
Chapter 1306 Competition

Chapter 1306 Competition
On the battlefield, the conversation between Yi Tian and Lei Fuhong's father and son would naturally not be heard by the people around. Concubine Yan, who was in the Demon Clan of the Flame Prison, was also staring nervously at the battle situation in the distance.

It wasn't until the blue lightning arc was directly defeated by the red sword glow that he showed a relieved expression on his face. It seemed that the strength of his own distracted cultivator was far superior to that of the monster race.This is also an inevitable situation. The living environment in the devil world is very harsh.

The demons are born to fight constantly, and their cultivation is completely honed from blood. Naturally, they are much stronger than other races, and even leapfrog challenges have many advantages.

But now it seems that the two distracted monks in the local area are joining forces to fight against the enemy, and Concubine Yan's complexion tensed up again.With her level of cultivation, she can naturally understand that it is very difficult to fight one against two, and the opponent's skills seem to have a restraining effect on the flame prison demons.

Concubine Yan's own strength is not good enough, relying on Yi Tian's power to subdue this partial division to become the commander of the army, now if Yi Tian loses and shakes the morale of the army, I am afraid that even if she can restrain her subordinates, she may not be able to subdue them. Docile post.

It seemed that Concubine Yan was the most nervous person on the field at this time, and the two guard commanders beside her naturally sensed the master's mood and comforted her through voice transmission in private.

At this time, after Lei Fuhong and Lei Xiaotian teamed up in the air, several blue thunder lights flashed, and then interweaved in the air to form a giant power grid, covering Yi Tian's head.

A fight like this by the distracted monks naturally alarmed the Ezomb Fort, which was hundreds of miles away, and then saw several distracted monks flying out of the city, trying to break through the encirclement and reinforce Zeng Toushan's military camp.It's just that they were stopped by the monks sent by the Buddhist army not long after they flew out, so they could only sit back and watch the development of the situation.

After the blue arc overflowed, it scattered in all directions, then fell, and from time to time smashed pits on the battlefield that were several feet long and five feet deep. Under the attack of the blue electric arc, the light film of the defensive formation also trembled violently.Seeing this, Concubine Yan hurriedly sent an order: "Maintain the defense of the large formation and maximize the output of the psionic nodes of the large formation."

The entire barracks began to operate in an orderly manner, and after the loud "zzzz" sound, the original thin layer of protective light film quickly thickened and stabilized.Even if the incoming arc hit it, it didn't make the defensive cover shake and unstable anymore.

At this time, Yi Tian also stretched out his hand to sacrifice the Taiyuan Demon Saber and drew it down in front of him. After that, he used Lingyao Huaqian's skill of condensing the void to transform into reality. After the thousands of sword lights were concentrated, they condensed into a red color that was one foot long and three inches wide. arc.

It seems that the aura of this move is not as strong as before, but there is a violent wind swirling around the knife light, and then the aura within a thousand miles around is concentrated here as if it was evacuated by extreme speed.

Now even the corpse repairers in the Evil Zombie Castle in the distance also stopped and retreated to the defensive formation in the city. They seemed to have noticed some strange changes in the spiritual power between the heaven and the earth, so they didn't want to hit the knife edge.

After gaining momentum, Yi Tian also slashed fiercely towards the position where the two opponents were, and the position where the knife light passed unexpectedly split a hole in the void.Immediately afterwards, the blue lightning gathered together and turned into a five-foot-sized thunder ball, and then straightened up with a knife.

After the loud bang of "Boom", a violent spiritual pressure shock wave erupted and scattered in all directions. Wherever the spiritual pressure wave went, it would be destroyed, as long as it was not in the area protected by the protective cover, it seemed to be peeled off. After being lifted layer by layer, many underground water sources spewed out. The trees on the side of Zengtou Mountain all collapsed at this time, and the green hillside became a bare hill at this time.

Not only that, in the midst of the spell attack, the momentum of the moves continued.Suddenly, a strong wind in the void cut by the sword glow sucked in both the blue electric ball and the red sword glow, and it slowly closed after three breaths.

Yi Tian looked back to see that the Zengtou Mountain Flame Prison Demon Army Barracks behind him was intact, and the sky patrol warship of the Buddhist coalition forces in front of him was not substantially damaged.I was relieved at the moment, although it was just for show, but if I really overplayed it, it would not be worth the loss.

At this time, although Lei's father and son confronted each other with horns, the horror in their eyes was undoubtedly revealed.This is already the case with just one move, and I really don't know what will happen if we continue to fight.

Knowing that he couldn't do too much, Yi Tian lowered his head and said to Lei Fu through sound transmission: "Thunderbolt and Lei Tingting detoxify." Immediately after seeing Lei Fuhong in front of him obviously paused, and then showed a Unbelievable eyes stared at him in large numbers.

Yi Tian said again: "Since we have fought against each other, we have explained the forces behind each other. This time we will not win or lose. It is better for everyone to live in peace and not to invade each other. .”

Lei Fuhong lowered his head and said a few words to Lei Xiaotian through sound transmission, the latter was also an old Jianghu with a knowing smile on his face after sweeping his eyes and said: "In this case, we have a tie, and the next transaction will be done as wine and drink , our army will keep its promise and hope that you will not cause more trouble."

"That's natural. A peaceful ending is the kingly way. After all, our army has come all the way from the Demon Realm and we don't want to fight for these corpse repairers here. The most important thing is to save our lives and return to the Demon Realm," Yi Tian said In the last sentence, he specially emphasized his tone.Lei Xiaotian on the opposite side is also a ghost spirit, so he naturally understood the meaning in an instant.

He stretched out his hands and cupped his fists and replied: "Okay, the green mountains will not change and the green waters will flow forever, we will meet later." After speaking, he took Lei Fuhong and turned around and returned to the place where the sky survey warship was moored.

Lei Fuhong looked at Yi Tian again, with a playful smile on his face, he arched his hands and said, "Farewell, take care all the way." Then he went back with his father.

Later, Yi Tian also put away the Taiyuan Demon Knife, and then looked at the bottom of the battlefield, turned around and slowly flew towards the Zengtou Mountain Flame Prison Demon Army Camp.After ten breaths, when I landed on the ground of the barracks, I saw Concubine Yan and seven commanders rushing to see her.

Looking over at Yi Tiancai, she found that Concubine Yan's eyes were full of pride at this time, and her two cronies behind her naturally looked solemn and a little in awe.As for the faces of the other five demon generals behind them, their faces were pale and showing deep fear, and they looked at Concubine Yan without the slightest desire to resist.

Shaoqing only listened to Concubine Yan and said with a smile on her face: "Congratulations to Big Brother Yi for winning the flag. The opponent with one enemy and two attacks dare not underestimate me for raising the magic army."

"It's nothing more than a small test of skill, and it's just a slight victory, not a big victory," Yi Tian replied.

"With the ability to defeat the opponent with one enemy and two counterattacks, even a tie is considered a win, let alone a slight victory," Yan Fei said with a smile.

"It's okay if you say it is, go back to the big account first, I have something to explain," Yi Tian gave orders without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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