
Chapter 1314 Borrowing Corpse

Chapter 1314 Borrowing Corpse
Unexpectedly, the blood corpse old devil in front of him could be solved so easily, Yi Tian also felt a little surprised.It's just that after the blood corpse old demon fell down, a spiritual light flew out from between his eyebrows, and then flew straight towards the spiritual light above his head.

Seeing this, Kudala shouted disdainfully: "Little brother, even if you give up your body, you don't want to give up your spirit-seed. Are you so reluctant?"

"Hmph, what do you know, only with the spirit seed can I have hope for my Dao, which is nothing compared to the lost body," Yuan Ying of the blood corpse old devil replied coldly: "Now let you We have a slight upper hand, but we're in the second round in a while."

After speaking, he flew straight towards the stone wall with the spirit seed, and at the same time, a small passage one foot in size suddenly opened on the wall where the sarcophagus was originally placed.After the blood corpse old devil fled in quickly with the spirit seed, he closed the stone wall of the passage again.

After ten breaths, magma began to seep from the ground, and the surrounding temperature was getting higher and higher.Kudala's complexion changed rapidly and he said, "Terrible, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time."

Before he finished speaking, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to wrap Concubine Yan around him in a flash, then put up the protective cover and hurriedly withdrew from the passage from the afterlife.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, the two of Yanlong turned around and left, while Jiutuoluo was left last.A group of five people returned to the magma layer of the crypt and found that the surrounding magma began to roll continuously, and the splashed magma directly blocked the way they came.

A little later, bubbles began to bubble out of the middle of the magma river, and then another figure slowly emerged from it.

Yi Tian didn't recognize her, but Concubine Yan who was beside her shouted in shock, "Why is it Big Brother Yanling, aren't you dead?"

Yanlong looked at it with surprise in his eyes and said tremblingly: "Impossible, you died long ago, didn't you?"

"Don't you all want me to die that much?" Yan Ling in front of him opened his eyes and smiled with sharp teeth.

Kudara, who arrived at the end, took a look at it before sighing and said: "Little brother is really lucky, I didn't expect that you still have the refined corpse of the flame hell demon clan, I am afraid that this corpse should be left by you. It must have been nurtured here for thousands of years to have such amazing strength, but it is unknown how much of your original strength can be exerted."

After his explanation, the faces of the people around him improved. Although they were facing Yanling's corpse, knowing that it was under the control of the blood corpse old devil, they naturally felt less entangled.

After sizing up the corpse, Yi Tian's eyes flashed before his eyes, and then he lowered his head and said via voice transmission: "Is the one on the waist the real Balrog Token?"

After hearing the words, Concubine Yan looked around and found that there was a palm-sized red token on Yanling's waist. The Balrog order in 2000 is undoubtedly.

At this time, she also showed excitement, she didn't expect that it would be easy to find nowhere to go through the iron shoes.It's just that it is not easy to seize the Balrog Token under the current situation. It seems that it is impossible not to overthrow the old blood corpse in front of him.

Yanlong, who was not far away, also discovered the existence of the Balrog Token. After staring at it with wide eyes, his face was full of ferocity, and then he said to Jiudala: "Let's shoot and kill this Liao, the badge on his waist belongs to me afterward."

Before Jiutuoluo replied to Concubine Yan, she hurriedly interjected: "Cousin Yanlong, please leave this token to me, don't you have one in your hand?"

Juddara rolled his eyes and smiled knowingly, "Everyone, let's do it according to our own abilities. I only need the spirit seed, and I can talk about the rest."

The Blood Corpse Old Demon really laughed out of nowhere and said: "You guys have made a good plan, how about I hand over this Balrog Token in my hand, and let the four of you leave for the time being."

Unexpectedly, the blood corpse old devil can really afford to let go at this time, and under such circumstances, he seized the fleeting opportunity to directly divide the incoming people.He is also sure that even if he wins a group fight, it will be a miserable victory at best.Divide and conquer is the way to go.

Obviously, the blood corpse old devil's proposal has moved Yanlong's heart. Isn't the main purpose of his visit this time just to find the Balrog Token.As for Concubine Yan, she also had an uncertain look on her face, so she also felt in a dilemma.If you agree to two-on-two, you will definitely not be able to take advantage of it, but this is not the way to go.

In a blink of an eye, he looked at Yi Tian in front of him, and there was also a look of hesitation in his eyes.

"Have you finished your nonsense?" Yi Tian changed his voice and shouted in a deep voice: "If you agree to your conditions, you are a fool. Rather than being defeated one by one, it is better to deal with the powerful enemies in front of you first and then distribute them."

After speaking, he sacrificed the Taiyuan Demon Knife and took the lead. In an instant, hundreds of black magic blade arcs appeared and greeted the blood corpse old demon.

Yanlong was stunned for a moment, showing a little anger on his face, but Jiu Tuoluo yelled angrily in overjoyed way: "Fellow Taoist Yanlong can't see such a simple plan of division, now we can unite to have vitality. A dead end."

After finishing speaking, Jiu Tuoluo ignored Yanlong's reaction, put his hands together and directly sacrificed ten lightning bolts towards the blood corpse old devil.

It seems that the rhythm was disrupted by Yi Tian's interruption. The blood corpse old devil looked angry and saw that the menacing spell had no time to refute. He hastily stretched out his hand to control the magma under his feet and turned it into several torrents of indiscriminate attacks in front of him. stand up.

There was chaos in the lava cave for a while, everyone should be careful to dodge and wait for an opportunity to fight back.

Yi Tian took Concubine Yan and dodged from left to right and hid to the side first, then spit out black true flames to envelop the Taiyuan Demon Knife. Several solid sword glows more than ten feet long came.

The black arc of light instantly split the magma flying in front of him, and then went forward to chop the blood corpse old devil. There were several "bang bang bang" sounds, and at least three knives hit his body.Immediately, black blood splashed out from the deep bone wound marks, and a knife hit his left arm directly, cutting off all the bones in the middle.

After the blood corpse old devil howled, the blood in his body rolled up and forcibly took back the blood donation that spilled out of his body, and the broken arm was resumed, but his momentum was three points weaker than before.

Seeing this, Jiuduoluo laughed and said: "Little brother, so you haven't refined into a blood corpse demon body. Today, I'm not polite as a brother, but I want to send you into reincarnation." With both hands together, the whole person raised a bowl-thick lightning bolt and swept it towards the opponent.

And Yanlong was not polite, although he was disrupted, he could see the situation clearly after three breaths, so he dared not show mercy, and once again manipulated the nine-headed fire python to attack him.

(End of this chapter)

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