
Chapter 132 Hound

Chapter 132 Hound
He didn't have any idea about Xiao Linhang's joining Yitian. He was flying in the air thinking about how this monk from Zhongzhou came to Dongao. Apart from knowing that there is a secret teleportation path leading to southern border in Annihilation Cave, Others must have specific channels to travel between the two places, but there must be a lot of middle-grade spirit stones needed to activate the teleportation array.

For example, Shangguan Dingsheng must have mastered a secret teleportation array of the 'Emperor Yutian' department.And Zhong Yue and the others who were killed last time also had the teleportation array set up by the 'Nvss of Bliss' in their hands. Shen Peiqi was the one who searched for their souls at that time, so they must ask again after returning.

Seeing Shangguan Dingsheng and Xiao Linhang chatting with the imperial weapon, the two were fighting fiercely, and Yi Tian had no choice but to follow behind. This time, he had no chance to intervene, so he had to listen.

The conversation between the two did not shy away from Yi Tian, ​​so the atmosphere along the way was very harmonious.Most of them talked about things that were not very nutritious, but when it came to the unification of the Ming Dynasty, Yi Tian was still very interested.I only heard Shangguan Dingsheng ask: "Brother Xiao, there was a rumor among my seniors in the 'Di Yutian' department that the Holy Cult will be unified after a thousand years, and I don't know when the Holy Son of King Ming will appear."

Then Xiao Linhang just smiled gracefully and said: "Brother Shangguan, as the saying goes, good luck is worse than good luck. Back then, the seniors of your department had outstanding aptitude and advanced cultivation. It's a pity that they were born at an untimely time. It was at the time when the king of Ming Dynasty was at sunset. For a total of 900 years, although Ming Wangdao has been disintegrated and disintegrated several times, according to the fate, it will eventually unite as one."

Shangguan Dingsheng turned to look at Yi Tian when he heard the words, the fire of ambition in his eyes was blazing.Then he sighed again: "It's a pity that there are three candidates for the Holy Son of the 'Di Yutian' Department including me. To become a Holy Son, you must be better than the other two in terms of things in the sect. Only when King Ming's Zhenyu Jue has reached the peak can he master all three styles of King Ming's hands."

Hearing the conversation between the two, Yi Tiancai realized that the Shangguan Dingsheng in front of him was not yet the Holy Son.At least two other people with similar cultivation levels are competing with him for this seat.Then he asked tentatively: "Senior brother Shangguan, if all of my 'Vatican Curse Heaven' return to southern Xinjiang, then you are not surpassing the other two in sect affairs?"

Shangguan Dingsheng shook his head and said, "Junior Brother Yi, it's not the right time yet. If the other two can retrieve the 'Ji Le Tian' and 'Gong Li Tian' parts, it will be a tie. He is not the strongest, so only after I have found the two teams, and then practice the Ming Wang Zhenyu Jue hard to raise my cultivation level to the Golden Core level, can I be qualified to become an official Holy Son."

Then Xiao Linhang also said at the right time: "There is still a hundred years before the great prosperity of the king of the Ming Dynasty, and Shangguan Shengzi will definitely have a chance to win the championship." Let his whole body swell up.

The three of them flew for nearly two hours, and saw a bright moon in the sky. It was a full moon night, when the power of the yin was at its peak, and the yang attribute monsters in the entire mountain range were the most weakened by the yin of the moonlight.

Xiao Linhang looked up, pinched his fingers and said: "The time is just right. We have two hours to do it. At this time, the three purgatory dogs can at most display [-]% of their strength during the day."

Shangguan Dingsheng was also excited and said: "I only take the demon pill of the purgatory dog, and the other two can watch and take it." Hearing this, Yi Tian felt that the three of them hunted and killed the purgatory dog ​​in the past as if they were within reach, and his heart couldn't stop Remind yourself, that is a fifth-level monster that is comparable to the existence of the Jindan level, not a weak chicken.

The Purgatory Valley is located near the crater, and magma flows on the ground all year round.The surrounding trees are burning from time to time, and they should all be ignited by the flowing magma.It is not so much a valley as it is a small hill, with a depression in the middle, and a ten-foot-sized cave entrance on the side of the hill and stone mountain.

The three stopped in the air and looked at the surrounding environment, and then Shangguan Dingsheng suggested that they choose to lead the three purgatory dogs out directly at the entrance of the cave.And he will add beast spirit cartilage powder to the Cangling beef. As long as the three purgatory dogs eat it, its strength will be greatly reduced. With the suppression of the power of the sun, at most it can exert [-]% of its usual strength. At that time, it will be easy for everyone to surround and kill together.

Xiao Linhang didn't have any objections, and felt that this was more reasonable.Seeing that Shangguan Dingsheng had planned everything, Yi Tian didn't care, and nodded in agreement.

When the three arrived not far from the entrance of the cave, Shangguan Dingsheng took out three big pieces of bloody beef from the storage bracelet and threw them on the ground, then took out a bottle of Beast Spirit Cartilage Powder, and sprinkled the green powder on the meat.After the preparations were finished, Wen Yitian took a fireball talisman and raised a red light ball in his hand to hit the beef directly. After being hit by the light ball, the beef seemed to be roasted, emitting bursts of barbecue aroma.

