
Chapter 133 Variables

Chapter 133 Variables
Although the three purgatory dogs are level [-] monsters, only the flame head in the middle is as strong as it is, and there is still a lot of gap between the two heads.After eating Ruanjinsan just now, the strength of the two green and white heads was obviously greatly reduced. If it weren't for the support of the flame head, they would have been cut into eight pieces by three big heads.

Shangguan Dingsheng in the middle also smashed his teeth and swallowed it. It is true that he is the leader, but the two people next to him both picked soft persimmons, leaving him to deal with the monsters at the early stage of the real Jindan.The fireball spit out from the mouth of the flaming head forced him to rely on body skills to avoid it. Even if the fireball brushed against his side, he would feel a burning sensation.

The head of the hurricane was obviously out of shape, and Xiao Linhang's flying sword had repeatedly succeeded, and the wound on his head was getting bigger and bigger, blood flowed all over the place, and the offensive was not as strong as it was at the beginning.

The Frosthead on the left fought hard with Yi Tian a few times. Thanks to the help of the fat dog, Yi Tian hid in the Frost Barrier purely out of the idea of ​​confrontation. As long as the Frosthead was exhausted, he would You can get it right with a single blow.

The flame head of the purgatory dog ​​clearly sensed the intentions of the three people on the opposite side, but there was nothing he could do about it. The movement speed of the body gradually became dull under the action of the soft tendons, and the flame bullets were emptied several times. I got hit a few times.

Seeing the three of them succeeding repeatedly, Shangguan Dingsheng also laughed heartily. Relying on his flexibility and mobility, he kept dodging the incoming fire bombs, and he was no longer as embarrassed as before.And look at the two people next to him who have already started to beat the purgatory dog, and their hands are also deployed.

After a burst of spiritual power fluctuations, Shangguan Dingsheng changed his move, the solid strength of the previous cloud-turning hand disappeared, replaced by groups of small light spots, each light spot turned into a small hand to attack from all directions.Yi Tian saw it in his eyes, and thought to himself: "It should be King Ming's Fuyushou. I didn't expect him to be a real hero. He can practice in the middle stage of foundation establishment. Sure enough, we should not underestimate the candidate saint son of the 'Di Yutian' department."

The three purgatory dogs also felt that something was wrong, so they jumped up and jumped over a distance of ten feet, but unfortunately they were still hit more than half of them on the way.Small blood holes appeared on the hit body, and the blood was still gushing out.

The flaming head glanced at the three of them, then looked at the Frost Hurricane next to him, then raised his head to the sky and howled, a whirlwind rose around his body, and a burst of flames surrounded his body.

Yi Tian, ​​who was on the opposite side, was also puzzled. He didn't know what the three purgatory dogs wanted to do. He only heard Xiao Linhang yelling: "It's going to desperately, everyone be careful."

I only heard the flaming head say in a deep tone: "Even if I spend another 300 years rebuilding the three heads, you don't want to succeed." Immediately, I saw a red light flashing on the flaming head. Hurricane head twisted his face, and then slowly retracted into his body.After the two dog heads were completely submerged into the neck, only two blood-red scars one foot long were left.

Presented in front of the three of them now is a one-foot-long purgatory dog, which has doubled in size, but its aura has directly rushed to the appearance of a fifth-level mid-level monster.Xiao Linhang looked at it and said solemnly: "It directly devoured the demon spirit power of the other two ends. It forcibly increased its strength, and it couldn't last long, but its own strength has been strengthened. Ordinary flame spells should be able to deal with it. invalid."

The purgatory dog ​​moved without waiting for Xiao Linhang to finish speaking, and the fire bombs in its mouth continued to protrude and attack the three of them, and now it turned into a flaming purgatory dog ​​and counterattacked.Yi Tian ordered the fat dog to follow him closely, and then switched to the wood spell in his hand. A few wooden thorns appeared out of thin air and shot directly at the purgatory dog.

Xiao Linhang also changed his attack method, took out eight copper coins from the storage bracelet, and after pinching the ten-finger linkage formula, the copper coins flew up, arranged according to the eight poles of Qiandui Lizhen Xun Kan Genkun Around the purgatory.Then he held the mahogany sword in his hand and muttered, and instantly eight flashes of light connected the copper coins into a Tai Chi diagram and covered it.Xiao Linhang yelled, "I trapped it with the eight-door golden lock array, so hurry up and do it."

This time Yi Tian didn't dare to be negligent, and stretched out both hands, two wooden vines drilled through the ground, emerged from the purgatory dog's feet, and entangled one of its front paws and back claws respectively, the thorns on the vines Both feet were covered with blood.Looking back at Shangguan Dingsheng, his whole body was shining with golden light, he raised his rain-covering hand again to attack the purgatory dog.

After a howl, a mass of high-intensity spiritual power fluctuated, and three bowl-sized fireballs appeared in the mouth of the purgatory dog, directly facing the thousands of light spots of the rain-covering hand.After the fireball collided fiercely with the light spot in the air, it directly missed and flew towards the three of them.Maybe it was because of taking special care of Shangguan Dingsheng, the biggest ball of fire flew towards him.

