
Chapter 1300 Assistance

Chapter 1300 Assistance
Just after Yi Tian took Cui Zhenzhen all the way to the wilderness, there was an uproar in the Blood Corpse City controlled by the Blood Corpse Patriarch.The news that the real princess was kidnapped by the monks of the demon clan immediately stirred up waves in the corpse world.

The original fragile alliance between the two clans was the product of the bondage of interests, until this incident became the fuse and instantly pushed the relationship between the two clans to the cusp.

It's just that the flame prison demons seem to neither admit nor deny the matter and let the situation develop, and they are constantly restraining the low-level demons under them to try not to go out and cause trouble.

And in Blood Corpse City, some monks at the stage of transforming spirits would yell a few times. As for the monks at the stage of distraction, they all kept silent and would rather turn a blind eye than get involved in this matter.After all, the truth may not be as Xuelianshou said, and many people who know the truth simply choose to retreat and ignore the matter.

At this time, Yi Tian stared at Cui Zhenzhen's Nascent Soul in the temporary cave, which was more than [-] miles away, as if he was thinking about something.Later, he asked in a deep voice: "It's really nothing at first glance, but the more it looks like this, the more suspicious it becomes."

"Then do you have any way to find out where the mark is?" Cui Zhenzhen asked anxiously.

After thinking for a while, Yi Tiancai replied: "Do you trust me?"

Cui Zhenzhen was taken aback when he saw himself showing unprecedented seriousness, and then Yuanying showed determination on his face and said: "Of course I can trust you. If you want to say that the person closest to me in this world is only you besides your master. Now The concubine handed over her entire body to you, so please take pity on me."

After hearing this, Yi Tian snorted coldly and said: "Okay, don't be coy anymore, I'm going to give your Nascent Soul a thorough inspection. You just need to keep your mind on it, and I will take care of the rest. "

"Hmph, these stinky men are all the same," Cui Zhenzhen blushed and said, "But you are an exception, I entrust my life to you, don't let me down."

After finishing speaking, Cui Zhenzhen's Nascent Soul spirit body slowly lay flat in the air, closed his eyes and stood up carefully.Yi Tian didn't hesitate, first he stretched out his hand and sacrificed a bit of spiritual power to hold her Nascent Soul body and seal it in the spiritual power.Then he took out the talisman pen and spirit ink to control and began to write vigorously on the stone walls around the cave.

After each formation pattern was marked on the stone wall, Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting in the middle with one-handed seal, shot several formulas at the surrounding pattern nodes, and immediately isolated this place from the outside world.

After preparing for the work, Yi Tiancai sacrificed his spiritual thoughts through the aura package and directly swept it on Cui Zhenzhen's Nascent Soul Spirit Body.Half a moment later, Yi Tian's face continued to show a thoughtful expression. Cui Zhenzhen was right. The Blood Corpse Patriarch really did something on her Nascent Soul, and there were more than one place. Then he took out the talisman and placed it on the bloody mark. They drew marks on each of them, and after finishing these, they stretched out their hands to wake Cui Zhenzhen up with a flick.

"How come there are as many as three bloody tracking marks?" After a while, Cui Zhenzhen Yuanying woke up and looked at the marks on his body and exclaimed in surprise: "Then what should I do?"

"Nothing is good, just do whatever you want," Yi Tian said disdainfully: "I'm just a little worried that the attributes of my exercises are not in line with yours, and I'm afraid that removing those three scarlet marks will hurt you. Nascent Soul caused indelible damage."

"Sovereign Yi is still thinking about this concubine at this time, so the slave family is very grateful," Cui Zhenzhen Yuanying said: "But these bloody marks will not make the slave family restless, and I hope that the master Yi will act on the basis of past affection. Let's help each other, I will carry it to the death even if my cultivation falls to the next level."

"Okay then, but I have another way now, would you like to listen to it?" Yi Tian waved his hand as a gesture.

"Since you have a pre-plan in your heart, the slave family is also wishing for it, let's talk about it," Cui Zhenzhen said eagerly.

"You should have practiced the Heavenly Capital Corpse Fire in the Corpse Dao Kung Fu. Based on this kung fu, I can inject the sunflower yin real fire into your Nascent Soul with Cui Wang's original kung fu, and then use this fire to imprint the blood color on your body." Get rid of it," Yi Tian explained.

"Will borrowing your exercises in this way damage my Nascent Soul?" Cui Zhenzhen said with a sigh.

"There is no damage, and after you succeed, you can temper your Nascent Soul Spirit Body again. It's just that the pain of the burning corpse is definitely hard to bear. Once you make a move, you can't stop it. You have to think about it," Yi Tian replied. road.

Cui Zhenzhen Yuanying lowered his head and thought for a while, then looked at the three rune marks on his body, finally raised his head and said with determination in his eyes: "I decided to take a gamble, last time I ascended from Tianlan Continent alone The world is a narrow escape, now that you are by my side, what do you need to be afraid of?"

"Okay, since you have decided, let me start without further ado. Remember that you just need to be careful not to have any distracting thoughts during the process, otherwise I won't be able to wake you up even if the demon invades and pulls out the mark. "Yi Tian said solemnly.

"Come on, I'm ready. Ever since I entered the Yin corpse world and was captured by the blood corpse old devil, I have no power of autonomy. Today, I finally have a chance and will never give up," Cui Zhenzhen said after Yuan Sitting up cross-legged, the infant quickly made a seal with both hands, and then spit out a ball of white flames from his mouth, enveloping the spirit body of the Nascent Soul.

After Yi Tian saw it, he made a seal with his hands and lightly sacrificed a trace of blue flames on his fingertips, then stretched out his hand and flicked Cui Zhenzhen's Nascent Soul Spirit Body on the forehead.Then the two spirit fires were manipulated and began to merge rapidly, and after a while, a little blue light faintly appeared in the originally white corpse fire of Tiandu.

Seeing that the preparations were done, Yi Tian shouted, "I'm going to start pulling out the mark of the bloody corpse, you hold back." After finishing speaking, Cui Zhenzhen reacted and manipulated the corpse fire of Tiandu to walk in the spirit body of the Nascent Soul On the body, after reaching the position of the first mark, it suddenly attached to it, and the red blood mark left on the left wrist was directly burned and melted.

Cui Zhenzhen's eyes were swept away, but his eyes were tightly closed at this time, but there was a painful expression on his face, Yuan Ying's small mouth was bitten tightly, and he didn't even groan.

Next, Yi Tian manipulated Tiandu Corpse Fire again to forcibly dissolve the blood deeds on his right ankle and neck respectively.

After casting the spell, Cui Zhenzhen didn't let out a cry, until the final removal was completed, and then he slowly opened his eyes, looked at himself in surprise, and then said weakly: "Thank you, Zongzhu Yi, for your help. After this battle, I finally recovered. Liberty."

Yi Tian reached out and took out a bottle of Baihua honey wine, gently opened the bottle cap, took out a drop, and put it into Cui Zhenzhen's mouth.After she drank it, the vitality of the entire Nascent Soul's spirit body quickly recovered, and after taking the Tiandu Corpse Fire back into her mouth, the entire Nascent Soul's aura recovered even more than before.

I saw that she was not in a hurry to return to her body, and then flew forward and kissed Yi Tian's face lightly, and then slipped back into the Niwan palace on her forehead.

(End of this chapter)

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