
Chapter 1292 Dispatched

Chapter 1292 Dispatched
After arriving at Jiemen, Yi Tian found out that there were disciples of Daleiguang Zen Temple who had been staying here for a long time. The head monk was about the same level as himself. . '

Later, under Putian's order, the remaining monks all flew hundreds of miles away to avoid it.Then Putian stretched out his hand and waved a forbidden barrier, covering the range of a hundred feet with the one-foot-high boundary gate in front of him as the center point.After doing this, he turned around and said, "Junior Brother Yi, let's change our identities before going in, so that it won't be easy for people to see the clues when we arrive in the corpse world."

Yi Tian can't deny this, if a Buddhist monk with Pudian's cultivation level goes to the Yin corpse world in a big way, he will definitely be targeted.And his identity as a spiritual cultivator is also the prey of those corpse cultivators.

Immediately nodded and replied: "Naturally, Senior Brother Putian followed suit. I don't know if we will end up together after crossing the boundary gate?"

"This is an unknown number, but it won't be too far apart, and it will probably be within a radius of ten thousand miles." Putian also said vaguely: "I used to go alone, but this time I took you with me. It's an unexpected variable."

Hearing his explanation, Yi Tian wasn't too frustrated. Anyway, with his own strength, as long as he doesn't provoke those monks under the corpse king, they may not be his opponents in the corpse world.

Putian turned around and took out a jade slip and handed it to the monk on duty: "After I leave, I will hand this jade slip to the Arhat Hall of the Zongmen. Remember that this is not a sect's talisman and no one else can pass through it."

"Master, don't worry, I will fulfill my duties at this time," the disciple in charge replied.

Yi Tian was a little surprised. He didn't expect Pudian to have such concerns, but he asked directly because the scene was not good.Immediately moved his lips and whispered and asked: "Why did you say that, senior brother? Is there someone else who can't use it here?"

"It's not a concern, it's just that I have a vague premonition in my heart recently. This trip will not be smooth sailing, and there will be many variables," Putian sighed.

After listening to Yi Tian, ​​he didn't say much. The perception of a monk in the fit period like Putian is far beyond his own.At the same time, he has a lot of confidence in his insight into luck, so it is natural for him to say that there are variables.

But now the arrow is on the string and has to be fired. Both of them have reached the gate of the boundary, so they can't retreat again.After the hands were sealed, the spiritual power of the whole person was quickly restrained, and then a dark golden flame flashed on the forehead to wrap itself, and after the flame faded, the real body of magic refinement appeared.

At this time, Yi Tian appeared in front of the two of them in a completely fiery demonic form, and even the left-behind monk who was on the side looked shocked and couldn't say anything.

Putian on the side also changed his appearance into the appearance of a one-horned demon, then reached out and took out two Mo Yu cards, took out one of them and handed it to Yi Tiandao: "Hold the jade card, in case you get lost, you can activate the location of the other party .”

"How far is the range?" Yi Tian took his hand and looked at it.

"It's almost three to five thousand miles away, and there's no way to go any farther," Putian replied.

Putting away the jade tablet, Yi Tian nodded and replied, "Let's go, I shouldn't stay here."

"Okay," Putian said, and then his figure flashed into the boundary gate in front of him.After Yi Tian saw it, he was not far behind and flew in after him.

After the gray halo in front of him dissipated, he came to the passage of Jiemen, Yi Tian suddenly found that Putian had flown far away and left himself behind.

Knowing that the situation in the passageway of the gate is beyond his control, Yi Tian has no choice but to use escapism to fly forward.

After a while, he could feel the oppressive force coming from all directions between the interfaces, his face moved slightly, and the red magic fire all over his body instantly wrapped his body and accelerated towards the exit of the passage.

Looking up at this moment, Putian had almost reached the exit, and his figure disappeared in front of him not long after.

Little did they know that half a day after the two of them entered the boundary gate, another Tantric monk flew over from the original gray boundary gate, threatening to use the boundary gate to go to the underworld.

A group of monks from the Daleiguang Temple stopped him and were about to check the passing token, but this person took out a token from the Daleiguang Temple to force the surrounding monks to let him pass.

If Yi Tian was here, he would naturally recognize that the person in front of him was the real body of the great disciple of the Hunshi Evil Buddha that he saw in the Fallen Land back then.It's just that at this time, he is completely like an eminent monk who has attained Taoism in the late stage of his avatar, and the evil spirit on his body has been completely restrained and not exposed at all.

After he flew into the passage, the disciples guarding the gate knew that the situation had changed, and hurriedly deployed formations to seal off the thousand-mile range around the gate, while the leader hurriedly rushed towards the Daleiguang Temple with a jade slip in his hand. I can only ask the person in charge of the temple to report back and then make a decision.

At this time, Yi Tian had no idea that his mortal enemy had followed him, and now he was trying hard to fly towards the exit of a boundary gate.I just feel that the tearing force of the surrounding interface is getting bigger and bigger, and his own spiritual energy consumption is also constantly being consumed. Yi Tian dare not stay in the interface channel any longer.After urging the escape with all his strength, he flew towards the exit of the light gate not far in front of him. After half a moment, he jumped out of it with a 'whoosh' sound and suddenly felt an unusually piercing wind blowing towards him.

Under the secret joy in his heart, he said to himself: "It's the corpse world, and the spiritual power mixed in it makes me feel extremely uncomfortable."

After adjusting his figure in the air, he looked back and saw that the gate behind him had been closed. It seemed that this was a one-way exit of the gate.

Ignoring so much, I reached out to take out the Moyu card and injected spiritual power to activate it, but later found that there was no reaction at all.His face darkened and he secretly thought that something was wrong, this time he didn't expect to be separated from Pu Dian as soon as he arrived in the Underworld.

If things go on like this, we can only leave this place and go to a nearby stronghold to inquire about the situation in the Netherworld before making any plans.

Restraining the magic fire on his body, Yi Tian took out a few pills, put them in his mouth, knocked them down, and quickly melted them away.After replenishing [-]% to [-]% of the spiritual power, he chose a direction to use Fengleidun to fly forward.

At first glance, I saw that the wind and thunder escape technique on my body turned into a blood-red magic thunder, and I secretly thought it was strange, but I couldn't help thinking that now that I have integrated the power of the magic source, even the tricks of the kung fu have changed after showing the magic .

In this way, it saves a lot of effort to practice other magical powers to cover up one's identity.Thinking of this, it suddenly stopped in mid-air, and after opening its divine sense, it checked that there was no living person within two thousand miles around.Then he took out the Taiyuan sword to infuse spiritual power, and then swung it over his hand to cast Yaoling Huaqian.

I saw the domineering red sword light flying out, gathering in the air to form threads, and gently slashing across the ground below, a bloody trace five inches wide and several miles long appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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