
Chapter 1288 Entrusted by Da Lei Guang Temple

Chapter 1288 Entrusted by Da Lei Guang Temple
Sitting cross-legged in the depths of Master Huisheng's cave, Yi Tian was listening to his teachings. The views of the Mahayana monks were really extraordinary.Many problems in cultivation can be solved with just a few simple words in front of Master Huisheng.

In addition to the fusion of magic power, Yi Tian did have another thing on his mind, and naturally Master Huisheng could see it in his eyes.After he finished asking questions about his cultivation, Master Huisheng said earnestly: "Since you have integrated the power of the magic source, it is naturally your duty to go to the demon world to find the spirit seed."

"I don't know where the spirit seed is at the moment, has it been devoured and refined?" Yi Tian asked hastily.

"I guess it hasn't been refined yet," Huisheng said: "When the power of the magic source fell, the eight Mahayana monks worked together to capture it and put it in the jade box sealed by the Taiji diagram. Zong's secret technique purifies the power of its demonic barriers, otherwise, its level of evil is definitely not something that your current cultivation level can subdue."

"So that's how it is," Yi Tian hurriedly folded his hands together and bowed to Master Huisheng when he heard about this matter, "It's a great fortune for the younger generation to be able to get the blessings of Master Jieding and several seniors by chance."

"With great ability, you have to shoulder great responsibilities. Naturally, the trip to the devil world is your duty, and you need to be aware of it at this time," Huisheng replied.

After hearing this, Yi Tian groaned secretly in his heart, but it seemed that this was a reason why he didn't even say no to rushing the ducks to the shelves.Just thinking about the unknown situation in the Demon Realm, there are at least two monks at the Mahayana stage, and there are still many monks at the Fusion Stage occupying various parts of the Demon Realm as kings.My own cultivation base is only scoring gods, and going to the devil world in the early stage is naturally a near-death situation.

Master Huisheng took time to see his doubts clearly, and said with a smile: "Since I let you go, I will naturally make arrangements."

"It's just that the younger generation's spiritual power will be recognized immediately after it is displayed in the demon world. I don't know what to do?" Yi Tian frowned.

"It's just a matter of clear qi and yellow qi," Huisheng replied lightly.

"May I ask what is clear and yellow qi?" Yi Tian was puzzled.

Master Huisheng turned his head and stretched out his hand to draw a circle in front of him, and then outlined a few more strokes to form a Taiji diagram.It was only later that he asked, "So you know?"

Yi Tian pondered for a while and looked at the Taiji diagram in front of him, suddenly a light flashed in front of his eyes and said: "But can spiritual power be converted into each other?"

"It was originally impossible," Master Huisheng said, "Before I was wondering how to let you pretend to be a demon and sneak into the demon world. After all, the clear energy of spiritual cultivation and the yellow energy of demon cultivation cannot exist in your previous body at the same time. .”

"Is it because of the fusion of the power of the magic source that the two kinds of spiritual power can be arbitrarily converted?" Yi Tian asked.

"That's right. With your current state, you can absorb two kinds of spiritual power at the same time, so you are the best candidate to sneak into the devil world," Master Huisheng nodded and replied.

"Then I don't know how the younger generation is going to pretend to enter?" Yi Tian asked curiously.

"Oh, my Buddhist sect has a supernatural power called Yi Nian Buddha Demon, have you ever heard of it?" Master Huisheng said in a dejected tone: "Back then, I decided to practice this technique because I insisted on going to the Demon Realm. Unfortunately, this technique has a big disadvantages."

"Did you accidentally fall into the devil's way due to improper handling?" Yi Tian was shocked to hear this secret technique and could not help thinking of the situation he had seen the devil prince Qiu Yu many times, so he could naturally think of the disadvantages of this secret technique.

"Originally, as long as you keep your original mind, you can return to my Buddha, but there is an accident, you wait a moment for me to show you something," Master Huisheng reached out and took out an oil lamp and put it in front of him.

Yi Tian's divine thoughts swept across his face, and his face turned pale with shock. This is obviously a natal soul oil lamp.Needless to say, it should have been left by Master Jie Ding back then, but the oil lamp that was originally glazed gold has now turned dark gold.

And the flame in the center seemed to be burning continuously, but the color of the flame had turned into pitch black, only the inner flame of the wick still retained a faint trace of gold.

Master Huisheng sighed and said: "Everything is determined by cause and effect, and I have no way to dissuade me from insisting on it back then. There is even a friend from the spiritual world Wuye to help, but it is a pity that the two will meet each other after a thousand years."

"Could it be that Master Jieding and Patriarch Wuye both agreed to go to the Demon Realm?" Hearing this, Yi Tian seemed to realize that this matter might involve Lihuo Palace, so he naturally wanted to ask.

"That's true. The two of them had the strongest cultivation back then, so naturally this matter fell on them," Master Huisheng explained, "It's just that the two agreed to first go to the demon world to investigate from the precepts, and if they don't return for 5000 years Let Wu Ye go. It's a pity that the battle between spirits and demons broke out before the agreed date, and Wu Ye must have felt extremely guilty when he faced the evil disaster back then."

"Qiu Yu, the devil prince, is undoubtedly the master of precepts, and it should be the dark side in his heart," Yi Tian continued, "Seeing the natal oil lamp of master precepts, I know that his good thoughts have not been wiped out, and the knowledge is deeply hidden in his heart." This is also the reason why Qiu Yu did not resist in the face of Patriarch Wuye at the end of the evil disaster in the spiritual world, but chose to use the Zen of Good and Evil to split Patriarch Wuye into two people."

"Since you know the ins and outs of the matter, you must understand your mission," Master Huisheng said seriously.

Yi Tian hastily restrained his mind and sat upright, then replied: "This junior knows that he has a great responsibility, but besides investigating the spirit species, what else does the master need to entrust when he goes to the Demon Realm this time?"

"You can do your best for the matter of the spiritual seed. You take the natal oil lamp left behind by the definition to the devil world and find the relic formed after the golden body degenerates, and fuse this trace of natal real fire with the relic to help it grow. Get rid of the demon calamity," said Master Huisheng, gently handing over the natal oil lamp to his hand.

After taking over the oil lamp, Yi Tian only felt that there was a heavy burden on his shoulders, and there was a long way to go to enter the Demon Realm this time.In addition, it is extremely difficult to find the relics left by the master of precepts without being able to find any help.

After putting away the oil lamp, Yi Tian asked again: "This junior found the clues left by the Demon Saint Prince Qiu Yu in the ruins of the original site of Qingfeng City in the spiritual world. It seems that he used the secret technique of Buddhism to escape into reincarnation. Will it be possible to find Qiu Yu's body and purify it?"

Master Huisheng pondered for a while before opening his mouth and said: "It's up to people. As for whether it will be a precept or Qiu Yu or anyone else, there is no way to know. Remember, as long as you don't violate your heart, you will have your own way to deal with future things. There is no need to worry too much.”

"The master's teachings will naturally be kept in mind," Yi Tian replied: "The younger generation also wants to borrow the Buddhist sect's secret art to read the Buddha and the demon."

(End of this chapter)

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