This way of fighting to the death shocked the three of them, and everyone hastily resorted to defensive methods, and no one wanted to end up with both losers.Xiao Linhang was the first to react. Suddenly a tortoise shell used for divination appeared in his hand, and a formula was typed on it to become the size of a millstone to protect himself.Yi Tian blew the whistle, and the "fat dog" who was squatting on the side shook his body reluctantly, shrank the frost barrier to three feet, and the halo became thicker, and Yi Tian took it again He took out a copper bell and protected himself and the 'fat dog' in it.

Shangguan Dingsheng's expression was also unusually serious, and no one would have a good expression if he was taken care of.He hastily took out a broken banner, and after the spiritual energy in his hand was injected, the banner turned into layers of golden light and white mist and blocked it in front of him.

Three people and one dog were hit at the same time. Xiao Linhang was sent flying three feet with the tortoise shell leading the person, and the eight-door golden lock array lost control and turned back into eight copper coins and flew back to his hand. Turning around to see the other two are not much better.One side of Yi Tian's copper bell was punched with a hole, the fireball turned around in the copper bell, and hit the ground directly, creating a three-foot crater.

Shangguan Dingsheng in the middle was the most uncomfortable. Not only the defense of the broken banner was penetrated, but also the protective shield on his body was broken. The momentum sent the whole person flying, and after falling five feet away, a mouthful of blood spewed out of his throat, and he fainted on the side of his head.

With a flash of blue light, Yi Tian appeared next to Shangguan Dingsheng, helped him up, and checked his breath and pulse with his fingers, but fortunately he just passed out from the shock.After putting the person on the ground lightly, he ordered the 'fat dog' to look after him. Yi Tian turned his head to look at Xiao Linhang, and saw that there was nothing serious about him, except that his spiritual power was overdrawn.

The purgatory dog ​​that had lost its restraint did not leave immediately, and stood up and resisted the rain-covering hand just now.Level [-] monsters have rough skin and thick flesh, and their natural defense is stronger than that of monks. Compared with them, it still has the advantage, but the blood like a funnel on their bodies is all swollen.After being forcibly raised, after casting spells many times, the purgatory dog ​​almost exhausted its strength, and the aura on its body gradually became weaker.The desire to survive prompted it to open its mouth again, and this time the fireball was more dazzling than ever.

Xiao Linhang, who was lying on the ground, turned pale with fright, he could no longer resist the last move.After sensing a high-energy reaction in front of him, Yi Tian was also frightened, and there was no end to it.Looking at the unconscious Shangguan Dingsheng and the helpless Xiao Linhang behind him, Yi Tian has no choice. Since the fire spells are very effective and the wood spells are not powerful enough, the only way is to use Ming Wang's hands.

A purple lightning flashed across Yi Tian's body, and the cyan King Ming's hand was thrown out, and the image of Asura behind him appeared again, this time it was more clearly condensed than in the darkening hole.Among the three poems, only the one in the middle opened his eyes, with the same facial expression as Yi Tian, ​​with a strange smile on the corner of his mouth, Faxiang's hands took over Ming Wang Fanyun's and directly typed out.

Xiao Linhang, who was lying on the ground, was surprised to see that two solid fists directly hit the big fireball, pierced through the blow, and slammed on the purgatory, pressing it deeply into the soil under his feet. .Struggling to get up, Xiao Linhang hurried up to have a look, the purgatory finally died.Looking back at the serious look on Yi Tian's face, Xiao Linhang smiled and said hastily: "Everyone has secrets, I won't tell others about you, I can use the magic power of my heart."

After taking back the Faxiang, Yi Tian said to Xiao Linhang: "Then get up quickly, time waits for no one," and pointed to Shangguan Dingsheng who was lying on the side after speaking.

Three hours later, the eastern sky gradually brightened, and the rising sun illuminated the entire Purgatory Valley.Except for some potholes on the ground, everything in the valley is the same as before.The only difference is that the three people sat around the corpses of the three purgatory dogs, chatting with each other about something, everyone looked relaxed, and drank the monkey wine that Yi Tian brought out.

Shangguan Dingsheng woke up slowly after being in a coma for more than an hour. Before he got up, he felt sore all over his body, and his skeleton seemed to be dismantled.Looking at Yi Tian and Fat Dog standing by, Shangguan Dingsheng was also grateful.Immediately after Xiao Linhang saw the corpses of the three purgatory dogs, the three laughed happily again.

It's just that Xiao Linhang forced a smile on his face and completed the inner demon under Yi Tian's cold eyes an hour ago.Then he was assigned hard work and dug out the corpse of the purgatory dog ​​by himself, while Yi Tian just sat on the sidelines and exercised his breath to recover his spiritual power. The courteous treatment is added, and now I meet a strong man, it really doesn't count to go out.

When he was free, Xiao Linhang continued to look at Yi Tian, ​​and took out a jade tablet in his hand, looking at it again and again, with doubts on his face.The two lines written on the jade plaque are

'Two people enter the valley

Holy Son Butcher'

This is the revealing message given by the master Tian Yunzi to calculate the itinerary before leaving.But now there are three people, and the one who killed the three purgatory dogs turned out to be Yi Tianxing from the "Brahma Mantra Heaven" department.What's even more frightening is that Xiao Linhang also broke through other people's secrets and saw his Dharma body. If it wasn't for his cleverness and magic power to prevaricate him, he might have been killed by Yi Tianxing on the spot, with those terrifying eyes and hostility on his body , It should be a little bit because I have killed a lot of people.

 Ready to go home for the New Year, every day.

(End of this chapter)

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