
Chapter 135

Chapter 135
The Shenyun Mountains in Zhongzhou stretch for more than 36 miles, with 72 blessed peaks and [-] caves. The main hall of Tianyun Gate is built on the main peak of Shenyun Mountain.Xiao Linhang, a true disciple of the inner sect, is sitting in the main hall to tell the head of the sect, Tian Yunzi, about Dong Ao's trip.

"Master's trip to Dong Ao went smoothly this time, and the three purgatory dogs were killed on the spot, and the apprentice took three jars of spiritual blood." After speaking, he took out three bottles from the storage bracelet.

Tian Yunzi didn't talk to him, but raised his hand and waved it, signaling him to put it away by himself, then stopped talking, got up and prepared to go back to the inner hall.

Suddenly Xiao Linhang shouted: "Wait a minute, master, I wonder if the verses on the jade plaque given to the apprentice before leaving that day are wrong?"

Tian Yunzi stared at Xiao Linhang with wide eyes when he heard the words, and said in a deep voice after a long time, "What changes?"

Xiao Linhang said sternly: "The verse on the jade tablet clearly says 'two people enter the valley, the holy son slaughters the dog', but there were three people present that day, except for the holy son Shangguan Dingsheng of the 'Emperor Yutian' department, and his entourage Yi Tianxing of the 'Brahman Mantra Heaven' department."

Tian Yunzi sat back in his seat and pondered for a while before he said: "The Dao of Heaven has its own variables. The Dao of the Ming King will flourish after a hundred years, but its orthodoxy will be lost. able to recognize it."

"I don't know, please tell the master clearly."

Clearing his throat, Tian Yunzi wrapped the two of them in a sound-proof enchantment with a wave of his hand, and then said earnestly: "After the shocking battle between Mingwangdao in Southern Xinjiang and Xuanyangmen in Dongao thousands of years ago, Shengzi of King Ming and his four subordinates God, all the eight protectors died in battle. The Yun Zhongzheng of Xuanyangmen was really amazing. With the sect's treasure, he fought against the Holy Son alone and the four heavenly people and wiped them all out. Then the true inheritance was broken."

Xiao Linhang had doubts in his heart and hurriedly asked: "Master, do you know what the real body of the Holy Son of King Ming looks like?"

Tian Yunzi shook his head and said: "I have never seen it before. Only the previous head, the current Supreme Elder, Tian Jizi, knows some clues. It's a pity that the old man is in seclusion, and he must not be disturbed by matters other than the life and death of the sect. As for Na Nan It is impossible for the descendants of Jiangming Wangdao or Dongao Xuanyangmen to recognize the real body of Naming King. What happened today came out of my mouth and entered your ears. You must not talk to a third party. You and Naming King Sheng Tian Yunzi is quite close, and there will still be opportunities to meet each other in the future, let's go down," then Tian Yunzi got up and walked into the inner hall.

At the same time, Liu Piaopiao and Yi Tian were discussing the content of the second confrontation with Zhu Chen of Qihuangmen, refining Qiankun Pill.There are quite a lot of requirements for refining this Qiankun Pill, the most basic thing is that two men and women are required to practice the spirit fire with different attributes of yin and yang to do alchemy at the same time.

The attributes and proportions of the medicinal materials must conform to the basis of the combination of yin and yang, so the main effect of Qiankun Dan after refining is to reconcile yin and yang, especially for those monks who have gone mad, it can dredge the disordered spiritual energy in their meridians, or relieve those who have cultivated There are two kinds of mutual restraint to overcome the suffering of people.

Even if the monks who took the top-grade elixir returned to normal, they would have to work hard for a year and a half to recover. Only the top-grade Qiankun elixir could maintain the monk's cultivation level.

In the past few days, Yi Tian was forcibly instilled the basics of alchemy, and Liu Piaopiao also took out the alchemy formula of Baigumen.After more than ten days of surprise training, after Yi Tianlian broke several furnaces of pills, he finally made a rare mid-grade Condensing Yuan Pill.

Seeing Yi Tian's rapid progress, Liu Piaopiao put refining Qiankun Pill on the agenda.The two refined more than a dozen batches of Qiankun pills in the alchemy room before they produced a low-grade pill.

Seeing this result, Yi Tian really doubted whether he was really suitable for learning alchemy, but Liu Piaopiao told Yi Tian excitedly: "Your talent for alchemy is one of the three highest among all alchemists I have ever met."

I really don't know what Liu Piaopiao was thinking, the two of them wasted more than a dozen furnaces of materials to make one, Yi Tian also replied helplessly: "Don't comfort me, how can you participate in the second duel with such a result? ?”

Who knew that Liu Piaopiao said with a look of indifference: "You are already good. You have improved to this level within a month. Back then, I refined the first low-grade Condensed Yuan Pill after more than a dozen furnaces. What is important in refining Qiankun Dan is the connection of mind and heart, and the two flames, one yin and one yang, cooperate with each other to make it." After finishing speaking, her face was still red, looking like a little girl.

"Then who are the other two people who are talented in your eyes?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

"One is Zhu Chen from the Qihuang Sect. This person is the most dishonest person. He even released me in the secret realm of the Six Sects. Sooner or later, I will settle the score with him. The other is Nangong Qianyun from the Xuanling Sect. Last time if she There are four high-level alchemy furnaces, and I'm afraid it will be difficult for the three of them to compete."

Yi Tian on the side was obviously a little embarrassed. No wonder her reaction was a bit strange when she saw Nangong Qianyun last time. I guess she was still blaming herself for not selling her the best things.Fortunately, he was wearing a mask, otherwise it would be troublesome for Liu Piaopiao to see some clues.

