
Chapter 1320 Stationed

Chapter 1320 Stationed
The two Dragon Tooth Boats carried by the Expeditionary Army of the Flame Prison Demon Race slowly deviated from the course in the air and headed straight for the Devil's Ridge Mountain.

At the same time, on the main ship, Concubine Yan directly gathered many demon generals under her command, and then appointed her two cronies to directly take charge of the two battleships.When you reach the thousand miles near the battlefield of Devil's Ridge Mountain, choose two dangerous hilltops to build fortifications.

In this way, the distance from the battlefield is not far or close, and it will not provoke a war between the two sides for the time being.As for her, on behalf of the five demon generals who participated in the battle of purification, they went to the imperial city of the flame prison to return to their orders. During her absence, her deputy was in charge of all matters in the army.

As for Yi Tian this time, because of the special needs of the situation, he should sit in the Chinese army to deter his subordinates, so people like this stayed on the Dragon Tooth Boat.After Concubine Yan came back with the Demon Emperor's talisman, she discussed the next step.

In this way, no one in the entire army would dare to disturb him after Concubine Yan left.

Three days later, when the Dragon Tooth Boat slowly landed thousands of miles away from the battlefield of Demon's Ridge Mountain, the army on board began to unload equipment and baggage in an orderly manner.Then he selected a hilltop and began to build fortifications.

As for the other warship, it landed in the other direction of the Devil's Ridge Mountain three hundred miles away, and then unloaded the supplies on the ship and stepped up construction.

Yi Tian opened a private cave in the back mountain of the Demon's Ridge Mountain camp, and then left a message jade talisman and took Situ Jing'er into the cave to start repairing it.

To be honest, it was convenient to be alone, but now it is extremely troublesome to bring this succubus.It's obviously a burden, but I can't just let her go.

I don't know what Judhara thought about abducting the youngest daughter of the patriarch of the Succubus clan to him.If you let her go, maybe you will cause yourself endless troubles, but if you keep her by your side, you are afraid that she will find out your secret, which is extremely helpless.

Fortunately, I also imprinted my unique soul mark on Situ Jing'er before.According to the explanation that Kudhara gave himself before, it is common for high-level demons to enslave other demons in the demon world.

Moreover, the succubus he sent was still a virgin, so he was saving face.

However, afterward, Yi Tian estimated in his heart that most of the contributions made by Jiu Tuoluo in the purification battle this time, that's why the commander of the Heavenly Demon Clan rewarded Situ Jing'er to him.

However, Kudala had clearly mentioned to himself before that the Buddha Sect's magic body method had a fatal flaw, and this flaw could be made up for by the succubus.

Although I don't know whether what he said is true or not, I still want to calm down and ponder it again, to see if it is true that the high-level demons will see through the fatal flaws in my disguise as Kudhara said.

When he came to the new cave, Yi Tian took out several treasures and gave them to Xuanyuan Jing'er, then locked her in the cave to practice.I went into the deepest part of the cave, activated the formation restraint, closed the door of the stone room, and sat cross-legged in the middle of the stone room to think alone.

After detouring the corpse world this time, he was separated from senior brother Pudian, and he didn't find him at all during the cross-boundary purification battle.

Now that he came to the Demon Realm, he took out the induction jade card again, and found that there was still no movement on it.Now Yi Tian showed a puzzled look on his face. It stands to reason that Pudian senior brother is all at the early stage of fusion, and in terms of strength, there are few rivals in the cross-border battle.

But after the whole battle, there was no information about him at all, and his existence was never sensed after coming to the Demon Realm.Could it be that the two of them were really too far apart to notice him, or that they deliberately kept him from being aware of his whereabouts.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian's face darkened, and he had some uneasy thoughts in his heart.It's just that we can't be sure of Pudian's intentions at the moment, so let's leave it to the future to discuss it.

After putting away the induction jade card, he took out the jade slip that reads the Buddha’s name and read it carefully. When he read the last chapter of supernatural powers, he realized that it described relying on spiritual power to drive the demon god. a trace of.

Ordinary demons are naturally unable to detect it, but facing high-level demons, especially old monsters in the fusion stage or some talented distracted demon cultivators, people will see clues.

In this way, he would be in trouble for no reason. After reading it, Yi Tian put away the jade slip and sacrificed a little of his spiritual power to put it in his hand, and then invaded it with divine sense to examine it carefully.

Half a moment later, instead of showing any obvious changes on his face, the frown deepened.My own spiritual power was completely changed by the power of the devil, and I couldn't find any trace of spiritual practice in it.On the contrary, there is a trace of undetectable purple true energy in the black magic power, which is the manifestation left over from the purple flame of Leiyan, the real fire of my own life.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian simply sacrificed a ray to mix it with the power of the devil and began to strengthen it again and again.

At the same time, the three-headed and six-armed figure of Ashura gradually appeared, and then he sorted out all the things he had obtained from killing monks in the corpse world.

I reckon that I have just arrived in the Demon Realm and I still need to gain a firm foothold. This is the boundary disputed by the Flame Prison Demon Clan and the Flying Raksha Clan. I may have many chances to make a move.Now my skills are too simple, if I accidentally use my spiritual powers, I may have to pack up and leave.

Fortunately, after killing Yanlong before, he found several copies of the supernatural power jade slips in his storage ring, which can be used to practice and deceive others.So Yi Tian took it out and held it on his left hand and began to evolve the exercises in his mind.

As for the right hand, he took out the Balrog Token and held it in his hand for careful observation.Speaking of which, this thing is still a status symbol of the flame prison demon royal family, and there must be something unique about it.

And Yanlong was able to raise the fire python to Yanjiaolong alive under the blood sacrifice, this is what surprised him the most.

If the Balrog Token has this function, then the refiner must be skilled in the sky. As a refiner, I have a strong interest in this technique, so I can take this opportunity to observe and study it carefully.

This time, there are not a few precious materials found in the world of corpses, and Yi Tian immediately wanted to refine all the original ideas of spiritual weapons in his heart one by one.

The most practical thing right now is the Brahma Golden Bell. I have carefully prepared enough materials for this treasure, but I just don't have the time to refine it.

Now in the demon world, it can be directly refined into a pair of yin and yang bells, and the Brahma golden bell can be used to cast the eight sounds of heaven and thunder.As for Yanlong's kung fu technique, there is a supernatural power called the Qijue Demon Sound, I don't know why he hasn't practiced it, if he has practiced it himself and used it with the Curse Sky Demon Bell, it will have unexpected effects when used against the enemy.

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(End of this chapter)

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