
Chapter 1291

Chapter 1291
20 years later, in the air somewhere in the Buddhist world, Yi Tian followed Putian and the two flew straight towards the gate of the world. This time, their goal was the world of thousands of demons.For a period of time before, Yi Tian stayed in the Daleiguang Temple to comprehend the supernatural powers and mysteries of the 'one-remembered Buddha'.

After merging the power of the magic source, Yi Tian found that he could easily disguise himself as a demon monk, but this was only in terms of breath and origin.But in terms of body appearance, it still maintains the original appearance, at most, the skin is dark golden, and then several blood-colored runes emerge.

As for the demonized state after cultivating the Buddha Demon like Putian has the basic characteristics of the Demon Race, these are characteristics that Yi Tian does not possess.

If Yi Tian and Putian infiltrate the demon world at the same time, I am afraid that he will be the first to be seen through.Wu himself doesn't even have the most basic demon form, so he looks like a heterogeneous member.

It took more than ten years of effort for Yi Tian to thoroughly understand the cultivation technique of Yi Nian Buddha Demon, and then after performing Demon Lianzhen, he added supernatural powers and secret techniques to transform his appearance into the form of a flaming demon.

Under such circumstances, even De Pudian was moved. In his words, his skills have reached the point where the fake ones can be confused with the real ones.At least in his opinion, it is almost the same as those flame prison demons in the demon world.

After master Bingming Huisheng, Yi Tiancai resolutely decided to start this trip to the devil world, with the purpose of finding the relics left in the devil world after the golden body of good thoughts of Master Jie Ding passed away.And my goal is to try to find the spirit seed that fell into the demon world.

What is unexpected is that Master Huisheng even appointed Putian to escort him to the Demon Realm this time.Although I don't know why there is such an arrangement, Yi Tian still has a bit of grudge in his heart, obviously he is worried about himself.

But since you are not at ease, why not set a tracking ban on yourself, but it will be more convenient.Along the way, flying hundreds of thousands of miles with Putian, Yi Tian always seemed to think about this matter.

But Putian, who was leading the way, didn't seem to care about this arrangement at all, and flew all the way for nearly several days.Although they talked about some topics from time to time during the period, they could also see the worries in Yi Tian's heart.

In the middle of the night, the two of them flew all the way and saw a gray gate of spiritual light thousands of miles away, Pu Dian called out in a deep voice: "Junior Brother Yi, we have arrived, and the destination is ahead."

Yi Tian swept his mind and found that the gray aura in the distance was the gate of the Taoist realm, but the evil spirit that was not from the demon world faintly leaked out of the gate.After careful inspection again, he replied: "Senior Brother Putian, it doesn't seem like the gate to the Demon Realm, the death energy coming out of it is more like the Netherworld."

"You're still sharp-eyed, kid. To be honest, we have to get to the Underworld to enter the Demon Realm," Putian said meaningfully, "You want two demons to return from the Buddha Realm to the Demon Realm in order to be seen by others?" In the future, [-]% of them will be treated as spies."

Looking back, this is also a reason. If I and Pu Dian passed through the gate of the realm in the appearance of a demon, it is difficult to guarantee that people will be suspicious, but it is not the case from the corpse world.

"Then shall we go to the Demon Realm immediately after we arrive at the Netherworld?" Yi Tian asked.

"No, although there are many demons in the demon world who will go to the corpse world, there are only a handful of them with the cultivation level of you and me," Pu Dian shook his head and said, "so we have to wait for the help from the demon world to enter the corpse world to repel the intruders." We will take advantage of the returning demons and go back together."

"An invading enemy?" Yi Tian wondered, "Could there be any hostile forces in the Netherworld?"

Pushen turned around, grinned and pointed in the direction of Daleiguang Temple, saying, "Isn't he a disciple of my Buddhist sect?"

This time, it was Yi Tian's turn to be speechless. It was such a big scene for him and Putian to mix into the Demon Realm. It required the entire Da Lei Guang Temple to send a monk soldier to the Yin Corpse Realm to cover himself.In this way, Master Huisheng also played a big game of chess, but he and Putian became the two crucial chess pieces hidden in the dark.

It's just that it's a bit too much to provoke the interface war with such fanfare. Thinking about the demons' invasion of the spirit world, it also made people miserable and lasted for nearly a thousand years before it barely ended.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian's forehead was deeply wrinkled and his face was hesitant to speak, but when Putian saw it, he laughed and said: "Young brother Yi, you think too much, the Buddhist world will send a The monks and soldiers went to the corpse world to save the undead, but each time they were only led by those monks who were in the state of integration. As for the Mahayana monks from the two worlds, they would use this to meet and talk about it to avoid participating in this matter."

"There is still such an operation," Yi Tian said in surprise: "Isn't that a big loss for the monks in the corpse world?"

"This is also a helpless move for me. Who said that the power of the corpse world is expanding too fast, but all the monks who died in the nine realms of the gods and spirits will be stolen by them and refined into corpse generals, corpse kings," Pu Dian shrugged. Resignedly said: "Their expansion of their power too quickly will gradually put pressure on the rest of the world, so I, a monk in the Buddhist world, will regularly go to save them."

It turned out that Yi Tian laughed after hearing this, "I'm afraid the transcendence that senior brother said has touched the foundation of their cultivation for the monks in the corpse world."

"That's right, these monks in the world of Yin corpses are very precious to their refining corpses, and some refining corpses are their relatives or ancestors." It will arouse the boycott of the monks in the entire Netherworld."

"It's a pity that because of the natural restraint of the exercises, and the intentional indulgence of the unknown by the monks of the Mahayana period, the world of the underworld is bound to retreat steadily in the early stage," Yi Tian continued.

"That's natural, you should take it as a deliberate suppression. When the battle situation reaches a certain level, the corpse world will try to find demon reinforcements for help, and then a large number of demons will swarm in from the gate," Putian said so.

"At that time, the Buddhist sect's strength must be tightened on purpose, and then retreat back to the Buddhist world step by step. It is still the best policy to maintain the balance of forces at the interface," Yi Tianxi asked.

"That's natural, and the monks in the corpse world are not good birds. The corpses left on the battlefield, whether they are Buddhist disciples or demon monks, are all collected to replenish their power," Pu Dian said disdainfully.

"Wouldn't the demon reinforcements protest this? After all, such a hard work still consumes a lot of strength and can't get any benefits," Yi Tian said puzzled.

"Who says it's not good, those demons are not good, how can they make a move," Putian snorted coldly: "The demon world is originally respected by strength, but it is not in a state of disorder. Among them, the eight demon kings are all at the fusion stage. The demon god is a Mahayana monk, but he has been in a deep sleep for thousands of years and no one dares to harass him. The following forces are developing too fast and the eight demon kings also need to balance their forces, so there will be cross-border reinforcements."

(End of this chapter)

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