One month later, in the backyard of Xinglin Hall in Starry City, Liu Piaopiao and a dull middle-aged man were collaborating in alchemy. In the alchemy furnace, two strands of spiritual fire, one green and one red, alternately burned the spirit in the alchemy furnace. medicine.

A moment later, the two of them used the method of collecting pills at the same time. After the two methods were injected into the Suzaku furnace, a light smoke came out. Liu Piaopiao said seriously, "Ready to open the furnace." The flame was instantly extinguished.

After a burst of elixir fragrance wafted out, Liu Piaopiao stretched out his right hand and gently lifted the furnace cover, and saw a pellet-sized elixir lying quietly in it, with a ring of elixir on it.

"Dan Cheng Shangpin, it's the most successful one in this month," said Yi Tian's voice.Since meeting on the second floor of Xinglin Hall, Yi Tian has been wearing that dog hood.Liu Piaopiao thought that was too ugly, so she found a spiritual artifact of a human skin mask for Yi Tian.Yi Tian was reluctant at first, but when he heard that this thing could also prevent Jindan monks from detecting their spiritual sense, he put it on without even thinking about it.

In the past few days, the two of them worked hard day and night to cooperate, and every time after that, they made Qiankun pills, but unfortunately they were all low-grade ones, even if they were taken out, no one would buy them.If you eat this, it will fall to the middle stage of foundation establishment, and most people will not use it unless it is a last resort.

After summing up the experience, Liu Piaopiao suggested that the two of them should take a rest. There are still three days before the second confrontation at the Qihuang Gate, and they need to take advantage of this opportunity to recover their spiritual power and adjust their status.Liu Piaopiao also got a set of costumes for inner disciples of the Bone Sect, but Yi Tian refused on the spot. It would be fine if people found out.

He heard Liu Piaopiao say: "Pretentious", and then threw Yi Tian a set of costumes for the disciples of the aristocratic family, and a piece of identity jade card of Fanxing City. Yi Tian took it to see that it said 'Yang Liuqing'.

I saw Liu Piaopiao with a smirk on his face and said: "From now on, these are your new identities. You are from the Yang family in Qinghe, a foundation-building monk from a family of loose cultivators, and you practice the Fire Spirit Art. Tang's external alchemist."

So Yi Tian also nodded helplessly, he has come to this point, if he pats his butt and leaves, it is estimated that Liu Piaopiao will go crazy directly, and the Baigumen will definitely issue a warrant for the sect, and Yi Tian's situation will not be as good at that time Wonderful.

Liu Piaopiao directly signaled to give up the high-grade Qiankun Pill to Yi Tian, ​​saying that it was because of his hard work in the past month, so he should give him something in return.

Three days later, after a lapse of seven years, Fanxing City ushered in another grand event of alchemy competition. In the upper seat of the main hall of the main hall of the city lord, there were several Golden Core cultivators, namely Fanxing City Flying Star, Juxing, Bone Gate Willow The moon, Qihuangmen Cheng Xiangxu and Yinshi sect's lunar calendar line.

The center of the hall is divided into two areas, on the left is "Xinglintang" contestant Liu Piaopiao and an external alchemy master "Yang Liuqing", and on the right is "Qihuang Miaoshou Pavilion" representing Zhu Chen and Zhu Xin brothers and sisters.This is the second time seeing this pair of brothers and sisters. The last time was at the Nine Heavens Tower. Zhu Chen saw through his identity and forcibly bought the Xuanwu furnace.Yi Tian also had lingering fears. Although he had changed his attire, he didn't know if he would show up again this time.

Faced with Zhu Chen's provocation, Liu Piaopiao sneered, but Zhu Chen's alchemy skill Yitian had been taught more than 20 years ago. Seven years ago, he was able to draw with Liu Piaopiao with a medium-grade alchemy furnace. This time must have been prepared, and I couldn't help but weigh it secretly in my heart.

Yi Tian, ​​who was standing aside, had an uneasy premonition in his heart. This feeling was the lunar calendar of the Jindan cultivator who came to the seat.Since entering the hall with Liu Piaopiao, the consciousness of the Lunar Calendar has swept over him two or three times.After he killed his clone in the depths of the secret realm back then, he had been thinking about him, and it was on this occasion that he met him for the first time 20 years later.

It's okay for Liu Piaopiao to have the Bone Gate to support her, but now that she is a casual cultivator, if she is exposed, if she is not caught, she will probably be trained to be a walking dead by him.After thinking about it for a while, Yi Tian didn't dare to transmit the voice to Liu Piaopiao, because transmitting the voice in front of the Golden Core cultivator is tantamount to revealing his old background for others to see.

There is also a group of onlookers below, most of them are alchemists who came to participate in the competition.Yi Tian also saw Nangong Qianyun of the Xuanling School standing in front of the alchemists in plain clothes.Liu Piaopiao reminded Xia Yitian: "The managers of the six camps are here, don't be stage fright today."

There were also people from the Chiyang faction, but none of them were Yi Tian's acquaintance. The leader was a late-stage foundation-building monk, with a smile on his face, a wrinkled forehead, and a mustache. He should be Jin Sheng.

Yi Tian is very disgusted with those undercover agents from the Baigumen, but thinking about what it is to help Liu Piaopiao make alchemy now.

Seeing that the two sides were almost ready, Patriarch Flying Star coughed a few times, and the whole scene fell silent. Then he stood up and announced the precautions and final rewards for this alchemy competition.

Cheng Xiangxu, a Jindan cultivator from the Qihuang Gate, with an expressionless expression of joy and anger, directly took out a jade box, opened it and placed a jade slip in it, and showed it to everyone.I only saw the raging flames burning in the eyes of the alchemists below, and the jade slips should be the re-engraved barrier-breaking alchemy recipes.

 Ready to go home for the New Year, every day.

(End of this chapter)

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