
Chapter 1299 Communication

Chapter 1299 Communication
Under the fierce water fetching battle in Yinfeng Mountain, no one expected that the distracted monk Yan Yan, who was originally involved in the siege, hijacked the Blood Corpse King's "true princess" and ran away.

The monks in the distraction period around them were only slightly stunned for a moment, and then realized that this matter had nothing to do with them, so they let it go.

If the monks in the distraction stage didn't make a move to stop him, no one could stop him. On the contrary, the blood-trained hand on the side saw something bad and shouted loudly: "You thief dare to kidnap the real princess, hand over the hostage quickly, or I will The Blood Refining Dynasty will never end with you."

It is said to be hijacking, but it seems that the real princess has no intention of resisting at all, and people with discerning eyes seem to have discussed it beforehand.

Yi Tian put his arms around Cui Zhenzhen's waist, turned his head and stretched out his hand to draw a red flame towards the position where the blood refining hand was.Such a blow seemed to be an understatement, but the four blood guards at the transformation stage did not dare to take it hard.

Xuelianshou's complexion was even paler, and then his hands were sealed, causing the flying zombie to give up the jade bottle in his hand and return to the front to defend.He saw clearly that the hot move in front of him was obviously intended to kill people and silence him, and at this moment, he didn't care about Jiyin Zhenshui or saving his life first.

The red sword light split into four parts in the air and rolled towards the four blood corpse guards respectively. The other three also had serious expressions and fought back with their strongest moves.

It is meaningless to dodge the ultimate moves of high-ranking monks, and only by force can there be life. With the sound of "Ziz", the red sword light flashed across the other three blood corpse guards and disappeared into them instantly.

Within a short breath, several red lines appeared on the bodies of the three of them, and the bodies of corpses that had been tempered and refined were directly opened.Among them, only one of the Nascent Souls escaped, and the other two were cut into pieces before they even had time to escape.

On the other hand, Xuelianshou relied on the flying zombies and body protection spirit weapon in front of him to forcibly withstand the incoming sword light, and then he could only watch helplessly as Yi Tian took the 'real princess' hostage and escaped on the spot.

As for the rest of the monks in the distraction period, they were unwilling to mix with the muddy water. They took over the black jade bottle containing the extremely yin true water and retreated in a hurry.

The entire process of water fetching lasted less than half a quarter of an hour, and then suddenly there were bursts of roaring sounds from the bottom of the surrounding pools, and then a lot of pool water began to overflow from the bottom.Seeing the situation, the skeleton had no choice but to return to the black jade coffin and fell into a deep sleep again.

At this time, Yi Tian took Cui Zhenzhen all the way to the west and flew towards the depths of Congshan County to find a deserted place, quickly took out a trap and surrounded it for a hundred miles.Then he reached out to dig out a temporary cave and hid in it with Cui Zhenzhen.

After entering the inner room and waiting for the two to sit down, Yi Tiancai slowly took off the mask, took off the cloak on his body, and revealed the face of the demonized real body.

Cui Zhenzhen looked at it carefully before he was surprised: "I haven't seen you for hundreds of years, why did you switch to the magic way?"

With a faint smile, the flame prison devil energy on Yi Tian's body converged, and then he slowly revealed his true spiritual body, and then said: "This is my real face, fellow Daoist Cui should still remember."

Cui Zhenzhen sized him up before showing a determined smile on his face and said: "I didn't expect that the boy in the past is now in the distraction stage. How can I be so embarrassing as a concubine."

"I just had some chances. After I came to the spirit world, I entered the gate wall of the Taiqing Pavilion, so I have this achievement." Yi Tian didn't want to get too entangled in this issue for fear of hurting the other party's self-esteem. From what she said It is not difficult to see the meaning of thick sour vinegar mixed in it.

On the contrary, when Cui Zhenzhen ascended to the world of corpses, he was already at the level of the early stage of transformation, but after five or six hundred years, he didn't make any progress at all.Although the lifespan of corpse repair is longer than that of spiritual repair, it can't afford the unnecessary consumption.

After thinking for a while, Yi Tiancai asked, "How did you become the concubine of the Blood Corpse King, and it seems that those blood corpse guards treat you like a prisoner, without any respect at all."

"What is the real princess? It's just a lie to outsiders. My real identity is the backup of the blood corpse king." Cui Zhenzhen said with a resentful face: "I think the blood corpse king can survive the various purification battles to this day." Not relying on this method."

It turned out that it was no wonder that there were so many blood corpse guards around her. It turned out that they were afraid that she would run away.Cui Zhenzhen took out a black jade bottle and put it in front of him, then said: "Fortunately, I made the right bet this time. I heard your voice and guessed that I should not die this time."

Yi Tian glanced at the words written on the ink jade bottle, and smiled helplessly: "I should understand that you have clearly engraved the words 'Take me away' on the bottle like this, but in this way, I have become a bloody person." The corpse king is chasing after him."

"I know that, but you always seem to have a way out of danger, I think it's right to follow you and you must have a way to help me remove the blood corpse king's tracking mark," Cui Zhenzhen asserted.

"You still have a tracking mark on your body, why didn't you say it earlier," Yi Tian suddenly felt cold sweat dripping down his back, if he was caught by a monk in the fit period, he would definitely not be able to stay in this world.

Looking at Cui Zhenzhen in front of him as if he didn't take it seriously at all, Yi Tian said with a serious face: "Hurry up and deal with this matter first, maybe now the Blood Corpse King has traced our whereabouts through the mark on your body .”

On the other hand, Cui Zhenzhen covered his mouth with a smile and said, "When will our Sect Master Lihuo become so worried and frightened? The tracking mark has been wrapped up by me and can't work for the time being. It will scare you."

"I came to the Netherworld this time just as an excuse, and the main purpose is to go to the Demon Realm, so try not to make any sensational events in this world so as not to disrupt the plan," Yi Tian explained.

"Isn't it just trying to get away with the arrival of demon reinforcements? I can guess this," Cui Zhenzhen said disdainfully.

"In this case, do you have any good suggestions?" Yi Tian asked back.

"You help me unlock the tracking mark first," Cui Zhenzhen said with a blushing face.

"Just solve it, just show me where the imprint is." Yi Tian's face changed slightly, not knowing what kind of medicine she was selling in the gourd, and he was shy.

After hearing this, Cui Zhenzhen nodded slightly, and then said in a soft voice: "You have to take pity on my family, I put all my wealth on you."

After speaking, he sat up cross-legged, then stretched out his hand to pat the Tianling Cap, and a red aura flew out of it, circled a few times above his head, and then a two-inch-sized Nascent Soul spirit body appeared.

Although it is the spirit body of the Nascent Soul, the whole body is completely naked. In front of it, it is no wonder that Cui Zhenzhen would blush before.I saw her whispering softly: "The tracking mark of the Blood Refining Corpse King is on my Yuanying, but I haven't found the exact location, so now I have used a secret technique to maintain my cultivation at the early stage of transformation. That imprint will not corrode the Nascent Soul after my cultivation base is condensed."

"Although it is troublesome, it is not ineradicable," Yi Tian replied solemnly.

(End of this chapter)

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