
Chapter 1303 Seizing Power

Chapter 1303 Seizing Power
Under the sudden change of situation on the scene, the faces of the monks trapped in the surroundings immediately changed drastically. The power of this move is enough to prove that the monks in front of them are definitely not something they can deal with together.

After a while, the remaining four hurriedly ventilated with each other, then turned their heads and fled in four directions.Yi Tian didn't chase after him in his eyes, but first harvested the spoils of the two behind him, then turned his head, reached out to catch the Balrog Token, and observed it carefully in his palm.

The front of this token is engraved with the mark of the flame prison demon clan, and the back is engraved with the words "Blaze Demon Order" in the language of the demon world.After reading it, Yi Tian put it away and turned around to look at the three concubines Yan in front of him.It seems that these three people are mainly Concubine Yan, but it is a bit interesting that this combination appeared here for no reason during the critical period of the purification battle.

After thinking for a while, Yi Tian said seriously: "The battle of the corpse world will start, what are you doing here if you don't join the army of Young Master Yan Prison?"

It seemed that these words hit Concubine Yan's mind, she hesitated a little and then said bravely: "Dare to ask senior's name?"

Looking at the other party's appearance, Yi Tian still told his real name, but Concubine Yan was surprised when she heard it, and said: "As far as I know, the monks in the distraction period among the flame prison demons don't have the title of seniors. , looking at the appearance of the senior, he does not look like a member of my royal family."

He secretly said in his heart: "Oops, I don't know much about the demon clan. If I continue to talk like this, I won't be able to guarantee that I won't give up." After a flash of light in his eyes, he said nonsense: "I am indeed not a member of the royal family. I have been practicing alone for many years. This is the first time I have seen a large army in the clan marching out, so I followed it to have a look."

After hearing this, Concubine Yan was obviously relieved, and then replied: "It's not that the junior is suspicious, but I have to be cautious when facing high-ranking monks. Please forgive me, senior."

"It's okay, the Balrog order is accepted for the time being, if you have other places to go, I won't stop you," Yi Tian said.

Concubine Yan's expression remained unchanged, but her eyes showed surprise, and then she calmed down and said: "Since the senior is also my flame prison demon clan, can you go with me to Ezombie Castle, where there is also an advance team of the clan."

"Oh, since our destination is the same, we can go together," Yi Tian replied with a nod.

Immediately after the four of them gathered together, they flew straight towards the direction of Ezo Fort. Along the way, Yi Tian found out whether Concubine Yan had to look at him secretly again, but her two subordinates were slightly wary of him.

Yi Tian didn't hesitate about this, and directly restrained the spiritual pressure fluctuations around his body and followed them.

After arriving at Ezombie Castle, Concubine Yan directly showed her identity token, then entered through the side door and came directly to the residence of the flame prison demon clan.

Presumably the news of the start of the purification battle had already reached here, and the flame prison demon clan garrison was in full swing.After entering with Concubine Yan, in the spiritual sense, I found that the leader staying here is a demon in the middle stage of transforming into a god, and he is sitting in the hall of the resident at this time.

Concubine Yan claimed to be from the royal family, but after the other party notified her early, there was no one to greet her, which seemed a bit inconsistent with her identity.

Yi Tian didn't look long-winded in his eyes, but he secretly thought about it in his heart. It seemed that the forces in the flame prison demon clan seemed to be divided into various factions, and what he met now was definitely the minority.

After entering the hall, I saw Concubine Yan stepping forward and shouting loudly: "Mr. Eqin has such a big air, my palace came to inspect the military situation, and you didn't come out to greet him, it seems to be a disservice to the emperor and ministers."

He looked up and glanced at the old flame prison demon in front of him. He looked like an old man, and he was definitely not a member of Concubine Yan.He clapped his hands together, and six Demon Race leaders at the early stage of Transformation came out from all around to surround the four people on the field again.

Out of the corner of Yi Tian's eyes, the escape route behind him was also cut off, and it seemed that he wanted to catch a turtle in the urn.On the contrary, Concubine Yan was confident and not afraid, she reached out and took out a token and said: "I am the third palace master of the flame prison demon clan, do you want to try the punishment of the family rules if you dare to commit the following offenses?"

As soon as this remark came out, five of the six demon generals in the four weeks had a look of hesitation in their eyes, and as for the villain in front of him, he said with a grinning smile: "I will not accept the orders of the generals abroad. Presumably the third palace lord is too." Come out to play secretly, Shaojun has already ordered you to be escorted back immediately after seeing you, I am acting according to the military order."

Concubine Yan's complexion changed a few times, and then she smiled and said: "My flame prison demon clan has always wanted to hear the royal order, Yanlong is just a relative, even though he bears the name of the flame prison young master, he is in the same family with me There are still quite a few differences, do you now only recognize the military order and not the clan?"

What he said was plausible, and the faces of the six demon generals on the spot also changed after hearing it, but because of the face of the manager in front of them, they had to show their heads.

"The Lord of the Three Palaces is such a powerful official, but don't forget that this expedition is led by a young army. The Flame Prison Demon Lord personally agreed before departure. If you leave now, I can pretend to be today. Nothing happened, this is my last concession," Eqin said impatiently.

After hearing this, Concubine Yan's expression changed suddenly. She came from an orthodox background but her cultivation level was not high, and she didn't gain any real power in the expeditionary army.Unhappy in his heart, he took two followers and sneaked out from the passage of the Demon Realm, hoping to find a partial master to seize power in the Netherworld.But what I didn't expect was that this matter didn't go as smoothly as expected. First, he was besieged by aliens, and then he encountered such a tough bone when he arrived at the division's resident.

The atmosphere on the scene was one of Concubine Ning Yan didn't go straight down, either to leave or stay, when suddenly a figure flashed by her side.The evil body in front of him was restrained in an instant, and it was Yi Tian who was standing behind him who shot.

The faces of the six famous demon generals on all four sides were shocked, and the strength of those who can instantly restrain the monks in the middle stage of transforming gods is known.

Yi Tian reached out and clicked a few times to seal the evil spirit's spiritual power, then threw it at Concubine Yan's feet and said, "Why are you talking so much nonsense with him, since you want to be in this position, you must know the truth of success , I hope you don't disappoint me."

After hearing this, Concubine Yan shook her whole body, her eyes flashed like she had made up her mind, and then she went to the depths and inserted her right hand directly into the head of Evil Qin, grabbed his devil baby, and then turned her palm to ignite a raging fire .

A burst of heart-piercing screams sounded exactly like Eqin's mournful cry, but Concubine Yan didn't intend to stop at all.It wasn't until all the magic babies were burned up that he breathed a sigh of relief. After looking around, he turned his eyes to the right position and walked up slowly.

After sitting down, he lightly opened his red lips and said, "This Palace has taken over the partial division of Ezang City today, if you six commanders have any objections, feel free to speak up."

Everyone present showed uncertain faces, and Shaoqing said: "His Royal Highness, the third princess, this is a seizure of power. How can you command partial divisions without the appointment of the young master?"

Before they finished speaking, they all choked back, and Yi Tian's figure flashed past again and caught him, sealed his spiritual power and threw him directly on the hall.After finishing these, he turned his head and said: "Since he is the authentic commander of the royal family, he is naturally a well-deserved commander. Now it is difficult for him to lead the partial division. Don't tell me you are still obstructing the royal family. You really don't care about the royal family."

 Thanks to Yang Jiaichiro for the monthly pass
(End of this chapter)

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