If you don't know where this is used as bait, Yi Tian will definitely think that this is a barbecue feast.When the three pieces of beef were all cooked, Shangguan Dingsheng quickly signaled the two to find a place to hide first, and after a while the three purgatory dogs would come out of the hole smelling the scent.

Sure enough, within a quarter of an hour, Yi Tian heard the sound of heavy footsteps coming from the cave. Looking from behind the covered stone slab, a purgatory dog ​​the size of a wild hoofed ox appeared in front of him.As Shangguan Dingsheng described before, this three-headed purgatory has three heads on the front, the red head in the middle is the largest and looks around constantly, the gray head is still dozing off on the left, and the blue head is on the right. The saliva was dripping all over the floor.There are rattling wrinkles on the skin of the body, and there are some red spots in the black hair.

The head in the middle looked up at the moon in the sky and was about to go back into the cave, while the blue head kept shaking, sniffing and then staring at the meat on the ground.

The three of them saw that purgatory dog ​​kept circling back and forth at the entrance of the cave, and the blue-headed and red-headed ones kept roaring in low voices, as if two people were negotiating.After ten breaths, the red head had the absolute upper hand, and after a loud roar, he was about to turn around and go back into the cave.

Shangguan Dingsheng, who was on the side, was in a hurry when he saw it. This was a failure, and he felt uncomfortable no matter what he said.Instead, it was Xiao Linhang who held him down and said: "Brother Shangguan, don't worry, Pindao today counted the catastrophe of these three purgatory dogs. Let's stay calm and wait for changes." There was a hissing motion.

Sure enough, the roar of the green and red heads directly awakened the white head, and now the three heads seemed to be having a discussion meeting, and the green head howled as if they had found a helper. He also started drooling droolingly.

Just like three people voting, two to one, ignoring the red head's barking, the purgatory dog ​​went straight out of the cave and ran forward quickly.Both Qingbai and Qingbai sniffed the Canglingmo beef on the ground with their noses, then took a big bite and swallowed one piece into their mouths.The cyan head was obviously ugly to eat. After swallowing a piece, he hurriedly lowered his mouth and picked up another piece and started to chew.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the three purgatory dogs finished their dinner, took a leisurely walk, and prepared to go back to the cave.Seeing this, Shangguan Dingsheng was overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "Let's make a move." Then, ignoring the two of them, he rushed out first, and directly punched the purgatory dog ​​with two fists emitting yellow light.

Xiao Linhang, who was on the side, was also not to be outdone, and jumped out, manipulating the flying sword in his hand to stab at Qingtou on the left.Yi Tian sneered in his heart at the back, are all the cultivators of Tianyunmen are thieves, and the green head on the right is clearly the weakest, so he only picks weak persimmons to attack.You are the first grader and I am the fifteenth grader. You are smart and I am stupid.A blue aura gathered in his hand, Ming Wang Fanyun directly hit the white head with his hand.

The Purgatory Dog, who was leisurely exercising after dinner, was stunned by the sudden attack of the three people. The three spells hit it directly, sending it flying up and falling heavily to the side.

After a puff of smoke, the three purgatory dogs stood up even though they were hit hard. The red head in the middle looked at the three of them with a glaring face, while the two next to them each received a heavy blow, and now they are drooping their heads. He growled, but the blood still dripped down from his head, especially the green head, which was cut with two three-foot-long cuts by the flying sword.

I only heard the red-headed man in the middle say: "Despicable human beings, if it weren't for these two gluttonous idiots, would I have been tricked by you!" The white-headed man only howled a few times in a low voice after listening Qingtou barked twice, but he didn't speak like Hongtou.

Seeing that Yi Tian looked at it incomprehensibly, Xiao Linhang laughed and said, "These three purgatory dogs have just reached the fifth level, just like the early stage of Jindan, except for the flame head in the middle, the frost and hurricane heads on the left and right are still the same. Level [-] cultivation base, especially the hurricane head is about the middle stage of foundation establishment, and the mind is not yet opened, and the nature is hard to change, so it fell into the trap."

Shangguan Dingsheng who was in front shouted: "Let's not stop, the drug's effect is time-consuming, hurry up." After speaking, the magic spell in his hand did not stop, and he continued to attack.

Yi Tiancai saw today what it means to be a trapped beast. Although most of the strength of these three purgatory dogs has been suppressed, but after all, they are of the blood of the fifth-level monsters and ancient alien species, and they are also very fierce when they are launched.

Among the three heads are red fireballs, white ice bullets and blue wind blades, shooting at three people at the same time.Seeing the oncoming ice bomb flying, Yi Tian dodged under the feet of the wind, and looked back to see that the ice bomb had frozen a radius of ten feet.Yi Tian could see that from a long distance away, the cold air emanating from the ground, and then he touched the spirit beast bag on his waist, and after a flash of white light, the 'Fat Dog' appeared beside Yi Tian.

The white head glanced at the same thing, and then spat out an ice bullet from his mouth. After Yi Tian patted the 'Fat Dog', the King Ming's hand shot out again, and the Fat Dog trembled a few times. A white ice barrier with a radius of three zhang appeared, wrapping both of them inside. The ice bomb was weakened by three points after entering the barrier, and was directly broken by Yi Tian's King Ming.

 Ready to go home for the New Year, every day.

(End of this chapter)

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