
Chapter 1317

Chapter 1317
The vigorous cross-border battle lasted for more than ten years before it came to a hasty conclusion. This time, the Allied Forces of the Buddha Realm reached the Blood Corpse City. As for the other main cities, there were no large-scale fierce battles.

Evil Zombie Fortress where Yi Tian is located can only be regarded as a small fight at best, apart from his big fight with Lei Fuhong and his son of the Thunderbird clan at the beginning of the war, there were several attacks on the main city of Evil Zombie Castle.

But basically it's just innocuous, at most one or two monks in the distraction period will be lost, and then they will fall into a confrontation between offense and defense.

After the sky patrol warship of the coalition forces slowly sailed away, the demon army in the flame prison on Zengtou Mountain slowly began to become lively.This place is now under the command of Concubine Yan's two assistants.Last time outside the mass grave, I wanted to set up a large formation to surround and kill Yanlong, but afterward, the two guards did not find a suitable opportunity to make a move.

Fortunately, with Jiu Tuoluo disrupting the situation and finding the blood corpse devil's injured body under the mass grave, everyone found a chance to keep Yanlong in it forever.

Afterwards, Concubine Yan found the authentic Balrog Token on the remains of Yanling's corpse that had been destroyed by the blood corpse explosion. In this way, after she had the token in her hand, she would naturally have a chance to compete for the next flame prison demon emperor. Candidate for Crown Prince.

And with the Tiger Talisman and Jade Slips from Yanlong, he would have a chance to control the entire Expeditionary Army of the Flame Prison Demon Clan.

Afterwards, Concubine Yan directly sent two of her cronies to control the partial division with warrants, but she rushed Yi Tian to the flame prison demon army barracks near Blood Corpse City to take over the army on the spot.

Yanlong led the army this time with a total of only two monks in the distraction stage. Now he and his deputy have fallen into the mass grave. In the entire barracks, only the flag officer has the highest cultivation level, and he is probably only in the late stage of transformation.

Although he could firmly suppress Concubine Yan in the mid-stage of Transformation God, but in his own eyes, it was nothing.

Sitting in the big tent of the Chinese army on that day, Concubine Yan was holding a tiger talisman and a jade slip to hand over the defense of the army.There are a total of more than 20 demon generals below, although everyone is sitting quietly, but there is a look of suspicion and suspicion in their eyes.This kind of pre-battle seizure of power is really a taboo for military strategists, but the tiger charm held by Concubine Yan is genuine.

And even though I sat next to Concubine Yan and didn't say a few words, the spiritual pressure fluctuations on my body didn't restrain at all, so the people present could see and feel it.It is expected that it is better to say that she respects Concubine Yan than she fears herself.

In this cross-border purification battle, Blood Corpse City was the most fiercely fought, and even the allied forces of the demon race lost several demon generals in front of the battle.As for the lost cultivators in the blood corpse city, there are even more cultivators at the transformation stage. Even the clone of the blood corpse old devil also suffered a lot of dark losses in this battle.

Therefore, everyone present can be regarded as having seen the world, knowing that the majesty of high-ranking monks is inviolable. Now that Concubine Yan is relying on herself to control the overall situation, she has no idea how much she is convinced in her heart.

Looking at the performance of these people below, Concubine Yan is naturally proud of her face, but what they think in their hearts can be put aside for further discussion.

Concubine Yan finally took control of the army after handing over the garrison in Yidu. Many of them were relocated to one side, and all of Yanlong's cronies were demoted, and the elite battalions of soldiers were dispatched. It was given to those demon generals who were originally unsuccessful.

Yi Tian doesn't look too long-winded in his eyes. Anyway, the control of power is what Concubine Yan is best at, as if she is born to like this appearance.

Concubine Yan breathed a sigh of relief after shielding the demon generals under her command, and then smiled at herself: "Brother Yi, you are laughing, this group of people has to be well managed before they can be used."

"It's okay, you can just keep an eye on this matter, and it is imperative to control the entire army in your hands, and I don't have any objections to this," Yi Tian replied lightly.

After a knowing smile appeared on her face, Concubine Yan said again: "The next thing I need to ask Brother Yi to help."

Frowning slightly, Yi Tian asked immediately, "Why would anyone be dissatisfied with you in commanding the demon army in the Flame Prison?"

"That's not true, we've taken care of our own affairs," Concubine Yan waved her hands and said, "After this battle of purification, we have to say goodbye to the master's family, and at the same time receive part of the rewards for this battle."

"Why do you mean you want me to go with you?" Yi Tian asked.

"It's not just a colleague, but there are people from the Heavenly Demon Clan involved this time. I'm afraid this farewell meeting will not be that simple," Yan Fei said with a serious face: "The guest of the Heavenly Demon Clan, Jiutuoluo, is obviously not easy to mess with. , I’m afraid that he will be unfavorable to us after he makes a move.”

It turned out that Concubine Yan was afraid after seeing Jiuduoluo attack in the previous battle in the Blood Corpse Devil's Nest, but this is inevitable, after all, the difference in realm is too far, which will cause a certain sense of psychological oppression.

Yi Tian said with a light smile: "Okay, then I will accompany you for a walk. If I meet Kudala, I will try to entangle him so that he can't perform it."

"Brother Yi, are you so sure?" Concubine Yan asked with surprise in her eyes.

"If my guess is right, Jiuduoluo won't have time to deal with these things, even if he really comes, I'm not afraid," Yi Tian replied firmly.

With her own guarantee, Concubine Yan's face looked better. After seven days in the camp of the army, a special envoy from Blood Corpse City came.After negotiating with Concubine Yan, she hurried back to the city to return to her command.

It didn't take long for Concubine Yan to call out a battalion to accompany the dragon tooth boat of the demon clan in the flame prison and flew towards the city of blood corpses.After entering the city, go directly to the City Lord's Mansion and place a battalion of soldiers on the left side of the square.

At the same time, Yi Tian also saw that the people of the Tianmo clan had arrived early, and the banner of their battalion of soldiers had already been erected and floated on the right side of the square.The previous reinforcements from the Demon Realm were only the Demon Clan of the Flame Prison, so in the end the lion opened his mouth and they had to endure it, but this time there is a competitor and everyone will have ambiguity in the distribution.

Slowly walking into the main hall, I found that all the people from the Blood Corpse City had arrived, including the blood-refined hand I saw last time.It's just that he doesn't even have a place to sit now, and on top of the seat is a corpse repairer in the middle of distraction.

But at the place of the Demon Clan, he still saw Jiutuoluo's figure, but at this moment, he raised his head and stared at Concubine Yan for a while, and then his eyes stayed on himself.Slightly slowly got up and bowed to himself in front of the crowd: "I didn't expect Fellow Daoist Yi to come too."

Yi Tian turned around and bowed slowly to Jiutuoluo without being surprised, and said, "Fellow Taoist Jiu is face to face. After this incident, I can finally return to the Demon Realm. You and I have settled our minds."

Kudala's expression remained unchanged, and he replied with a smile to the two of them like old friends they haven't seen for a long time, but everyone knows how much of the truth is true.

 Thank you book friends for your support

(End of this chapter)

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