
Chapter 1298 Siege

Chapter 1298 Siege
Yinfeng Mountain fetching water did not expect things to wake up so smoothly, Yi Tian hid aside and looked at the few cultivators who turned artifacts on the field, then took out a jade bottle next to the water eye and waited to receive the water.

Not long after, the sky suddenly changed and an unknown wind blew away the gray air that had originally covered the moonlight. The moonlight shone down from the sky again. Half a moment later, there was a sharp howl in the distance.

Immediately, the Blood Corpse Guard who had originally sacrificed the moonlight phantom was suddenly torn off from the air by a huge suction force.Then came several screams.

Needless to say, cheating the skeleton will definitely annoy the opponent, and there is too much difference in strength, and there is no power to fight back under one blow.

At this time, the moonlight in the sky once again shone faintly. After the skeleton in the distance finished dealing with the matter in hand, it turned around and rushed back aggressively.

No one arrived, but the soaring anger on his body turned into a black whirlwind whizzing across the mountains, leaving behind a foul smell.

In a blink of an eye, Yi Tian's mind swept across the formation, as if the first stream of spring water flowed out of the eyes of the water.Immediately afterwards, the other four water eyes also burst out the extreme yin true water one after another.

However, it seemed that the few cultivators who were collecting water there were also terrified. They heard the sound of wind behind them, and they had no time to put away the jade bottles in their hands and hurried back.

The five jade bottles have only just begun to receive water, and the one with the most is less than one-third full, so even if it is taken back, it will be useless.

A black wind flashed through the air and returned to the center of the pool. After the black wind faded, an extremely irritable skeleton froze.I saw him stepping forward to look at the five water bottles in front of him, raised his head and howled again.

The spiritual pressure rose from his body and dispersed in all directions. The corpse aura contained in the fluctuation swept around and left black spiritual power deposits on the rocks.The surrounding trees became alive and rotted immediately after being swept by the black air.

Under the hot trick, those people who had been hiding around were exposed in front of the skeleton.It's just that the skeleton in the middle turned his head and glanced at it, but didn't make a move. Instead, he strode towards the five jade bottles in front of him.

Later, I saw him reaching out his hand to take a black jade bottle full of extreme Yin true water, put it directly to his mouth and drank it in big gulps.

Originally, there were only five bottles, but now the monks in the distraction stage couldn't sit still after being drank directly by the skeleton.Before he could make another shot, suddenly a red flame flashed from one side, and then two figures flew out from left to right and attacked the skeleton zombie.

Needless to say, it must have been Yanlong, the Shaojun of the Flame Prison. There were a total of five distracted monks present, and his side accounted for about half.If you don't do anything at this time, I'm afraid the other two people won't be stupid enough to be the first bird.

But after someone made a move, the fuse was naturally lit, and the scene became lively in an instant.Not to be outdone, Yi Tian and the demon clan in the distracted stage hurriedly sacrificed their spiritual weapons and greeted the skeleton in the middle.As for the last monk of the alien race, he breathed a sigh of relief and made a move, but the extreme sun's true energy was hidden between the tricks, and it seemed that he had an attribute restraint on the skeleton.

After the five spells were released from four directions at the same time, they almost hit the skeleton standing in the middle at the same time, but after a gray aura flashed, his momentum suddenly rose to the stage of integration. All the spells are blocked by a foot away.

Yi Tian's eyelids trembled, and his heart was in a bad mood. If he really met the corpse king in the fit period, he would turn around and leave immediately without saying a word.In a blink of an eye, the monks who shot around seemed to have similar doubts on their faces.

On the contrary, Yanlong who took the lead shouted excitedly: "Everyone, haven't you noticed that the strength of this skeleton's predecessor is indeed at the fusion stage, but it's a pity that it's difficult to display its full strength if it's incomplete. If there is a chance, are you all going to waste this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?"

The words seemed to hit the minds of the people present, and then the monk of the foreign race made a decisive move.And Yanlong also stretched out his hand to take out a token to sacrifice, and then summoned a flame python from the token.

Seeing that everyone started to fight, Yi Tian also unambiguously took out the Taiyuan sword, sacrificed it, turned into thousands of sword threads, and greeted the skeleton zombie.

"Bang bang bang" sounded several times, shaking the altar at the bottom of the lake so that it seemed to be about to collapse.But the skeleton didn't seem to care at all. He reached out and took out a spear from the black coffin, waved it in his hand, and then released several black corpse breaths to sweep around.

The black corpse aura contained a large amount of toxins, and all the rocks and trees encountered were corroded on the spot, and its power was even better than the black wind brought out by him just now.

When Yi Tian saw it, his figure jumped into the air to avoid the powerful blow, and when he looked back at the other people, they all had bad expressions and were forced to dodge.

The rest of the cultivators at the transformation stage all pushed away one after another, this place is no longer something they can deal with at this level.On the other hand, the Blood Corpse Guards brought by Cui Zhenzhen gathered together. Although one was broken just now, it seems that they still have ideas.

I saw that Xue Lianshou took out several imperial corpse bags and handed them to the three people around him respectively. The four of them summoned four flying zombies at the same time, and then four black lights flashed towards the middle finger, and then they fell down one after another. Grab those four jade bottles.

"I dare to fish in troubled waters," said Yanlong.Just now, the five of them didn't do their best. Now that Xue Lian's hands have thrown a bar horizontally to disrupt the situation, it seems that they are going to do everything in one go. How can we not let Yanlong get frustrated.

He stretched out his hand and pointed at the token for a few times, and after receiving the command, the flame python divided into nine parts in the air, revealing nine heads.

Then dreamily flew towards Skull Zombie, and after three breaths, spread out in all directions, bypassed Skeleton Zombie, and rolled towards the two jade bottles on the ground in a blink of an eye.

On the other side, the monster race and foreign monks did not show any weakness, so they simply abandoned the skeletons and flexed their supernatural powers to snatch the jade bottle on the ground.

The skeleton's strength is not weak, but it's a pity that two fists are no match for four hands. In terms of strength, it definitely has the upper hand.It's a pity that none of his opponents wanted to continue the stalemate, and the skeleton seemed unable to leave the ground and fly into the air. This is a fact that everyone can see but is not afraid of not telling.

After the howling sounded again, the other party raised his spear and waved it with all his strength, leaving behind two flying zombies in an instant.But the remaining two propped up their companions to delay the skeleton's stiff gap, forced their way in, reached out to take a jade bottle, put the cap on it, and then pulled it back.

"Zrazla" counted to the sound and saw that one of the flying zombies was stopped by a gray figure shortly after flying into the air, and then his body was split open to reveal the figure of the demon cultivator.

As for Yanlong, he controlled the Yan Mang in the token to roll up the other two bottles and then withdrew them directly. At the same time, the other seven heads of the Yan Mang rolled over and rushed towards the position of Xue Lian Shou and the others, so that he hurriedly manipulated the bottle. The flying zombies back on defense.

At this time, Yi Tian, ​​who was waiting on the sidelines, suddenly showed his spiritual power and drew thousands of sword threads with his hand.But the direction was toward the blood corpse guard next to Cui Zhenzhen, and it exploded into a hornet's nest after one breath.Suddenly, the figure hijacked the real princess and flashed aside.

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(End of this chapter)

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