
Chapter 134

Chapter 134
After making up his mind to go back to find Tian Yunzi to help relieve the stress of the inner demon, Xiao Linhang also became enthusiastic.

The three of them looked at the purgatory dog's body, Shangguan Dingsheng drew out the spirit sword, split the head with the knife in his hand, found an inner alchemy the size of a longan, and took out a jade box and put it in for preservation.This hunting was finally successfully completed, and returning to the 'Emperor Yutian' department was considered a great achievement.

Seeing Xiao Linhang kept filling several bottles with dog blood, Yi Tian just asked what was the use.The answer he got was that the spirit blood of these fifth-level monsters can be used to draw talismans and form formations. Yi Tian directly took out a ten-jin wine jar from the storage bracelet, and cut it down at the heart, and took a full bottle of wine. Vat, Xiao Linhang's face cramped.

That's not counting, the fat dog ran to the wine tank and took a few sips, Yi Tian kicked it away angrily, then pointed to the opening of the heart, motioning for it to drink by itself.

After seeing Fat Dog's talent, Xiao Linhang also gained a lot of experience. After finishing the work at hand, he came to Yi Tian to give advice: "I think your dog is of frost attribute, and it happens that the three purgatory dogs have a Frosthead, split the dog's head open to see if there is a piece of Frost Spirit Crystal, feed it to your dog, and keep it to upgrade to one level."

"Why didn't you say it earlier, brother Xiao is really out of touch, you just sit still, I will do the dirty work." After speaking, Yi Tian smiled and walked forward to split the dog's head to find Lingjing.

I heard Xiao Linhang muttering from behind, "When I was digging just now, why didn't I see you say a word."

At noon, Yi Tian flew towards Fanxing City in the air alone with his imperial weapon.In fact, he was also afraid that he would run into that golden core monk Zou Dong again when he returned the same way, but now he was alone, and he would have to run away after being targeted.Going to Fanxing City is also a way to hand over the passion wine that Liu Piaopiao promised to her designated Xinglin Hall.

When the three of them parted ways half an hour ago, Yi Tian also specially tested Shangguan Dingsheng when they would return to southern Xinjiang together.After pondering for three breaths, Shangguan Dingsheng handed Yi Tian a messenger jade crane, and told Yi Tian to be patient for the time being, and after a few years, he will be able to advance to Jindan or be fully sure to become the Holy Son and then he will return naturally. Come to Dongao to find Yi Tian.

This is also in the heart of Yi Tianxia, ​​let's talk about it when he comes to Dongao again, but his cultivation level must be higher than his, so come and pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger to see if it is profitable.

As for Xiao Linhang, he looked at Yi Tian with a smile all the way, and he was much more enthusiastic than when he came here, and he also invited Yi Tian to have the opportunity to visit Zhongzhou Tianji Gate in the future.

But Yitian looked at him quite artificially. When he was in Purgatory Valley, Xiao Linhang took a fancy to Yitian's Haoqi Yuntian wine and wanted to ask Yitian to buy two bottles.Yi Tian fell in love with his eight-door golden lock formation, and clamored for him to exchange it for that formation. This time Xiao Linhang didn't show weakness, and asked for ten catties of wine directly.The two chattered and talked for a long time, and finally finalized the lineup of replacing eight Jinsuo with eight catties of wine.

Three spirit crystals of red, white and blue were dug out from the heads of the three purgatory dogs, the red being the largest, the white being the second, and the cyan being the smallest.Yi Tian directly fed the white one to Fat Dog, and after it finished eating, he summoned it to take back the spirit beast bag, and put away the other two for later use.

Xiao Linhang told Yi Tian, ​​treat the fat dog well, and it may have other natural skills after it advances, and the earlier the skills appear, they will be strengthened again after advanced.Yi Tian was very happy when he heard it, and gave him an extra bottle of wine.

Before leaving, Yi Tian also asked them to take a copy of the map deep in the Yuncui Mountains, so that it would be easier to find the way back.Shangguan Dingsheng also specially reminded Yi Tian to avoid the golden core monks of the Zou family, and Yi Tian nodded frequently after hearing this.

Half a day later, in the entrance passage outside Fanxing City, Yi Tian still put on a bamboo hat and walked in the aisle exclusive to foundation-builder monks. After having previous experience, Yi Tian also took out the Fanxing City identity jade he used card, and entered the city directly after a while.This time, he was going to Xinglin Hall, but Yi Tian was also afraid of being recognized by others, so he would not be able to tell clearly when the time came.

After randomly finding a refining shop on the street, Yi Tian threw 20 yuan of spirit stones to the shopkeeper, and said that he would rent a refining room for ten days.Facing the request of the foundation-building cultivator, and for the sake of the spirit stone, the owner of the refining shop didn't say anything, just took the key and sent Yi Tian to the door of the refining room, and told him to just greet him if he needed anything.

Now Yi Tian's identity as a disciple of the Chiyang Sect is relatively sensitive, and he still has to avoid it when he goes to the shop of Baigumen. After thinking about it, he should make preparations. After taking out some purgatory skins from the storage bracelet, Yi Tian began to describe the hidden formation on the tiger's headgear, and finally took out the flame heads of the three purgatory dogs as a model to make a dog's headgear, which looked like the head of the purgatory dog ​​from the outside The appearance of the headgear is not bad after trying on it, at least my own consciousness that is comparable to the early stage of Jindan can't pass through.

There is still some spiritual energy on the body that needs to be repaired, especially the re-refined bronze bell. If it weren't for the attack method of the golden core level of the purgatory dog, ordinary spells can still withstand it. Use it again.

