
Chapter 1305

Chapter 1305

I didn't expect that the battle of purification would turn out like this here, and Yi Tian didn't expect it either.Judging from the combat readiness of the daily scouts, the battle at Evil Zombie Fort got a little angry.

Under the attack of the Buddhist allied forces, the corpse cultivators in the Yin corpse world can only hide in the defensive formation of the city every day.However, there are also scenes of fighting battles, but only for monks in the Nascent Soul stage.

At the beginning of the war, the two sides will not directly send high-ranking monks to fight, approaching the entire Evil Zombie Castle with only one corpse king at the fusion stage and seven monks at the distraction stage to assist.As for the cultivators who transform spirits under him, there are more than 30 monks, but these corpse repairs are all ghost spirits, and the one who can live for thousands of years will not hesitate to die.Therefore, they will only send their Nascent Soul stage monks to take turns to fight the war of attrition to spy on the reality of the coalition forces.

According to the recent news, after the two sky patrol warships approached the Fort of Evil Zombie, they adopted siege tactics and built high walls around them to seal off the east, west and north roads, leaving only the south gate as the main battlefield.

These days, more people are being sent to transport building materials and build colleagues in the surrounding mountains and forests. It seems that they are planning to stay permanently for a protracted war.

My side was indeed sealed off by the alien coalition forces. Although everyone was still making deals on the surface, it was only limited to the Nascent Soul level, and none of the high-level monks above showed their faces.

From Concubine Yan's mouth, I learned that everyone is still in a quiet period, and everything depends on the situation in Blood Corpse City before making a decision.Moreover, I heard that Blood Corpse City has begun to fight hand to hand in the past few days. This time, the Buddhist coalition forces came to invade the main target of Blood Corpse City, and the Blood Corpse King has also left the customs to command.

After getting the news, Yi Tian analyzed it carefully and estimated that he might survive the whole purification battle without taking action.

In order to avoid making a move, he simply found an excuse to retreat in the deepest part of the camp, and at the same time told Concubine Yan not to bother her unless a monk of the same level made a move.

Without her own constraints, Concubine Yan must be able to handle the affairs of the camp better.

In this way, Yi Tian stayed in his barracks for three months, and no one disturbed him by himself during the period.Until one morning Concubine Yan actually visited in person, begging to see herself outside the forbidden barrier.

After receiving the summons, Yi Tian reached out and opened the forbidden barrier to let her in after waking up from the trance.I saw that the protracted battle for more than three months had made her take off her previous childishness, and now she is completely arrogant and domineering.

But in front of her, she still restrained herself, and when she entered the room, she saluted first and said, "Brother Yi has to ask you to fight this time."

"The other party has dispatched monks in the distraction period of the Buddhist sect. It seems that the battle is about to enter a fierce stage and it's the turn of the high-level monks to compete." Yi Tian's face remained unchanged but he was still a little hesitant in his heart. What he was most afraid of was encountering this thing.

"It's the intense stage. After three months of stalemate, everyone has almost tested it. Ten days ago, we started to take turns to fight with the cultivators of the gods. Today, two monsters of the distraction stage flew out of the warships intercepted by the opponent. We Seeing that the situation is not good, we will close the gate of the camp and hang up the waiver sign," Concubine Yan replied.

"Yaozu," Yi Tian was overjoyed after hearing this, which is a good thing.As long as you don't fight with Buddhist monks, it's easy to say what you say, and immediately asked: "What kind of monster race, can you check it out?"

"Thunderbirds, their innate supernatural powers are a bit restrained to my flame prison demons, so I came to you to discuss it because I didn't know how to deal with it," Yan Concubine said with a lonely face.Only at this time did she realize that the battle of purification would ultimately be dominated by high-level monks, and her level was not enough to watch now.

In this case, Yi Tianji put a smile on his face and said: "It's not a problem to be suppressed and beaten, and immediately set up a battle, let me meet these two monsters who are distracted, so as not to lose the limelight I was ridiculed by the monks in the corpse world that I have no demons."

