
Chapter 1313 Siege

Chapter 1313 Siege
Unexpectedly, there was a ruthless character hidden at the bottom of the Blood Corpse Devil's Nest, and from Jiu Tuoluo's mouth, he learned that this person was actually the real body of the Blood Corpse Demon.

It seems that his real body didn't dare to come, but Kudhara is a person who knows the details.The purpose of coming this time is also to seize the quarter of the spiritual seeds.

When Yi Tian's divine thoughts swept across the aura on the forehead of the blood corpse old devil, his thoughts moved, and the power of the magic source in his body seemed to be a little restless.After slowly calming down and suppressing the restlessness, he began to look at the situation on the field with a fixed look.

At this time, Yanlong also realized the problem, and then teased Jiu Tuola: "It turns out that you are making a big deal out of a molehill because of this little thing."

"Little thing, but the greed in your eyes has betrayed your words," Judhara said disdainfully: "We will take action together to deal with the blood corpse old devil, and the spirit seed will belong to me. How about [-] magic crystals for each of you?"

Yi Tian didn't have much idea about [-] magic spar, but Concubine Yan showed excitement on her face, but after seeing the situation before, she said: "The rules of the demons always take [-]% first, you should know that Bar."

Juddara's eyelids trembled, then he reached out and took out four storage bags to fill them with magic spar and threw them over.Yanlong and the others took it and tapped it before putting it away. At the same time, they also sacrificed spiritual weapons in their hands to prepare to shoot.

Here, I first secretly transmitted the voice to let Concubine Yan put it away, then dodged to the side to pay attention to defense, then stretched out her hand and waved a layer of black and red light waves, and then turned her wrist to take the lead.

Everyone present didn't expect that he had been silent all this time, but he was the first person to do it.Even the blood corpse old devil was stunned, but he didn't dare to be careless in the face of the roaring sword light, and then he stretched out his hand to make a seal and slapped the ground.

Immediately, a thick earth wall rose from the ground to block him, and several "bang bangs" sounded, and the black and red sword light arrived in an instant, and directly hit the opponent after penetrating through the earth wall.

On the other hand, Juddara also sacrificed a dark electric light, and after jumping back and forth between his ten fingers, he struck towards the blood corpse old devil himself.The tiny electric arc across the air illuminated the originally dark cave.

As for Yanlong who was standing on the side, he was not to be outdone, reached out and took out the token to sacrifice, then turned into a nine-headed flaming python and rushed forward.

After the loud roar, a black arc of light blocked all three spells from outside.Yi Tian took a closer look and it turned out to be the black coffin board. It turned out that this thing is the magic weapon of the blood corpse old devil.

Juddara's expression also changed drastically, and he immediately took out an emerald green jade box and opened it.Yi Tian squinted his eyes and found that there was half a sealed heart inside.

I saw Kudhara reached out to take it out and held it in his hand, then gathered the magic evil electricity to inject spells into it.The half of the heart burst open from the inside out under the ravages of the electric light.

At the same time, a heart-piercing howl came from behind the black coffin, and the blood corpse old demon was covering his heart with his left hand and his face convulsed: "What is this thing? Why do I feel so much pain."

"This thing is originally a piece of flesh and blood that you left in the clone. Don't you rely on this thing to control the clone?" Kudala laughed.

"It turns out that you cut it off for him, but the strength of the clone will definitely drop to a level. Could it be that he will have the courage to take risks," the blood corpse old devil said unwillingly.

Once again increasing the output of the spiritual power in his hand, the black arc mercilessly drilled into half of the heart, crushing the flesh and blood inside one after another.On the other hand, Kudhara shouted sharply: "You underestimated the mind of the clone too much. He has been controlled by you for too long. At every critical moment, he will be constrained by the piece of flesh and blood you left in his body that evolved into a half heart. Therefore, he is not willing to be permanently enslaved by you, and will cut him off even if his cultivation falls to a lower level."

"Don't be too happy, I haven't lost yet," the blood corpse old devil said, a layer of red aura flashed all over his body, and then a lot of blood oozed from his feet and rushed up his body.

Jiu Tuo Luo shivered and shouted anxiously: "It's a blood corpse change, everyone, act quickly, otherwise it will be our end to let him recover his strength." After all, he was not slow in his hands, holding half of his heart in his right hand and continuing to cast spells. But the left hand clenched tightly, gathered the lightning on the five fingers into a ball, turned into a thunder ball and blasted towards the opponent.

Hearing this, Yi Tian was not slow to sacrifice the Taiyuan Demon Knife, poured spiritual power into it, shook it lightly, and suddenly thousands of black lights flew out, turning into a torrent and sweeping towards the lower body of the Blood Corpse Old Demon .

Seeing the situation, Yanlong and his two assistants took turns to cast the Flame Prison Devil Fire to hit the upper body of the Blood Corpse Old Demon.

The black coffin was lifted up again and fell in front of him, turning into a protective barrier to block incoming spells.It's just that this time, with the lessons learned from the past, the four of them hit the coffin with their spells at the same time.

With a sound of "click", the coffin was hit with a spiritual light and several gaps were cracked. Then Yi Tian made a seal with one hand and pointed at the torrent of the sword light, and the thousands of magic swords merged into one again in an instant. It turned into a three-foot-long knife light and aimed at the crack and slammed it hard.

This time, he split the coffin in half and hit the blood corpse old devil's real body without any mistakes.But at this time, the deity absorbed a large amount of blood and formed a protective layer on the body surface, covering nearly [-]% of the area.

The knife glow hit the blood armor and was directly absorbed by it, and then the blood surged three points faster.Seeing that, Juddara said in a deep voice: "It's the blood corpse armor, hit his unformed part." After speaking, he held the half of the heart with both hands and poured the spiritual power in his hands into magic electricity desperately.

As a result, it seems that the blood corpse old devil's luck has also been greatly affected, and the blood extraction speed on his body has also slowed down by three points.Yanlong and the other two manipulated the Flame Hell Devil Fire with both hands and one finger, bypassing the blood armor covered part of the Blood Corpse Old Demon's body and directly bombarding the area above the chest.

After the roar sounded, it was hit accurately, but when the smoke dissipated, it did not cause a fatal blow to it.

"The blood corpse old monster's body is a body that has been tempered and tempered, and it has to hit its weak parts to kill it with one blow," Kumara pointed out.

After the Taiyuan magic knife in his hand flew out slowly, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to sacrifice a wisp of red flame prison fire, and then manipulated it to greet the blood corpse old monster again, but this time he aimed at the place that had just been killed by blood. The part of the heart covered by nails.

After three breaths, under the surprised eyes of Jiuduoluo and Yanlong, the Taiyuan Demon Knife split open the protection of the blood corpse armor straightly, pierced directly from the heart and pierced the blood corpse old demon's body.

The tip of the flying Taiyuan Demon Saber picked out a lump of flesh and blood the size of a fist. Looking carefully, it turned out to be the heart of the blood corpse old devil's zombie body, and it was still beating there.Immediately, the flame hell demonic fire on the knife was directly ignited to burn it, and the blood corpse old demon seemed to be affected at this time, and his whole person's aura was weakened. He could no longer maintain the speed of absorbing blood, and the blood corpse armor on his body also slowed down. Slowly started to fade.

 Thank you for the support of the plane on the slide, more vulgar than the speed man

(End of this chapter)

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