
Chapter 1308 Trimming

Chapter 1308 Trimming
Although Yi Tian expressed his thoughts, it seemed that Concubine Yan did not have the courage to directly agree to the matter.After all, it is not a joke to ask her to join forces to plot against two distracted monks. If the success fails, she may have to pay for the side master she is currently controlling.

As for Yi Tian, ​​he is a loner, and if he can't figure it out, he can just slip away and become his own casual cultivator.This transaction seems to be extremely risky and can be withdrawn. It is also amazing that if you become Yan Concubine, you can not only control the entire army of the flame prison demon clan, but also get the appreciation of the flame prison demon emperor after returning to the demon world.

Yi Tian didn't want to make her too anxious. Anyway, the battle of purification has just begun, and it might last for several years to decades.After fighting against the Lei family and his son, I am also being watched by all parties. If everyone knows what they are interested in, they will not intentionally harass this team of the flame prison demons.

As for Concubine Yan's attitude, I can see it in my eyes. Although she rejected it verbally, she is expected to be a woman with a strong desire for control and ambition.

Presumably, as long as there are more changes in the battle situation, they might change their minds.

Yi Tian also didn't want to put more pressure on him, so he reasoned afterwards that he would not attend the following celebration banquet if he wanted to practice in seclusion.

After returning to his barracks, he directly opened the forbidden barrier to seal the surrounding area, and then began to retreat and practice.

During this period of time, after switching to Molianzhen, I found that the moves I used became extremely powerful after being catalyzed by magic energy.But there are always advantages and disadvantages in everything. The disadvantage is that it is too powerful and easy to lose control.In addition, supernatural powers and spells consume a lot of magic power, which is almost the same as when I cast the Nine Transformations of True Lihuo when I was in the state of spiritual cultivation.

Yi Tian also had lingering fears about this and did not dare to be too complacent, so he seized the time to practice in the gap between the purification battle.

In the world of Yin corpses, spiritual power has a Yin-cold attribute, so it is not easy to cultivate.After thinking about it, Yi Tiansi still took out his spirit purification bottle. He stored all the celestial energy coefficients collected in the imaginary world of the fairy world fragments in it, and now he can start to take them out for refining.

After slowly opening the bottle cap, he probed deeply with a trace of divine sense, and after three breaths, a look of surprise appeared on his face.Over the years, the entire bottle of fairy spirit energy has been concentrated into spiritual liquid under the concentration of the spirit purification bottle.Although there are only about ten drops, it is enough to cultivate to the stage of integration.

After thinking about it, he hurriedly took out one of the drops with his spiritual sense, and later closed the lid and put away the Jingling bottle.

Looking at the small drop of psychic liquid in the air, although Yi Tian was very happy, he didn't dare to directly refine it.Even the monks in the fusion period who are as loud as the sky are going to break their scalps and fight for this thing, so of course I must treat it with caution.

After thinking about it for a while, he took the shot and divided the drop of immortal spirit liquid into three parts, then slowly swallowed one part and began to refine it.

After the one-third drop of the immortal spirit liquid entered the stomach, the spiritual power gushed out like a flood in an instant, and the surging spiritual power was scattered around in the meridians, scaring Yi Tian to use his kung fu to send it away Drainage into the Niwan palace.

When the colorful celestial energy rushed into Niwan Palace and hadn't flowed onto Yuan Ying, the seal above his head began to slowly rotate.As if encountering a familiar smell, [-]% of the immortal's energy was absorbed by the seal on the spot, and the remaining [-]% slowly fell on his own soul body.

But even if it was just like this, Yi Tian felt that his Nascent Soul spirit body became more solid after absorbing the immortal power.After looking inside, Yi Tian shook his head helplessly, it seemed that the Ascension Order was not in vain at all, and he took advantage of the benefits.But there was a mistake, this time it absorbed most of the immortal power, but it reduced the burden on itself.

Although I have suffered a bit, I have roughly understood how to use the saved two-thirds of the spiritual liquid correctly.

So Yi Tian quickly circulated the spiritual power in the body for a big circle to absorb it completely.

In the following days, Yi Tian could not retreat in the depths of the Demon Clan's barracks in the Flame Prison, and this state has lasted for more than ten years.During this period, the remaining celestial spirit liquid was refined and absorbed twice. Unexpectedly, the amount absorbed by the seals in the Niwan Palace also decreased in the next two times.By the third time, it was half divided with the Nascent Soul Spirit Body, and Yi Tian himself was puzzled by this.

Fortunately, after continuous refining, his cultivation base has made great progress, and now even if he is not distracted, his cultivation base is very close.

At this point in his cultivation, Yi Tian decided to slow down for the time being. It has only been a hundred years since he entered the distraction period. If his cultivation base improves too fast and his mood cannot keep up, it is easy to lose control.

In addition, I am still mainly a spiritual body, so I don't really want to advance in the state of my true body.For more than ten years, it seems that Concubine Yan has not come to disturb her retreat. Although it is not what she thinks, Yi Tian still has a glimmer of hope in his heart.

One day ten years later, Yi Tian, ​​who was in retreat, suddenly heard another person coming from outside the military tent, opened his eyes and moved slightly with his divine sense, and found that it was Concubine Yan herself.

She only heard her lightly knocking on the tent door outside, and then a crisp voice said: "Brother Yi, is it convenient, Concubine Yan, please see me."

Gently raising his hand to open a small gap in the ban, Yi Tian replied indifferently: "Come in."

After ten breaths, I saw Concubine Yan walking into the military tent in a military uniform. When she saw herself later, she showed a surprised expression, and then said with a smile: "Congratulations, brother Yi, who has made further progress. It seems that you are really a hard worker. In the future, the road will go further than ordinary people.”

"It is indeed a little progress," Yi Tian said without concealing it: "I don't know what the outside world is like at this time, why did you come to find me on purpose today?"

Seeing that she was so straight to the point and did not beat around the bush, Concubine Yan was stunned, then she shook her head helplessly and said, "Could it be that I can't come to see you if I have nothing to do?"

Yi Tian could see that although Concubine Yan's face was rosy when she came here this time, there must be a happy event to tell, but there was still some trouble in her brows.I think I am still struggling with the matter that I mentioned back then, so that I am inconvenient to force others to make things difficult for me. I must know that although I have lost this opportunity, I can always find other suitable matters and get along safely. Go back to the devil world.

Seeing Concubine Yan later, she said, "I'm afraid we don't have much time to stay here. The situation in Blood Corpse City has reached its peak. The two sides have been fighting for more than ten years. It's time to end the fight." gone."

"Oh, the relationship is good, I don't know how we are doing here," Yi Tian asked: "For more than a decade, the monks in the distraction stage have made shots every year, but the overall situation is still at a disadvantage. The two monks in the fusion stage As if it was agreed, they didn’t make a move, or they didn’t make a move in front of others.”

"Then this battle of purification is coming to an end, and we can almost go home early," Yi Tian sighed.

"I don't know if Big Brother Yi's proposal still counts?" Concubine Yan asked with a serious face later.

"That's natural, why did you make up your mind," Yi Tian replied with a playful face: "After firing the bow, there is no turning back."

"Brother Yi, I don't know if you have something to ask for. The only bargaining chips I can give are myself and the future son-in-law of the flame prison demon clan," Yan Fei said with a blushing face.

(End of this chapter)

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