Hearing that Yi Tian took the initiative to invite Concubine Zhan Yan, he was overjoyed at first, and then a little sad appeared on his face. After three breaths, he replied: "I will arrange it immediately, but there are two people on the other side. Brother Yi, don't be too pushy. If you see the situation It's not good, it's better to go back to the camp first and rely on a large formation to defend."

"Don't worry, I know in my heart, we are here to fight, not to work for the underworld," Yi Tianzhi said confidently.

Half an hour later, there was a crack in the sky above the flame prison demon camp that had opened the defensive formation, and then a red halo flew out of it, circled a few times in the air, and then slowly flew towards Xuntian not far away. battleship.

At this moment, two streaks of blue light mixed with lightning flew out of the boat and flew straight towards where he was.

The two sides flew to half a mile apart, each steadied their bodies and stopped in mid-air to look at each other.Lei Fuhong and Lei Xiaotian were indeed the ones who applauded in Yi Tian's heart. Unexpectedly, this time the Buddhist coalition forces also found them to fight against the monster clan.

But now that I have changed my face, I am afraid that the other party will not recognize me for a while.And learning from the previous lesson, Yi Tian deliberately changed his tone and shouted: "Both of you are from the monster race, and you want to come, but also from the coalition forces, and so is my flame prison demon race. Since everyone is not the protagonist of this scene, why bother to meet each other?" , it’s better to negotiate and maintain the status quo without losing harmony.”

Lei Fuhong frowned, he obviously wanted to make contributions, and they naturally had their own plans when they were invited.Looking at the flame prison demon cultivator in front of him, he took a step forward and said, "This Thunderbird clan, Lei Fuhong, since we are all appointed by our respective clans, it is not appropriate to fight to the death here. It is better to limit it to three moves. I won, how about your flame prison demon army returning to the demon world immediately, our coalition forces will definitely not take advantage of the victory to pursue."

"Fellow Daoist Lei's words are wrong. If the news of my army's retreat from the Flame Prison Demon Clan reaches the ears of the Flame Demon Emperor, I'm afraid it will be regarded as a great crime for our army to flee before the battle. Wouldn't this put me in danger?" Yi Tian shook his head Said: "How about this three-stroke agreement? If you win, what if our army can't stick to it?"

"That's fine," Lei Fuhong said with determination.

"What if I win?" Yi Tian asked back.

"Let's continue to confront each other, and just carry on with our subordinates' business," Lei Fuhong replied without thinking.

"Okay, you stand back and wait for me to fight this fellow Taoist," Yi Tian said after hearing this, stretching out his hand to sacrifice the Taiyuan Demon Saber and pointing at Lei Xiaotian who was standing behind him: "Your Excellency is the sky patrol ship!" Commander, so that our soldiers will fight against each other so that the order will not be messed up."

Without waiting for Lei Fuhong's answer, Lei Xiaotian who was standing behind suddenly had a surge of spiritual power and said sharply: "My son backs down, this person's strength is extraordinary, you first sweep the formation for me, let my father take action to find out his truth. "

After finishing speaking, he put his hands together to raise a blue thunder point, and then struck Yi Tian's body.Fortunately, I have seen Lei Xiaotian make a move before, and now he held the knife with both hands, a stream of red flame gas wrapped the Taiyuan magic knife, and then waved his hands to draw a flaming knife arc ten feet long and one foot wide to meet the lightning.

With the sound of "bang", the arc of the red knife actually defeated the blue several points, and still left [-]% of its power to strike towards Lei Xiaotian.At this time, Yi Tian shouted: "The three-movement agreement is still valid, you father and son will go up together. Let me also learn the Thunderbird clan's thunderous moves, so as not to spread the rumor that I, the flame prison demon clan, bullied the old man and won't be able to win." Wu."

Lei Fuhong's expression froze and he hurriedly asked via voice transmission: "Who are you, and how do you know us?"

(End of this chapter)

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