
Chapter 1301

Chapter 1301
It was three years later that the temporary cave in the depths of the wilderness opened the ban on the entrance. After flying out, Yi Tian and Cui Zhenzhen stood still in the air and said goodbye to each other.

Cui Zhenzhen finally regained her freedom after pulling out the mark of the bloody corpse last time, and Yi Tian didn't hesitate to take out some of the treasures on her body and give them to her.In just three years, Cui Zhenzhen made up for the spiritual power that was lost when she got rid of the blood corpse mark, and not only that, she also improved a lot in her cultivation.

So far, after the two stayed in the temporary cave for a while, Yi Tian also tried to sneak into the demon army and wait for the opportunity to go to the demon world.Cui Zhenzhen naturally knew the seriousness of this matter, and immediately did not dare to have other extravagant hopes.

Before parting, she took out a jade slip and handed it to Yi Tiandao: "It records the details of the power under the name of the blood corpse old ghost, as well as the deployment of the source demon clan. I believe you will use it in the future."

After taking it, Yi Tian cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, this trip to the devil world is inevitable and I don't know how it will end." He reached out and took out a gold silk glove and gently sent it over, saying, "This It is refined by mixing Xuantian silk, and it is as thin as a cicada's wing when worn on the hand, which can be considered to be very compatible with your skills, so it is just right for you."

Cui Zhenzhen took the glove and put it on his right hand, only to see the golden thread slowly sinking into his hand until it disappeared. After a short rest, a strange smile appeared on his face and said: "I still like your appearance of spiritual cultivation, but the form of magic cultivation is also very handsome."

Yi Tian snorted, and then cupped his hands and said, "Well, don't meet again today if you have a fate," he turned around and flew towards the Blood Corpse City after speaking.

"Still so confused, but I still like you very much," Cui Zhenzhen turned his head and flew in the opposite direction after speaking.She can't avoid the Blood Corpse City now, so she can only run far away until she succeeds in cultivation and then try to come back to avenge this arrow.

After bidding farewell to Cui Zhenzhen, Yi Tian flew all the way in the air and collected all the flame spiritual power on his body, then took out the jade slip and began to read it carefully.

This time, the Blood Corpse Old Demon not only invited the flame prison demons to help him punch, but also invited the most powerful branch of the sky demons in the demon world.According to the description on this jade slip, it should be because the blood corpse old devil wanted to check and balance the power of the demon clan, so he made such a bad move.

Although this will offend the flame prison demons intentionally or unintentionally, it can also break their dominance.Originally, when I performed the Buddha Demon, I was disguising myself as the Demon Clan of the Flame Prison. Wouldn't it be possible to have an alternative plan in this way.

According to the Jade Slips, it is described that most of the members of the Heavenly Demon Clan have practiced the Heavenly Demon Transformation, but they do not know the relationship between the Heavenly Demon Transformation and the Heavenly Demon Sect in the lower realm.I was also fortunate to have seen the Heavenly Demon Transformation when I was in power in Tianlan Continent.Later, he went to the Tianmomen to obtain a complete set of exercises. Dugu Tianfeng, the master of the Tianmomen at that time, had to hand over the exercises due to his own deterrence, and at the same time, he also lost his promise to let him dominate the West forever. shortage.

Maybe he could try to change his identity and join the army of the Heavenly Demon Clan. Thinking of this, Yi Tian took out the Heavenly Demon Judgment and studied it carefully.

However, half a day later, an extremely serious look appeared on his face. According to the above records, he could not cultivate the skill of Heavenly Demon Transformation no matter what.Fortunately, it can use magic power to cultivate a vain appearance, but this can't resist the fact that it will show its original shape as soon as it is shot.

Although it is a bit tasteless, it can still be used as a bluff at certain times, or it can be said to sneak into the reinforcements of the Sky Demon Clan.

After thinking about it again and again, he still tried to evolve the exercises in his mind, then turned around and flew towards the Blood Corpse City.

I didn't show my true face during the last water fetching battle in Yinfeng Mountain, so I dressed up this time to put away all the flame magic power in my body, and then changed my clothes to dress up as a monk of a foreign race.

After flying thousands of miles away from the Blood Corpse City, the monk who restrained his breath and pretended to be a monk in the Nascent Soul Stage sneaked in from a side door of the Blood Corpse City.After arriving in the city, I realized that the corpse aura of the rubber zombie town is more intense here, and the hundreds of miles around the city lord's mansion are full of thick corpse aura.

But all those alien races gathered in the designated area in the south of the city, and the flame prison demons and sky demons that I learned before occupied the camps on the east and west sides of the blood corpse city.

Unexpectedly, the blood corpse old devil would arrange to put two demon clans who came to help him in his base camp at the same time, and he was not afraid that the two groups of people would meet and fight.

After walking around, I realized that there was an unwritten rule in Blood Corpse City. The monks from outside tried their best to kill their own blood corpse old devil and collect the corpses.

Of course, the collected corpses will naturally be refined into zombies for backup, so everyone knows that fighting here is tantamount to adding weight to the blood corpse old devil, and they can't fight the alien races in the city every day, so they can have a steady stream of corpses Take it for sacrifice.

Not long after, Yi Tian disguised himself as a foreign race and went directly to the foreign living area in the south of the city. After choosing the parents to rent a cave here, he stayed inside and waited quietly.

It was normal for the first one or two years, and it was not until the third year that Yi discovered that the situation in Blood Corpse City was different.The pills and spirit weapons on the market are starting to be in short supply, and it is obvious that someone is hoarding them in large quantities.

Apart from the local strength of Blood Corpse City, there are only two foreign demon clans that can have such strength here.And this time they seem to be the masters and fully prepared to fight a protracted war.

The number of foreign merchants who came and went gradually decreased, and many shops closed early or transferred their facades directly.

Yi Tian weighed in his mind that the time to purify the formation was imminent, and Latin men had already started to scatter on the street to fill the coalition forces.Yi Tian knew that it was about time for him to leave, otherwise it would not be a solution to be forced to enlist in the army after being spotted.

After completing the cave rental procedures, he walked straight out of the city from outside the temporary residence of the Tianmo clan.When the feasibility was not long, I suddenly saw that many Tianmo people were raising banners outside to recruit people into the army in order to fill their army.

Wu Du You Ou thought to herself, "Maybe this is really a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and I didn't know it."

After thinking about it, he walked slowly outside the camp of those Tianmo clansmen, only to see a few succubi fooling the alien race, and there were piles of magic stones as tall as a person on the ground.Those succubi claimed that anyone who entered the legion could get ten magic stones from them, and then they would get one piece of military salary every month. If they were outstanding on the battlefield, they would be rewarded for their merits.

There were quite a few aliens around who were eager to try it, Yi Tian didn't know the value of the magic stone, so he couldn't help but take a breath after inquiring about the value of the magic stone.These magic stones are all high-grade items brought from the devil world, and the market price is [-]:[-] compared with spirit stones. No wonder so many people are willing to sell them.

(End of this chapter)

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