
Chapter 1310 Crypt

Chapter 1310 Crypt
The mass grave is located near a deserted boundary gate in the Yin Corpse Realm. The boundary gate here used to lead directly to the Buddha Realm.However, when the Buddhist coalition forces retreated 2000 years ago, the two sides fought here. Afterwards, dozens of monks in the integration period took action to permanently seal the gate of this realm.

Now Yi Tian drove all the way with Concubine Yan and others, passing the Jiemen ruins, sat in the assault boat and looked carefully before realizing that the Jiemen here was originally a hundred feet high.

The assault boat was controlled by Concubine Yan, and after flying over the ruins for thousands of miles, it slowly landed on the top of a barren mountain.The four of them got out of the flying boat and stood firmly in mid-air. After Yi Tian's divine sense swept over, he found a huge cave in the underground mountain depression, and there was a strong necromantic aura constantly leaking out of it.

"There is a mass grave there," Concubine Yan took out the map, gestured, and then stretched out her finger: "It matches the recorded location, and the corpse aura inside is hard to dissipate for a long time, even if we stand on such a high mountain You can feel it too.”

Yi Tian nodded and gestured, then reached out and took out a black array disk to inject spiritual power into it and activate it.After ten breaths, I saw a black dragon flying out to the top of the west mountain and submerged in it. Then the black phoenix, devil tiger and black turtle filed out from the whole plate and then submerged in the north, east and south directions.

This is the anti-four-spirit magic formation that I evolved in the four-spirit formation, in order to prevent Concubine Yan and others from seeing the truth in it.After all, there are very few people who are proficient in formations among demon cultivators. If you show a formation like spiritual cultivation, it will easily cause unnecessary speculation.

After doing this, he took out two concealment cloaks and handed them to Concubine Yan, saying, "Even a monk in the distraction period can't easily find his whereabouts after wearing them to restrain his breath."

After she put it away, she took out two formation talismans and handed them over: "These two are the control symbols of the formation. After Yanlong and the others enter, they can control the formation to activate it and seal this place."

After taking the talisman, Concubine Yan directly explained to her two subordinates, asking them to take a copy and find a place to hide it for later use.

After ten breaths, after finishing these, Yi Tiancai and Concubine Yan slowly fell down to the depths of the cave in the mountain depression.After a while, the two fell into the depths of the crypt, and there was no trace of the bottom.

At this time, the light on the ground could no longer go deep, so Concubine Yan took out the Ye Mingzhu she had prepared and held it in her hand to illuminate the surrounding area of ​​ten feet.

It stands to reason that in the crypt, with his own divine sense, he could already control all the disturbances within a hundred feet around him, but Concubine Yan mentioned that many corpse ways are weird and it is best to be careful.Not long after, they brought the two of them down to five or six hundred feet before landing on the ground. Later, the two of them each opened their protective shields to shield the strong corpse aura here.

The depths of this crypt extend in all directions, at least there are seven or eight passages in front of Yi Tian and the two of them.And every channel exudes a foul smell of rotting corpses and a long-lasting corpse aura.

"Can you really find out where Yanling died?" Yi Tian frowned and asked after looking around.

"I need the firefly's help, Brother Yi, wait a moment," Concubine Yan hurriedly replied, then took out a jade box and gently opened it, and ten light spots flew out of it.

Yi Tian glanced over and found that these bugs had a slight fire source, and then gathered together under the control of Concubine Yan, passed through several passages, and finally stopped at the third passage on the left.

But two of them stopped in front of the second passage on the right, and Yi Tian asked suspiciously, "What's going on?"

"Firefly has a hot temperament. Even if Yanling has fallen for 2000 years, his body will still retain the original attributes, so I want to use this method to investigate. At least we have a general direction now," Yan said. The concubine explained, but the look in her eyes was not as sure as before.

Sighing, Yi Tian also felt helpless and had to reply: "Let's go to the passage on the left first." After speaking, he jumped to the front and followed Firefly all the way down, and Concubine Yan walked into the passage right after him. among.

Walking all the way down, the corpse aura in front of him was getting heavier and heavier, and Yi Tian felt a little bit for no reason, then turned his hands and sacrificed the Taiyuan Demon Knife, ready to go.

After seeing this, Concubine Yan knew that the situation was not good, so she reached out and took out two fire lotus rings, ready to make a move at any time.

As we walked, the passage in front of us became narrower and narrower. Originally, two people could stand side by side, but later it could only accommodate a single person.Yi Tian didn't want to make too much noise, so he ordered Concubine Yan to follow behind him ten feet away.

After walking like this for more than half an hour, suddenly two light spots flashed in the dark passage in front of him. Yi Tian hurriedly stretched his mind and found that there was a flying white hair blocking the passage, but one of his body was buried Underneath the passageway, he exposed his upper body to stare at the passageway.

After three breaths, the other party also seemed to find that a living person entered the body and rose up from the ground, and then jumped up and stretched out his hand straight to the door.

Yi Tian sneered, then waved the magic knife in his hand, and then sacrificed a black knife light, which directly hit the zombie's Tianling cover. The sound of "Dang" was unexpected because he didn't knock down the opponent with one move, but left a three-foot-deep knife mark on Feitian Baimaozang's body and knocked the opponent back ten feet away.

Obviously, the zombie didn't have the aura to control it, but it rushed up again instinctively.

Yi Tian sneered, after the spiritual power in his hand was injected into the Taiyuan Demon Knife, a black magic fire appeared and condensed in the knife glow, and then he swung the sword glow three feet long and one foot wide again, and then swung it towards the front.

As soon as the sword light came into contact, it split the white-haired zombie, and the black flame on the sword light immediately ignited the corpse.After a while, his body was burned to ashes.

After tidying up, Yi Tian stepped forward again, but Concubine Yan behind her shouted: "Brother Yi, let's hurry up. I just received a message that Yanlong has arrived and has already started to come down."

"Oh, that's a good thing, we are much faster than him," Yi Tian said with a smile after hearing this.

But Concubine Yan's face changed slightly and she said: "It seems that this time not only Yanlong and the other two, but also a monk of the distracted stage of the Heavenly Demon Race just arrived above the crypt and prepared to come down."

"There is such a thing, could it be that Jiu Tuo Luo has also come?" Yi Tian was stunned, but secretly applauded in his heart, he was afraid that the water would not be mixed enough, now it is good, the forces of all parties are gathered, I don't know Will the Blood Corpse Old Demon's subordinates follow?

After thinking about it, he replied in a deep voice: "It's not too late, let's hurry up and find Yanling's Flame Demon Token. This time, there are too many strange and variable things. We can see each other, and we can put aside the matter of dealing with Yanlong first." Let’s wait until the form becomes clear.”

Hearing what Yi Tian said, Concubine Yan had no choice but to nod her head in agreement. This matter was unexpected, and the best policy is to play by ear.At present, the token must be found first to be invincible.

(End of this chapter)

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