
Chapter 1289

Chapter 1289
The Sutra Pavilion of Daleiguang Temple is located in a thirteen-story pagoda deep in the inner gate.Standing in the air and looking down from a distance, Yi Tian took a deep breath, and couldn't help but have a rough assessment of the scale of this building in his heart.

No wonder it is the forbidden area of ​​the largest sect in the Buddhist world, and the pagoda in front of it is as high as hundreds of feet.Almost every floor is about ten feet high, and the first underground floor has reached a height of twenty feet.And it covers an area of ​​about [-] zhang square, which takes up several mu of land. In this way, the scale of just one floor is probably larger than that of the main city of Qingfeng City in the spiritual world.

As for the disciples waiting in line at the door to enter the scripture building, there was a long queue, maintained by dozens of disciples from the Discipline Hall.The scene was also abnormally lawful, and the team of thousands of people showed no sign of chaos.

After Yi Tian slowly lowered his head from the clouds, he was led by De Jing and walked directly to the side door, where the guardians of the Discipline Hall had long been waiting.After showing the jade talisman in their hands, the two went straight in. After walking through the long corridor to the tenth floor, De Jing turned around and said, "The rest of the ground floor is where monks in the body-fit stage can go, sorry I can't believe it." delivered."

"Senior brother Lao Lao escorted me all the way, and I feel sorry for the younger brother," Yi Tian hurriedly replied politely.

"It doesn't matter, with the strength of the junior brother who can practice the magic way through the heart at one time, the road will be smooth sailing in the future, and it will be no problem to enter the union or look at the Mahayana in the future," De Jing said with a little admiration on his face.

"Thank you for your auspicious words, senior brother," Yi Tian hurriedly said modestly, also not daring to be arrogant.

Later, when I raised my head, I saw a white light barrier blocking the passage in front of me. I knew that without a special token, I couldn't enter here.As for De Jing, it was because of his authority that he could no longer send it away, so he said this.

Walking forward slowly, he took out the jade tablet blessed by Master Huisheng and injected spiritual power lightly. In an instant, a golden light shot out from it to the barrier in front of him, opening a passage one foot high and three feet wide.

Then Yi Tian stepped into it quickly, and after three breaths, he found that the restriction was closed again.After walking up the stairs to the eleventh floor, I found that there are few people here, but all of them are monks in the integration period.

Fortunately, they were all concentrating on reading the scriptures in front of them, turning a deaf ear to their own appearance and not caring at all.I remember that Master Huisheng reminded himself that the volume of scriptures that read the Buddha's demon is stored in the depths of the top floor of the Sutra Library.Whether you can find it depends on your own luck. After making up his mind about this, Yi Tian walked quickly to the upper floor.

I really want to know the cultivation technique that allowed Qiu Yu, the Prince of the Devil, to leave the world of the tree, the tree, the flower, and the world.

Although there were not many people on these floors, Yi Tian didn't dare to disturb them, so he had to go up lightly. After a while, he came to the top floor and saw a monk sitting cross-legged at the entrance of the corridor not far away.Just as he was about to bypass him and go inside, a voice suddenly came from his ear: "Who are you from, let me know quickly what happened when you came up."

"The junior Yi Tian is a disciple of the Taiqing Pavilion in the spiritual world, and Master Huisheng promised to invite you to the scripture library to look up the classics and scriptures of your temple," Yi Tian said and reached out to take out the passing jade card.

"This seat, Puxin, is on duty here. Since you have a talisman with you, go and pick it quickly. Remember that you can only pick one volume of scriptures, and come to my place for rubbings as soon as you finish," the monk said again. audio channel.

After saluting to Monk Puxin, Yi Tian hurriedly walked to the depths of the top floor. The people in front of them were all monks at the integration stage, so of course he didn't dare to push himself in front of them.

Fortunately, the monks in Daleiguang Temple are devoted to practice and don't care about worldly affairs, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations on their bodies have been restrained, and they look like ordinary monks.

Walking to the last few rows of bookshelves, Yi Tian unfolded his divine sense and quickly scanned the jade slip scriptures in front of him. After ten breaths, he locked his eyes on a corner.

Walking forward quickly, I glanced over and saw the four characters 'One Thought Buddha Demon' written on the label on the shelf.After picking up the jade card in his hand and shining it on the forbidden barrier above, the white light opened up to reveal the jade slip inside.

After reaching out to take out the jade slip, Yi Tian turned around and walked towards Puxin at the stairs.After walking less than ten steps, a voice suddenly came from my ear: "Boy, did you choose this jade slip because you have lost your mind and want to be possessed by a demon?"

Stopping in his tracks, Yi Tian looked sideways and saw a scruffy ascetic standing by the bookshelf on the right, staring at him curiously.After Yi Tian saw it, he slowly walked forward to Jishou and said: "Dare to ask what is the name of the senior?"

"Old monk Pudian, are you very embarrassed? Now that you have read this volume, you want to go to the devil world?" said the sloppy monk.

Yi Tian twitched his mouth and said: "The junior just wants to borrow it and has no other intentions, but the senior has quite a bit of insight on this, probably he has already borrowed it."

"Do you know that this supernatural power is the secret of our Great Leiguang Temple. Only those disciples who have been through the heart for at least three times to practice the magic way are eligible to practice, otherwise there will be endless troubles," Pudian said earnestly.

"Thank you senior for reminding me," Yi Tian replied with arched hands.

"It looks like you're still obsessed and want to continue?" Puzzled.

"Senior seems to have practiced this technique before, so I have a lot of doubts about this supernatural power, so I would like to ask you to give me some advice." Life and death must be taken.

As I was talking, a voice suddenly came from my ear: "If you find the boy, come out early, and Junior Brother Putian also come together."

Guessing it was the voice transmission performed by the monk Puxin on duty at the main entrance, Yi Tian didn't dare to delay and hurried towards the entrance.

With a slight movement of his mind, he noticed that Pu Dian was slowly following behind him. What was interesting was that after he walked a few steps, Pu Dian just took a step with his legs, and the distance between the two of them was not widened at all.

Xin Dao said that this person is a wonderful person, and he should ask for advice when he has the opportunity.

After returning to Puxin at the door, Yi Tiancai handed over the jade slip in his hand and said respectfully: "This is the supernatural power. Please ask the senior to engrave a copy. The junior is very grateful."

After taking it, Puxin glanced over his eyes, and a look of surprise inadvertently appeared in his eyes, and then he said in a deep voice: "This jade slip has long been listed as the three taboo supernatural powers of our sect, and practitioners must pass through it." Only those who have practiced the magic way at least three times can borrow it."

This is exactly the same as Pu Dian said just now, but Yi Tian reached out and handed over the jade token in his hand and said, "Senior, please check it first."

After Pu Xin took the jade card, he reached in with his divine sense and quickly read it. After three breaths, he reached out and took out a blank jade slip, opened the jade book of "One Thought Buddha Demon", and quickly engraved it.

After a while, he handed over the engraved jade slip and said, "Nephew Yi is good at learning, if necessary, you can ask Putian anytime."

(End of this chapter)

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