
Chapter 1304

Chapter 1304
The head coach of the Demon Clan in the Flame Prison of Evil Zombie City changed within a day, so such a big event can't be hidden from the city lord.Fortunately, Concubine Yan came forward to cooperate with the five demon generals to calm down the matter after a visit to the City Lord's Mansion.

Yi Tian suppressed those who had spoken out against those who had spoken out before the seizure of power, but Concubine Yan agreed with it afterwards.

And at that time, he directly showed the imperial seal and sent all the people in his hands down to take charge of the two battalions of soldiers.The original Sixth Battalion each recruited elite demons to form Concubine Yan's personal guard.

A few days later, Concubine Yan received an order to move out of the city and set up camp on Zengtou Mountain, fifty miles south of the city, to fight against the purification war together with Eizang City as horns.

This is what Yi Tian is most worried about. He just wanted to get in with the flame prison demon clan and withdraw back to the demon world together.I never thought that I would really meet the Buddhist monks and soldiers, but judging from this situation, maybe I would really be involved in the flames of war.

After Concubine Yan led the troops to occupy Zeng Toushan and arranged the formation, she excitedly invited herself to discuss the matter.For her, Yi Tian felt that although she was ambitious, her methods were not strong enough. If she hadn't acted decisively at that time, she might not have known what the situation would be.

And after such a forcible seizure of power, I don't know how Yanlong, the Shaojun of the Flame Prison, will react when he finds out. After all, he is the commander of the demon army of the Flame Prison this time.

After arriving at the commander's big tent, I saw Concubine Yan was discussing matters with all the demon generals, and after a while, everyone stood up and retreated one by one.

After waiting for the person to leave, Yi Tiancai walked up slowly and sat down in front of Concubine Yan, looked at her current high-spirited appearance and just smiled lightly.Shaoqing saw that she had opened the sound-proof barrier to cover the two of them, and then said: "Thank you Brother Yi for your help this time, and now I have completely controlled this partial division in my hands."

"You've got your wish," Yi Tian said unhurriedly, "but do you really want to fight against that buddhist? If this partial division is exhausted, I'm afraid that you and I will be blamed if we return to the Demon Realm. However, you may be spared as a princess."

"Brother Yi is serious. It's hard for me to grasp how an army can easily consume it." Concubine Yan said with a smile: "What's more, I have other important things to do and I will never be trapped here easily."

"Oh, it's so difficult that you want to lead the team to evacuate directly. You must know that even if the coach is changed, it's not a big deal. If the Evil City is breached here, it will naturally be to blame," Yi Tian said, But I was happy in my heart, since Concubine Yan has a different heart, it couldn't be better.After a little bit of probing to see what she was thinking, and estimated that even if something happened, she would pull herself in.

Now in the corpse world, she can't do anything alone without seeking help from many sources.

I only heard her whispering: "This time I came to the corpse world to seize power and control a brigade, and Brother Yi has already helped me achieve this. Next, I will go to the Ten Thousand Corpse Pit, a hundred thousand miles away, to find something. Everything has to do with caution when it comes to my succession to the throne."

"The right to inherit the throne?" Yi Tian raised his brows in surprise and said, "Since you have talked about this, it seems that you are determined that I will help you?"

"Naturally," Concubine Yan said confidently, "As long as I find the treasure that was lost back then, I will be able to enter the rank of heir to the throne in a fair manner, and you will be my husband who can give orders on my behalf."

"Wait, even if you get what you want, you will only enter the sequence of the heir to the throne. I think the battle for the throne of the flame prison demons will be more dangerous. Don't you think about this?" Yi Tian Interrupted her and directly interjected.

"That's natural. As Brother Yi said, if I succeed in success, I must take this step. Otherwise, my fate will only be controlled by others. This is what you taught me," Yan said. The concubine's tone also changed as she spoke.

It's not hard to hear her declaration of ambition, but Yi Tian shook his head helplessly. He didn't want to make things so complicated.Then he replied: "I'm afraid that the recent war will cause us to go to the pit of thousands of corpses."

"Brother Yi, you don't need to worry about this. I have read the history of every purification battle before. Not all the people from the Buddhist world are Buddhist monks, and there will be a large number of foreign monks among them." Concubine Yan said confidently: "Buddhist monks rarely die, and most of the monks who fell on the battlefield are those monks of other races."

"According to what you say, don't we have more opponents to guard against?" Yi Tian was puzzled.

"Maybe it's a little too much, but these alien races are not fools, so naturally they don't bother to be cannon fodder, and I guess only in the main battlefield of Blood Corpse City will there be a stalemate. The battlefield. A tug-of-war between everyone will not cause much damage," Yan Fei explained.

It turned out that this is the case, and Yi Tian realized that this is like a show, and everyone is here to play on the spot.But when you think about it, this is also a cross-border fight from a long distance, and you don't bother to really fight for your life. After all, the battle between monks is not as deadly as everyone fighting for their lives. Why bother to fight and kill the strong.

Concubine Yan, on the other hand, said meaningfully: "Actually, we spend a lot of time here. When they retreat, we will wait for the opportunity to act and then go to the corpse pit once when they clean up the battlefield to get things out."

"So you have all the plans, so let's act according to the plan," Yi Tian couldn't refuse and nodded in agreement.

After waiting for half a month in Zengtou Mountain, a scout suddenly reported that the Buddha Sect's army had already reached three thousand miles away from the Ezomb Fort, and they would arrive soon.

Immediately, the entire barracks began to operate bustlingly, and the monks of the flame prison demon race around them began to strengthen the fortifications and continuously filled the formation node hubs with spirit stones.

In the distant Fort of Evil Zombies, personnel were also mobilized, and those monks who were originally retreating all left the customs at this moment to occupy the top of the city and set up a defensive formation.

Yi Tian stayed in the single-person barracks deep in the barracks, and his spiritual thoughts quietly came out, and he realized that the Buddhist coalition forces who had divided their troops were coming straight towards the evil zombie castle in three huge sky-scanning warships.

After flying three hundred miles away, one of the ships was separated and headed towards the camp of the Demon Clan in the Flame Prison of Zengtou Mountain.After flying a hundred miles in front of the mountain, it stopped in the air, and then many monks of different races flew out of it and landed on the ground, and then began to build fortifications, as if they wanted to cut off the horns on both sides.

Moreover, judging from the people sent out, most of their cultivation bases were only that of the Nascent Soul stage, and there were also some monks in the Transformation Stage as the leaders to maintain the scene.

What was beyond my expectation was that after the other party's colleagues were completed, the Flame Prison Demon Race actually sent a team to make a deal with the other party before the formation.

Moreover, everyone seems to be in harmony with buying and selling, and Yi Tian was also shocked by the scene in front of him. What kind of cross-border war is this? It is clearly for cross-border trade.

 Thank you for your support
(End of this chapter)

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