, we are two different individuals," Mohua Yitian argued.

"Really? Now I can almost understand what Master Jie Ding and others encountered again, and what is the true meaning of the Zen method he participated in." Yi Tian nodded and smiled: "Good and evil are one, not that the east wind overwhelms the west wind It is the west wind that overwhelms the east wind. Master Jie Ding’s evil thoughts are Qiu Yu, Prince of the Devil, and what will my evil thoughts be? This is really a bit exciting.”

"Stop talking nonsense, let me see what I've done to you," Mo Lian's avatar rushed forward and hit Yi Tian's main body in the heart for the second time with one move.

Then I saw a purple true flame flowing out of the wound, instantly enveloping the two of them.Then the figures of the two overlapped again under the burning of the real flame, and after slowly falling down, the purple flame around them was taken back into the Niwan Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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