
Chapter 1316 Understanding

Chapter 1316 Understanding
After Jiuduoluo left, the scene suddenly became unfavorable to Yanlong. His deputy was taken away when he was fighting against the old blood corpse.And Yanlong himself also suffered a lot of damage from the explosion of blood corpses, and his current strength is at most only [-]% to [-]% of his heyday.

In this way, Yi Tian unceremoniously used it boldly, and the Taiyuan magic knife in his hand turned into several black arcs of black magic blades and slashed towards Yanlong's body.

The red flame flashed instantly and formed a long flame hellfire python in the air, hovering in front of Yanlong and protecting him in the middle.

The black sword glow hit Yan Bog's back, and immediately the whole cave collapsed one after another. Many rocks fell from the top of the stone wall and buried the entrance of the retreating passage.

After receiving such a blow, Yanlong's whole body was knocked back by more than three feet, but after catching a moment to breathe, he manipulated the Balrog Token in his hand and once again sacrificed the Flame Python, turning into a bucket-thick deity and raised it towards him. Put Yi Tian on his head.

"Puff puff puff" After counting the sound, five or six vine veins broke through the ground around Yi Tian and flew not far in front of him, and then quickly intertwined together to form a thorny vine net.

The flame python avatar got into the vine net and lit the vine net, but it couldn't save half a cent. Yi Tian stretched out his hands and made seals, and tapped on the vine veins a few times.At the same time, after injecting a black magic power, the cyan veins flashed a dark luster again, and then faintly revealed a dark golden light.

The vine veins that were originally lit by the flame python's real body turned dark gold and stopped burning, and the power of the flames was gradually expelled, and finally the fire python was countered.

Yanlong's face changed so much. This is the most powerful spiritual weapon in his hand, and it will be difficult to deal with it after being suppressed like this.

Then he shouted in a deep voice: "Are you really going to die forever? I have the warrant of the Demon Emperor of the Flame Prison, and I am a justifiable legion commander. As long as you tell your people to stop, cousin Yan, I can seize power for you Let things pass by."

Concubine Yan showed joy at first, but in a flash she showed a chill and said in disdain: "Cousin Yanlong, are you really out of your mind? If I let you go back alive, I will be held accountable by the emperor and the elders for seizing power and being a teacher." .Only if you are dead, I can justifiably hold this legion firmly in my hands."

After hearing this, Yan Long's face turned ashen, and then there was a hint of cruelty in his eyes, and he said: "It is said that the most poisonous woman's heart, I didn't expect that you are the most cruel among so many children of the Demon King of the Flame Prison. It seems that you are the most cruel to the Demon King. The position is ambitious. But don't forget the power of my prince's family in the flame prison, if I don't go back, I will see how you explain to my father."

"You said enough is just delaying time," Yi Tian said with a sneer, "I don't know what other tricks the Flame Prison Master has not used, just do it, I want to see the commander of the Flame Prison Demon Army in the end What's different."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and took out the feather fan to hold it in his hand. He gently took it in his hand and fanned it a few times, and then several purple flashes of lightning shot up on the surface of the feather fan, and then suddenly drained all the surrounding spiritual power.

The fat on Yanlong's face trembled, and a look of horror appeared in his eyes.Looking at these purple lightning bolts from a distance, he took out the Balrog Token in his hand, then opened his mouth and spit out three mouthfuls of blood, which turned into blood mist, and the coefficients were absorbed into the token.

At the same time, a fierce flame burst out, and the original nine-headed fire python reappeared and merged into one, but this time it turned into a fire dragon.Although Yanlong's own spiritual power has faded, the power displayed by this fire dragon far surpasses any previous one.

After Yi Tian saw it, he also showed an extremely dignified look on his face, and after lightly waving the Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan, he slapped it hard three times in the direction of Yanlong.

One fan of wind, two fans of electricity, and three fans of fire. In an instant, the wind, electricity and fire converged into a torrent and hit the opponent directly.

Yanlong didn't show weakness, he manipulated the Balrog Token in his hand, poured spiritual power into it desperately, and then even controlled the Fire Dragon to hit Concubine Yan's position.

Yi Tian snorted coldly, and his figure flashed across the ground, and several vines grew out of the ground, intertwining in front of Concubine Yan to form a net defense.Immediately, he flew over and hugged Concubine Yan to protect her behind, held the Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan in his hand and muttered: "Long".

In an instant, the one-foot-sized fan suddenly swelled to five feet, and then Yi Tian held the fan with both hands and slapped Yan Jiaolong fiercely in front of him.

The blue strong wind blows from it, and then blows the Yan Jiaolong in front of it and the wrapped vines sparsely to the top of the stone wall, and then falls vertically into the magma pool.

Concubine Yan, who was standing behind her, had a ruddy complexion, as if she had been shocked by the scene just now.In a blink of an eye, the torrent gathered by the wind, electricity and fire hit Yanlong's protective shield directly, and it was broken after only three breaths of support.

His body was immediately swallowed by the torrent, and after ten breaths, when the power of the spell dissipated, only a charred corpse remained, and there was still an electric force on it, and there was an obvious hollow on his forehead. The devil baby's spirit body was blocked outside the Niwan Palace without even being able to escape.

After tidying up, Yi Tianfei flew forward and took off the Balrog Token from his hand, and took off the storage ring from his hand.After doing all this, he slapped his body again with the Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan. After the purple flame flashed by, his body was directly burned to ashes.

After doing this, Yi Tian erased the imprint on his storage ring, and then reached in with his divine sense to check it out.Half a moment later, he took out a complete tiger talisman mark and two scrolls of jade slips and gently pushed them in front of Concubine Yan, saying, "These three things should be what you want, and they should play a decisive role in controlling the demon army in the flame prison." .”

A look of ecstasy appeared on her face. Concubine Yan took the item, held it in her hand, looked at it non-stop, and smiled from ear to ear, before replying later: "This is a tiger charm to mobilize the army. With it, I will be a justifiable legion." Commander, and these two are the dispatch documents for the expeditionary force to the Netherworld, both of which are signed by the blood corpse old devil, which means that the mission has been completed."

Yi Tian took out a few more precious materials from the storage ring and put them in the storage bag and handed them to Concubine Yan, and then said: "I sorted the things in here, and these are all you can use. Next you Hurry up and find the genuine Balrog Token in Yanling's hand, and this trip to the mass grave can be regarded as a consummation of merit."

"Brother Yi said that this time I have to thank you for your help to make things go so smoothly." Concubine Yan glanced after taking the storage bag, the excitement on her face remained undiminished, and she replied with a smile: "Afterwards I will definitely repay you well." After speaking, he leaned forward and kissed Yi Tian on the face, then hurriedly stepped aside and began to search for the Balrog Token.

(End of this chapter)

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