
Chapter 1309

Chapter 1309

When Concubine Yan came back from the depths of the barracks, her face was filled with a confident smile, but there seemed to be a little worry between her brows.Later, he directly ordered the seven demon generals under him to go to the main tent of the Chinese army to discuss matters.

At this time, Yi Tian sat cross-legged in the restriction and began to figure out how to deal with Yanlong, the Shaojun of the Flame Prison.Just now, Concubine Yan brought the news that in this battle of purification, the Buddhist coalition forces will focus on the blood corpse city and the other two main cities of the underworld.

As for the Evil Zombie Fort, it was just a small fight, and everyone fought very restrainedly. At most, only one distraction stage monk was lost in the corpse world.The rest of the people just suffered a bit of a dark loss, and then closed the city gates, relying on the defensive formation of Evil Zombie Fortress, and hid in the city without making any moves.

In the Blood Corpse City, the Blood Corpse Old Demon has already fought several times with Buddhist masters for three or five rounds.Fortunately, the status of Blood Corpse City was not directly shaken in the end, and all the corpse repairers still relied on the city defense formation to slowly fight the war of attrition.

But there was also a piece of news that made me vigilant. That day, a leader monk in the demon clan was extremely fierce and defeated several distracted monks of the coalition army one after another.When Yi Tian saw the name of this person, his pupils froze, and then he sighed and thought about it secretly, and saw the words "Juduoluo, Guest Qing of the Heavenly Demon Clan" clearly written on the jade slip of the battle report.

After this person escaped back then, I was deeply afraid of him, mainly because this person's strength in the past was too strong, even if his cultivation base fell to the distraction stage, he was much stronger than ordinary monks.

Based on the vision and knowledge he once combined, I am afraid that only senior brother Dejing in Daleiguang Zen Temple is worthy of his opponent.At the same time, he weighed his own strength, and Yi Tian simulated it in his mind many times, but he could only predict that he had only a [-]% to [-]% chance of winning against Jiutuoluo.

Leaving aside this bad news, the rest of the news is actually beneficial to him.Yanlong, the young master of the Flame Prison, was at a disadvantage in a fight with a monk from the Buddhist sect, and he probably suffered a bit of a dark loss.

I really admire Concubine Yan's news channel. Although Blood Corpse City is [-] miles away, the situation there is reported almost every day.Needless to say, with her means, there will be many hidden people buried in Yanlong's army to deliver news in real time.

In the end, she discovered that Yanlong, the young master of the Flame Prison, had seldom appeared in public since the last attack.Although I don't know what the situation is, but we can find some clues from the material consumption of the army's quartermaster. Yanlong has indeed suffered a big loss and is currently recuperating.

As for the commanding power of the Flame Prison Demon Army, his deputy Yan Ling has now completely fallen into the hands. Yan Long will only show up at important decision-making meetings in the army, and Yan Ling is responsible for handling trivial matters on weekdays.

In this way, Concubine Yan thinks that the time is ripe to plan and plan against Yanlong. As long as the two of them get rid of her, she will be sure to control the entire expeditionary army of the Flame Prison Demon Clan.

She came here just now mainly for this matter, and from her tone, I can find that her mood has changed.And although the chips he took out were attractive, they were not what he wanted.But out of the sincerity of cooperation, if I don't agree to want to come to Concubine Yan, I can't feel at ease.

It's just that Yi Tian put his identity aside and put forward his own request.After returning to the Demon Realm, I must go to the Abyss of the Demon Realm, which is said to be the most mysterious place in the entire Demon Realm.

Ordinary demon monks who want to go have to obtain the talisman edicts from the hands of the six major demon emperors before they can enter.Otherwise the demons who guard the abyss will tear anyone who trespasses into pieces.

But all the demon cultivators who can come out of the abyss of the demon world alive are one-in-a-million peerless powerhouses. As long as they don't fall into the cultivation base and refine the fit period, that's a sure thing.

Now Yi Tian is counting to get this quota to have the opportunity to go to the abyss of the devil world to find out.As for Concubine Yan, there was a look of worry in her eyes after hearing this. According to her words, every time she entered the abyss of the demon world, the cultivation level of the demon clan was uneven, but generally they were mainly in the middle and late stages of the avatar.Only one out of ten people can come out, but even so, there are still many people in the clan who fight for only ten places.

And she didn't seem to be interested in this matter, and after listening to Yi Tian's conditions, she nodded helplessly and agreed to Yi Tian on the condition of one quota.

Later, Yi Tian took out a set of formation disks and began to sacrifice.It is not so easy to plot Yanlong who is also in the distraction stage, and he has to be fully prepared.

On the one hand, Concubine Yan first spread the news in the army, revealing her intention to go to the mass grave, presumably as long as she told the seven demon generals under her command, Yanlong would get wind of it in a short time.

The second step is to start dispatching troops to prepare for the future.When Yi Tian asked what was in the mass grave that would attract Yanlong, Concubine Yan just briefly told the history of the royal family of the flame prison demon clan.

During the reinforcement battle 2000 years ago, the army of the corpse world joined forces with the allied forces of the flame prison demons and the Buddha world to fight fiercely at the mass grave.There were not a few high-ranking monks who fell on the spot, and Yanfeng, the former prince of the Flame Prison Demon Clan, died in that battle.

At that time, along with him falling into the mass grave was the Balrog Token in his hand.Later, Yi Tian mentioned that he had seen the Balrog Token that Yanlong took out and used in Yinfeng Mountain.

Unexpectedly, Concubine Yan dismissed this, and revealed that the one in Yanlong's hand was a complete imitation, and that the real Balrog Token summoned a nine-headed flame dragon instead of a nine-headed flame python.

These words reminded Yi Tian of the nine-headed flaming python that Yanlong took out of the Balrog Token when he was competing for the Extreme Yin True Water.Although the difference between the dragon and the python is still not small, with Yanlong's flamboyant personality, he will definitely still remember the things of the former prince.

It's okay if everyone doesn't have it, but if it falls into the hands of Concubine Yan, then his position as a young master may not be worthy of the name.

Therefore, Yanlong will definitely go on this trip to the mass graves, and such matters involving the rectification of his name and status in the clan are naturally the most nervous things for him.

After waiting for more than half a year, Concubine Yan's communication talisman came late. Yi Tian stretched out his hand to take it, and then his figure disappeared in a flash with his divine sense.

After ten breaths, she came to the top of the camp. At this time, Concubine Yan and her two subordinates were already waiting. Yi Tian glanced over and said lightly: "Have all the preparations been done? Has the Buddhist coalition started to retreat?"

"The coalition forces of the Buddha Realm started to retreat one after another yesterday, and the three sky patrol ships in front of us left this morning," Concubine Yan replied.

"Very well, how is the situation over there in Blood Corpse City?" Yi Tian asked again.

"I guess it will be a few days at night," Concubine Yan said with a look of worry on her face.

Probably because he was afraid of running out of time, even if Yanlong came later, he might reach the mass grave first with his cultivation.

"Let's get on the boat, we are in a hurry," Yi Tian said with a smile and sacrificed the assault boat.

(End of this chapter)

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