
Chapter 1286

Chapter 1286
When the light and the dark Yi Tian, ​​who also showed the body of Asura, overlapped together, the whole space suddenly became a state of alternating light and dark.At the beginning of the period, it was changing rapidly, and the frequency of alternation became slower and slower as time went by.

Until it finally returned to a pitch-black silence, but Yi Tian's body was floating powerlessly in this space.It seems that there is no breath or spiritual power fluctuations on the body, but there is still a faint purple halo shining in the Niwan Palace.

At this time, there were two Nascent Soul spirit bodies facing each other in the Niwan Palace, and the foreign dark gold demonic body stood there and grabbed Zhong Yitian's real body who was originally sitting cross-legged when he stretched out his hand.It's just that when his hand touched it, it seemed that he caught nothing, and then the contact part of the two Nascent Soul spirit bodies directly sank into the body of the purple deity.

At this time, Yi Tiancai opened his eyes and looked playful: "You and I are one, but it's just the difference between good and evil thoughts. You sleep in my heart on weekdays, so I didn't realize it. Today, after leaving the heart to refine the way of demons Only then will you have a chance to get out of your true self."

Seeing that the arm could not be retracted, and there was still a huge suction pulling his Nascent Soul, Mo Lian's real body hurriedly exclaimed: "What are you trying to do, do you want to fuse me? I don't want to fall into endless chaos again. Let me out of my deep sleep."

"Don't want to," Yi Tian's deity Yuanying smiled, and then took back Zixiaozhan and played with it in his hand and said: "In this case, how about I sleep in your body with your Yuanying as the main body?" ?”

"There will be such a good thing, don't lie to me," Mo Lian said with a suspicious expression on his face, raising his eyebrows.

"You don't need to lie to yourself, it's settled," Yi Tian's real body turned into a white aura and hit the Nascent Soul who flew close to Molian's real body from the intersection of the arms.Within three breaths, there was no trace of this sect in the entire Niwan Palace, and then Mo Lianzhen came to the center and sat down cross-legged.

The demonized true essence from Yuanying's body immediately gushed out and refined the entire Niwan Palace into a blood-red color, and the power of the true essence swam through the whole body through the veins and then transformed the body into a dark golden color.In addition to the skin, several red magic flame spells appeared on the body, and at the same time, the cultivation base of the whole person suddenly jumped to that of the late stage of distraction.

After doing this, he turned around and looked at the Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan in his hand, injecting several strands of true energy into it, and the color on the fan surface changed from bright to dark instantly.After finishing all this, Mo Lian Yuanshen showed a smug expression and laughed heartily.

But when he wanted to try to set off to find a way out, he suddenly found that he couldn't control the body of the deity. After several attempts, he continuously output the spiritual power in the meridians, but he couldn't even move his fingers.

When I was busy and anxious, Yi Tian's voice suddenly came: "Even if you become the subject, so what? You were originally a trace of haze in my heart, hidden deep in my heart for a long time, so let you have some peace this time." Opportunity escapes but ignores the true meaning of my Taoism."

Mo Lianyuan shouted anxiously: "You liar, it turns out that you have a hand in it, no wonder you entered my body so rashly."

"Wrong," Yi Tian yelled sharply: "You are me, and I am you. How can we distinguish between each other? Just like the yin and yang fish in the Tai Chi picture, there is evil in the good, and there is evil in the good. Now I understand the situation of the master of precepts back then Well, maybe I really have to go to the Demon Realm to meet him once."

After speaking, I saw a trace of purple spiritual light flashing in Mo Lian Yuanshen's heart, and then gradually spread.Soon the color of the entire Nascent Soul changed from dark gold to purple-red, and the original magic power around Niwan Palace was completely assimilated into the color of Leiyan Purple Flame.

Immediately a stream of pure spiritual power flowed out from Yuanying's body and turned into the real fire of life, Thunder Flame, Purple Flame, which burned Yuanying again, and then the power of the true flame flowed out along the meridians again, and returned to Niwan after a big cycle. In the mouth of Yitian Yuanying in the palace.

So far, the original changes in the original body have faded one by one, and it has returned to its previous appearance.Yi Tian opened his eyes and carefully looked at the skin on his lower arm and body, but still found a slight change.

At this time, there is actually a demonic power secretly in his body, which blends with his original spiritual power as if it is difficult to separate. He didn't expect that he would assimilate the original magic power in the Tai Chi box after practicing the magic way.Although it was first entrusted to its own evil thoughts, it was eventually fused by itself.

It's just that if you don't have the entrustment of the master of negative precepts, this tells you how to go to the devil world to find the spiritual seed.

Yi Tian couldn't do anything after being puzzled, and he couldn't strip the power of the magic source from his body after it became a fact.Only after that, I can find a way to ask Master Huisheng for advice, what kind of hindrance will such a combination of god and devil have on me.

Looking around, the scenery in front of him suddenly brightened, and he found that he had returned to the original starting point. Looking back, there was the gate of the heart refining magic way, and in front of him was a long and thin path leading to the distance.

Stretching out his hand to touch his face, he found that there was no change at all, and Yi Tian wondered if all this was an illusion.

But when his eyes glanced at the skin on his hand, he could clearly see how he had fused the power of the magic source before.Reaching out to take out the Tai Chi seal box, I found that the Tai Chi lock on it had been opened, and after opening the lid, I found that the inside was empty.

With the same complexion, he carefully put away the jade box, and then took out the green dragon flag, weighed it a few times in his hand and injected spiritual power.Suddenly, Jiang Yi Tian found that the color of his spiritual power had changed. Before that, he usually used blue spiritual power to cover up the color of his purple flame, but now he sacrificed red spiritual power.

He secretly wondered in his heart, isn't this the true nature of the power of the magic source, and then carefully checked with his divine sense that there is still a trace of purple spiritual power in the center, so it is the mixed spiritual power of the fusion of spirits and demons.

The evil spirit on the green dragon banner seemed to be quickly assimilated by his own spiritual power and then faded from the surface of the spiritual weapon. After ten breaths, it showed its original appearance.

After holding it in my hand and injecting spiritual power, I waved it a few times, and the blue dragon in the flag flew out again, turned into a phantom, and swam around me in the air, then said with a dragon cry: "Why do I find a powerful force in you?" The power of the magic source, could it be that you have refined it?"

"There is something strange, and it's inconvenient for me to explain it to you," Yi Tian said, "Now that the evil spirit on the spirit weapon has been completely eradicated, you can rest assured to attach it to it."

"Then why did you call me out this time?" Qinglong asked, "Isn't it just a special trip to congratulate me?"

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and Yi Tian's face changed, "I want to know why the eight Mahayanas joined forces to suppress the power of the magic source, and why the spirit seed fell into the demon world. It seems a bit too coincidental."

"I don't know the specific situation. I only know that it is the duty to guard the power of the magic source. As for the rest, you should ask someone who knows the knowledge. A few Mahayana monks in the Buddhist world will definitely give you the answer," Long Ling said. After speaking, he turned around and went back into the banner.

After hearing this, Yi Tian could only shake his head and walk away along the stone path.

(End of this chapter)

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