
Chapter 1315 Dagger Now

Chapter 1315 Dagger Now
The situation on the scene was one-sided again, but after the blood corpse old demon changed his corpse, he could use some of the supernatural powers of the flame prison demon clan.But under the siege of Yi Tian's people, he also defended frequently, even the attack tricks he used were not very effective, at most they only offset most of the incoming spells.

Suddenly he let out a howl, and then his whole body puffed up, sucking in all the surrounding magma into his body.

Seeing this, Kudala's face trembled and he exclaimed, "It's a bloody corpse, and he has to change his body again."

After hearing this, Yi Tian hurriedly sacrificed the Taiyuan Demon Saber to protect his body, and his figure flew to Concubine Yan's body in a flash, hugged her around her back and then quickly retreated away.

Yanlong took a step too late, and immediately dodged to the rear in a hurry.But the deafening sound of explosion came immediately, and the blood corpse exploded in the narrow underground space, flashing a wave of red blood light, and then quickly dispersed.

No one could completely escape the aftermath of the blood corpse explosion even if they retreated hastily.Yi Tian shot earlier, and the distance away was far away, but even the aftermath of such a burst surged his blood, and Concubine Yan, who was holding her arms, was flushed, and the power of the aftermath seemed to hurt her .

Turning his head to see that Juddara was fine, he stared at the protective shield and evacuated at about the same time as himself, although he was affected, he still had the power to fight.

On the contrary, Yanlong and his two ran last, and after being affected by the explosion of blood corpses, the entire armor was exploded.

As for his deputy, it was even more tragic that no part of his body was complete, and upon closer inspection, he blocked most of the aftermath of the attack for Yanlong.

A spell like this is no worse than the self-exposure Nascent Soul, and at least one-third of the entire cave has collapsed, blocking the passage back.

Before Yi Tian and the others could take a breath, a scream suddenly sounded.Looking back, it turned out that it came from Yanlong's deputy, and saw that he had a ferocious face at this time, and there were two strands of red and black spiritual power constantly arguing on his forehead.

"Blood demon seizing the body, let's act quickly, if the blood corpse old demon completely controls the new body, we will be in trouble again," Judhara said with a grim face: "I didn't expect him to come to us with this idea. It's wasted."

Yanlong's face changed drastically and he shouted anxiously: "Could it be that the blood corpse old devil can forcibly devour other people's Nascent Soul?"

"Under normal circumstances, it is not possible. It is estimated that once the main body is injured and its strength drops below [-]%, it will be unable to withstand it," Yi Tian replied: "Shoot quickly or this will be the second Yanling."

After speaking, he sacrificed the Taiyuan Demon Knife again and slashed out several black light arcs, hitting the opponent instantly.But at this time, a red aura rose again and forcibly withstood the magic knife light blade.

"That's because the blood corpse old devil has seized the initiative. Your people are already lost, and it will be too late if you don't do it," Judhara said angrily, and he opened his mouth to spit out blood on his hand, and then With a rubbing of his hands, he lifted up Mosha's lightning flash and formed a three-foot-long electric pillar with a bowl-thick mouth that slashed towards the blood corpse old demon.

At the same time, three wisps of black and red magic fire flew out from one side, and it was Yi Tian's true flame of the flame prison that came out of his hand.

At this time, Yanlong's face changed suddenly and he made up his mind. He stretched out his hand to sacrifice the flame demon token in his hand, and poured all his spiritual power into it. After that, the nine-headed flame python flew out and merged into one in the air, revealing a giant monster as thick as a bucket. The Yan Mang came and hit the opponent.

The red blood mist defense was raised again to protect the blood corpse old devil's body, but this time under the simultaneous attack of three spells, he couldn't resist it after only ten breaths.

The sound of "bang bang bang" exploded in the collapsed cave, and the body that the blood corpse old demon had just taken was blown into several pieces.

A red aura flew out from his forehead again, staring at the white aura and receding.At this time, Jiu Tuo's figure disappeared instantly on the spot, only to block the blood corpse old devil's retreating direction.

Before he could make any further moves, Kudala reached out and swung five lightning bolts to surround him, and then directly held the spiritual seed in his hand behind him.A wild laugh appeared on his face, and he shouted: "Little Junior Brother, I have already guessed that you would use such a rogue method, but it's a pity that repeating the old tricks is too small for me."

Then he reached out and took out a spirit sword, sacrificed it, and directly manipulated it to dig into the stone wall above his head. At the same time, he turned around and shouted: "This time, I will thank you for your help. I have already got what I want, so I won't accompany you any more. It will arrive later." Let's meet again after the Demon Realm."

But Yi Tian found out that what he said was completely aimed at himself, and he didn't know if he had seen through his true identity early in the morning.

The blood corpse old devil Yuanying who was surrounded by obliteration screamed frantically: "Ergan, that is my spiritual seed. Even if you get the quarter, you can't escape the pursuit of the master. You Someone will come to clean up this sect traitor."

Before he could say anything, the spirit body of the Nascent Soul exploded under the siege of the evil spirit, but a faint aura escaped through the gap and directly entered the stone wall beside it.

"I ran away to him again, but this time, little brother, your primordial spirit is damaged. I'm afraid it won't be able to recover in 2000 years. I'll come to you after I refine the spirit-seed." Channeling straight away from the excavated channel.

Yi Tian swept his mind and found that he seemed to have withdrawn in a hurry, and he should be busy dealing with the spirit seed in his hand.In this way, he will no longer hinder his own affairs when he comes here, and the distracted soul that the blood corpse old devil escaped has already fled away at this time.

In terms of strength, even Concubine Yan can deal with it calmly, but now there are only three people left.Yanlong lost his deputy and was seriously injured. This time is a god-sent opportunity.

After thinking about it, he whispered: "You help me Luezhen to guard the exit, and leave the rest to me."

After hearing this, Concubine Yan was taken aback for a moment, and then her face showed surprise, she hurriedly took out the spiritual weapon and flew to the entrance of the passage to seal Yanlong's retreat.

And Yi Tian reached out and took out several ghost-faced flower seeds, and then quickly ejected them towards the surrounding ground.

Yanlong shuddered and said coldly: "Cousin, you are going to kill them all. Are you going to make the throne of the flame prison demon clan cheaper for outsiders?"

"No, I will be the first queen of the Flame Prison Demon Clan in the future," Concubine Yan sneered, "Cousin Yanlong, you should know that your name is not right, and you call yourself the Young Lord of Flame Prison. I don't know how many people look at you." It's not pleasing to the eye, but you don't have such ability."

While Yanlong was about to reply, Yi Tian was unceremonious, and swiped the Taiyuan magic knife in his hand one after another without giving him time to delay the reply.

With a sound of "coaxing", the cave vibrated violently again. This time, after the black magic blade hit the nine-headed flame python, there was no scene of stalemate, but Yi Tian overwhelmingly suppressed Yanlong.

"It turns out that you were pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. I remembered that you are the person from Yinfeng Mountain," Yan Long cried out heart-piercingly.

"It's because you are too ostentatious, no wonder others," Yi Tian replied disdainfully.

(End of this chapter)

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