
Chapter 1302 Relief

Chapter 1302 Relief
When Yi Tian was wondering whether to join the reserve army of the Heavenly Demon Race, suddenly there were several gray auras flying straight into the city from outside the city gate.

The Blood Corpse Guards in the surrounding city did not take any action to intercept them, but let them fly directly to the City Lord's Mansion at will.Immediately, those high-ranking cultivators of the Heavenly Demon Clan turned their faces and increased their enlistment remuneration by more than three times.But the people around are not fools at the moment. In this situation, something important happened, and the onlookers hurriedly dispersed.

Many casual cultivators of other races hurried out of the city, fearing that they would be implicated if they left too late.

Seeing this, Yi Tian just hurriedly followed the crowd out of the city gate, then flew high above the sky and hid himself first to observe.

Not long after, bells rang continuously in the entire blood corpse city, and at the same time, the four gates of the city were closed one after another, allowing only entry and no exit.

Four teams of Blood Corpse Guards flew out from the city lord's mansion, with about 30 people in each team.After flying to the fourth gate, these people directly took charge of the defense of the city gate, and then arranged teams of city guards to go door-to-door to recruit strong men, and incorporated those monks who were too late to leave the city into the city defense team.

Needless to say, it is likely that the army of the Buddhist world has already passed through the interface channel and came to this world. Although this is a matter of time, the sudden incident also caught the blood demon old monster by surprise.

At the same time, the support troops of the Flame Prison Demon Clan and the Sky Demon Clan in the city also rushed out to station in the satellite city three hundred miles away from the city.The three teams of men and horses began to build up fortifications in the shape of a character, relying on the large formation of the comprehension town.

Yi Tian knew that there were still many monks of the same level as himself, or there were also many monks in the integration period who participated in this battle.I had no choice but to dodge now, and wait for the opportunity to make plans after the battle of purification started.

After flying for three thousand miles, he found a deserted mountain and temporarily settled down. Then he took out the jade slip given by Cui Zhenzhen and read it carefully.

In the world of Yin corpses, only monks at the stage of integration can open up cities and build strongholds, as is the case with blood corpse old demons.As for the two cities nearby, they are about 30 miles away.But all of these areas are affected by the battle of purification, and every town will invite reinforcements from the demons.

Seeing this, Yi Tian was overjoyed. He thought that only here could he enter the army of the Flame Prison Demon Race.From this point of view, it would be safer for me to find the next family, after all, Yanlong, the young master of the flame prison demon clan here, had a feud with me.If you want to sneak into the Demon Realm from his subordinates, the risk will be greatly increased.

After thinking about it, he just gritted his teeth and put away the jade slip in his hand, hurriedly jumped into the air to choose a direction, and then flew towards a city called 'Evil Zombie Fort' 30 miles away.

With my own cultivation base, as long as I don't encounter obstacles, I can fly 30 miles in the void and pass by in just a few days.

Flying along the way, the places where people were seen below were in a hurry, and many local morticians rushed to the major cities and towns to seek shelter.And those casual cultivators hurriedly put aside their relationship with the corpse repair town and got together to seek self-protection.

However, there are also many monks from other races who took advantage of the chaos to rob those monks who made money.Of course, with one's own strength, few people would be able to detect it, even if people noticed that a little release of spiritual pressure fluctuations could frighten Xiaoxiao.

After a few days like this, almost two-thirds of the distance had been flown, and in his spiritual sense, he felt a violent spiritual pressure fluctuation coming from three thousand miles away.Needless to say, someone probably did it, and after careful inspection, it was found that two groups of cultivators who turned into artifacts were doing it.

In this way, I don't need to evade and fly straight ahead. Suddenly, with a movement of spiritual thoughts, it seems that a group of people have noticed that they are approaching at a high speed in this direction.

In less than twenty breaths, Yi Tian saw three fiery red lights flying towards him in the distance, and the person in the lead locked his position and rushed up with the two behind him.As for the other group of people, they followed closely behind and found their whereabouts after a while.

Facing the people who came to disrupt the situation, the latter seemed to spread out without any fuss, trying to encircle them and catch them all in one go.

With a thought, Yi Tian realized that the people who spoiled him were three people from the flame prison demon clan, and the first one was a female demon monk.Wearing a set of dark golden armor all over her body, she shouted from a distance after seeing herself: "This fellow Taoist looks like he is also a member of my demon clan. Please see that I am also a demon concubine from the flame prison demon clan." Let's help each other out."

This time, Yi Tian had a thought. He didn't expect to meet someone from the Flame Prison Demon Clan at this time. He seemed to be an important person, and he had two guards by his side.

As for those monks from other races, they had already completed the encirclement and slowly closed it, narrowing the encirclement to a radius of fifty miles.

I originally thought that the demons would bully others wherever they went, but I didn't expect that they would actually fall into such a situation here, which is really disappointing.

Yi Tian took off his cloak to reveal his lineup and said with a serious face: "You claim to be a member of the flame prison demon clan, but I don't know what your identity is, I only know that this time the flame prison demon army is led by Yan Commander Long."

"Hey, it turns out that you are also a member of my Flame Prison Demon Clan. If that's the case, then you should simply belong to me," Concubine Yan was overjoyed after looking at it. At this time, Yi Tian just restrained the fluctuation of spiritual pressure and suppressed his cultivation base in Huashen Later look.

And the concubine Yan in front of her is the two attendants brought by the middle stage of the transformation of the gods, and they only have the initial cultivation base.As for the six alien monks who came up, most of them were in the middle and late stages.

Yi Tian swept his mind, shook his head and said helplessly: "I'm afraid that you are looking for the wrong person, Yi Tian. I have something important to do and I won't be able to stay for a long time." After finishing speaking, he pretended to leave.

Concubine Yan's face was shocked and she hurriedly shouted: "I was rude just now, and now I am surrounded by alien races. If you can help me escape, I am willing to give you the Balrog on my body."

After saying this, two attendants rushed forward and shouted: "Young master, no, this person is just a first-time acquaintance, so how can you entrust him so easily."

"If we don't do anything, we will die here today in all likelihood, and even if we don't die, we will become prisoners of others. If the king finds out, he will be furious and deny me this daughter," Yan Concubine explained: "At least The person in front of me is still a member of my flame prison demon clan, so it is not a violation of the ancestor's precepts."

"Bring something, I'll handle it as appropriate," Yi Tian said impatiently.

"Okay, but you have to swear by your demons to help us get out of here," Concubine Yan said relentlessly.

"Whispering is really troublesome, hurry up and be quick," Yi Tian felt that his patience had been worn out, so he took out the Taiyuan sword and waved it in his hand, and the sword light flew out and moved towards the two people behind him Aliens cut off.

The two beeps of '咔咒' will cut their defenses apart and cut off their flesh in two.At the same time, I secretly applauded myself for refining the Taiyuan sword during this period of time, and now it has become the Taiyuan Demon Sword in my hand, which complements the demonized deity.

"Cultivator in the distraction period," Concubine Yan swore in shock and hurriedly took out a token the size of a palm and sent it over.

(End of this chapter)

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