Five days later, Yi Tian finished the work hastily. After coming out of the refining shop, he found a place where there was no one, put on the headgear, and then put on the bamboo hat outside.In this way, even if they entered the shop of Baigumen, people would not be able to find anything directly.

After hurriedly walking through a few streets, Yi Tian found the Xinglin Hall not far from the Baigumen camp.As soon as you enter the door, you can see that there are still a lot of people here. Although it is not as good as the "Qihuang Miaoshou Pavilion" opened by Qihuangmen, there are still frequent transactions in the entire lobby.

After asking a buddy casually, he found out that the monks in the foundation building period can go directly to the elegant room on the second floor, so Yi Tian asked someone to lead the way first.

The boy in the private room on the second floor actually said that at the alchemist exchange meeting seven years ago, Liu Piaopiao, the representative of Xinglin Hall, and Zhu Chen, the representative of Qihuang Miaoshou Pavilion, were tied in the competition. At the meeting, the final judge judged that the two sides had a tie and tied for second place. There was no No. 1 in the competition that year, so no one got the formula for the barrier-breaking pill.

Yi Tian was amused when he heard that, in order not to let his own pill formula leak out, this Qihuangmen actually came up with a reason to tie for second place. After Zhu Chen returned to the sect, he would still be able to get the pill recipe, but Liu Piao Floating was counted.

The Baigumen would forget about this matter, isn't it her style, but I can't learn more about this matter by asking these boys.Yi Tian then ordered to see Liu Fu, and the boy was shocked when he heard the name of 'Liu Fu'. He was the big shopkeeper of Xinglin Hall, not just any casual foundation-building monk.

It wasn't until he saw Yi Tian taking out the jade tablet engraved with the word 'Willow' that he respectfully asked Yi Tian to wait for a while, and then hurriedly went downstairs to the inner hall to call for someone.

Before Yi Tian finished his cup of tea, he heard hurried footsteps from the stairs on the second floor, and a 50-year-old Foundation Establishment monk opened the door and walked in.Looking at the attire, he looked like an alchemist, with a rich hat on his head, with the word Xinglin written on the front, it was Liu Fu who came.The boys who followed came in and re-brewed the tea, then hurriedly retreated and closed the door.

After meeting Liu Fu, Yi Tian took out the jade plaque and handed it over.Liufu just looked at the jade plaque carefully, and then he looked surprised, but he didn't dare to say more.Seeing that Yi Tian was so polite, he directly took out a storage bag from his body and put it on the table, "This is what I promised Liu Piaopiao. After a few years, I will send it to her. You can pass it to her for me."

Then Liu Fu picked up the storage bag without checking it, just put a seal on it, and put it on the table.Seeing that Yi Tian who was at the side was obviously stunned, he smiled and said: "Don't worry about the things sent by the young master, the old slave will definitely hand them over to the eldest lady." After saying that, he pointed to the jade pendant and said to Yi Tian: "This thing is Miss As a personal token, please take it back, and when you have a chance, you can hand it to the young lady in person, the old slave dare not accept it."

Seeing this, Yi Tian didn't say much, but just put the jade pendant away.After taking a sip of tea, he asked: "At the alchemist conference, Liu Piaopiao suffered such a big loss, why didn't you see the Baigumen to ask for the alchemy of the barrier-breaking pill?"

Liu Fu also smiled wryly and said: "My lord, I don't know. It should have been the young lady who won the first place in the past, but the elders and judges of the Naqi Huangmen only said that the young lady took the advantage of the alchemy furnace. He's a little stronger than Zhu Chen from the Qihuang Gate, but in fact his alchemy strength is still a bit weaker."
Seeing that Yi Tian was listening intently, Liu Fu also said bluntly, "Then when verifying the pills, the other party actually had ten full pills, one top-grade pill, five top-grade pills, and four middle-grade pills. The eldest lady is also a top-grade pill, more than the other party." I got two high-grade ones, but one was too expensive to refine, so no full pill was produced. It is said that it also performed supernormally that time, and if I do it again, I may not have such a result.”

"Then your Jindan Patriarch of Baigumen will swallow this breath? As far as I know, Liu Piaopiao's great-grandfather is a person who can't tolerate sand in his eyes."

Liu Fu laughed eloquently this time, "Of course the old man wanted to express his anger for the eldest lady. Not long after that, he came to the Qihuangmen's Jindan monk to discuss the theory, and finally he gave him a chance. Seven years later, two Let's compete again, if the eldest miss wins the Qihuangmen, she is willing to offer the pill formula of the barrier-breaking pill with both hands. But this time the content of the competition is 'Qian Kun Dan', and the eldest miss is also very troubled by this."

Hearing the name of this Qiankun Pill is interesting, there are not many things that can give Liu Piaopiao a headache, this Qihuangmen does everything in order to keep his own family's pill formula.Yi Tian didn't want to cause trouble, so he got up to say goodbye to Liu Fu, but he heard Liu Fu hurriedly persuaded him: "Don't be impatient, my lord, the eldest lady is on her way here, and she will be here in about a quarter of an hour."

Yi Tian became annoyed when he heard it, feeling that you are delaying time for Liu Piaopiao, how can I leave when she comes.Regardless of Liu Fu's dissuasion, he ran directly to the stairs, and after walking a few steps, he felt a sense of consciousness reaching into the room and sweeping over himself.Immediately after hearing someone push open the door and walk in, it was Liu Piaopiao who hurried over.

 Ready to go home for the New Year, every day.

(End of this chapter)

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