
Chapter 1293

Chapter 1293
After arriving in the Nether Corpse Realm, Yi Tiancai realized that he hadn't done his homework in advance, and flew tens of thousands of miles east from the one-way gate, but he couldn't find any place where people appeared.

After looking down, I only found that there was a barren land under my feet, not to mention people, and I had never seen even high-level monsters.

In desperation, he had no choice but to find a deserted place to dig a cave for the time being, and set up a maze of restrictions before he got in.

Now that I am not familiar with the place of life, I still adjust my state first before going out, sitting cross-legged in the cave, taking out the pill to replenish spiritual power, and slowly working to dissolve it.At the same time, I was thinking about where to go in the next part.

After resting in the cave for several days in a row, at noon one day, suddenly, with a movement of spiritual thoughts, it seemed that there were several spiritual fluctuations coming from three thousand miles away.Overjoyed in his heart, he also showed a long-lost smile on his face. After coming to the world of corpses, he finally met a few living people.

After quickly standing up from the ground, an afterimage was left on the spot, but the deity burst out of the cave with a teleportation, and directly hid in the mist.

It didn't take long for four streaks of light to fly from the sky, almost all of them were at the stage of transforming gods.It's just that after scanning Yi Tian's divine sense, he found that it seemed that the leader was a demon monk, but there were three corpse monks chasing after him a hundred miles away.

I wondered in my heart and said to myself: "It's not that the Netherworld and the Demon Realm are all alliances, how could they become hostile, it seems that there must be something strange here.

Just as I was thinking about it, suddenly the demon monk in front flew to the sky not far above his cave, and after confirming it, he showed surprise on his face and shouted: "Please show up to the fellow Taoists below, we all It is the demons who should stand by and help each other."

Standing in the trapped formation, Yi Tian's face remained unchanged, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he looked at the demon in the sky with disdain, and found that he was also a monk of the flame prison demon.However, the demons are cunning and cruel by nature, and if they are aggressive, they will never ask for help if they are pretentious.

After looking at it for a while, Yi Tian's figure slowly turned into a transparent shape and disappeared in the mist after three breaths.

The demon cultivator had no effect after seeing the call. He turned his head to look at the pursuers behind him, and immediately gritted his teeth and fell directly into the fog formation below. The figure disappeared into the white mist within a few breaths.

The short distance of a hundred miles is only a blink of an eye, and the three corpse repairers rushed to look around.I saw that the area within a radius of three hundred miles in front of me was covered by a layer of thick white fog, and such a vision would definitely not appear in the normal wasteland boundary at noon.

Needless to say, it must be said that the following is not worth the formation, and the prey of the three seems to want to rely on the formation to get rid of the pursuit.

After the three of them discussed in the sky, some of them summoned a flying white-haired corpse, and then manipulated one of them to get down.

The other person suddenly exuded a strong evil spirit of the corpse, and the whole person instantly turned into a corpse and fell down.

As for the last person, it seems that they agreed to sweep the formation for the two of them above, summoned a green-haired beast and stopped in the sky to prevent the demon monk from rushing out.

In ten breaths, Yi Tian has seen several kinds of exercises in this world of corpses. He only learned from the literature that monks in the world of corpses refine human corpses, sacrifice animal corpses, and escape into corpses by themselves. It is said that the situation of refining his own body into a zombie.Now I have seen all of them, but I don't know why these three people chased a demon from the flame prison, maybe they wanted to refine it into a demon corpse.

I was wondering and suddenly I heard the pursuer in the sky laughing and shouting loudly: "Little Yanliu, don't do unnecessary struggle anymore, just come out obediently and catch you, maybe I will be merciful and take your demon body and let you go." The true spirit let you escape into reincarnation."

It turned out that they really had their sights on the body of the flame prison demon clan, and Yi Tian also showed contempt on his face after hearing this.From the bottom of my heart, I really hate this group of corpse cultivators, and I will not let go of any race that can be sacrificed to refine corpses.

Presumably the demon race's rush to help is helpless. If Buddhist monks are really allowed to completely purify the underworld, there will inevitably be a buffer zone missing.

But these corpse repairs are also double-faced and treacherous, even if they help, they are still remembered by others.

Thinking about it, it is the principle of choosing the lesser of two evils. Facing the invasion of the Buddha sect, the demon kings of the demon clan still chose to support the underworld. If things go on like this, it will fuel their arrogance, and in turn will hit the demon clan body.

Several spiritual pressure fluctuations suddenly erupted in the haze of mist, followed by fire lights of different colors.Yi Tian was lurking above the sky and could see the situation clearly. His fog formation just trapped the flame prison demon clan.

On the contrary, the two corpse repairers seemed to be completely unaffected by the maze, and they quickly found the location of the flame prison demon clan in the big formation as if they were in no one's land, and joined hands to attack.

Yi Tian saw clearly and knew that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that can be broken one by one.After sacrificing the Taiyuan sword in his hand, he unleashed the magic flame sword thread and immediately covered the corpse cultivators who were sweeping outside from top to bottom.

With the sword in hand, the corpse repairer and the green-capped beast beside him were slashed by thousands of sword threads falling from the top of their heads. Even the corpse pill and Yuanying were cut into pieces before they could escape, and fell powerlessly from the air. up.

The sudden change caused the three people who entered the trapped formation to stop immediately.Then he hurriedly flew away and wanted to leave the trapped formation first before making plans.

Naturally, Yi Tian would not let them succeed so easily, turned his left palm over, took out a palm-sized formation plate offering, poured spiritual power into his hand, and said: "Sleepy".

The fog array below was immediately covered with a white film of light, trapping the three people inside.

Half a moment later, a node suddenly arched, and then a corpse aura soaring to the sky burst out.After the stream of corpses flowed out, a pitch-black figure jumped out of it, and was about to flee in the direction of where he came and went.

Countless streaks of red flames flashed from behind him, hitting the dead body in the middle.No matter how hard his body was with the art of combining human and corpse, he was burnt to death in less than half a moment under the scorching flames of the flame hell.

This time, those who stayed in the formation didn't know that they ran into high-level monks, and the two corpse repairers were dealt with without even a single move to resist.

The third person in the formation shouted: "Senior, what kind of a hero is he who hides his head and shows his tail? This is the Nether Corpse Realm. We are here to find a candidate for refining the corpse for the new wife and concubine of the Blood Corpse Patriarch. Don't you, Senior, be afraid of offending my family?" Grandfather?"

A cold snort echoed in the air and a thunderous echo sounded: "Are I, the demons in purgatory, afraid of your bloody corpse? What a joke."

"It turns out that senior is the Young Master of the Flame Prison, I'm disrespectful, this junior is leaving now and I ask senior to appease my anger." After the voice came out, a ray of light forcibly broke the barrier of the formation, and flew away into the distance.

Yi Tian sneered a few times, stretched out his hand and pointed, and then a fire broke out in the air, surrounded the escape light, and ignited it directly.

(End of this chapter)

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