
Chapter 1321 Provocation

Chapter 1321 Provocation
After the army stationed in the Devil's Ridge Mountain, it has been calm, and it has been more than ten years. It seems that the Flame Prison Demons and the Flying Rakshasa are very restrained to avoid close combat. Although there will be small frictions in the depths of the Devil's Ridge Mountain, most of them stay The level of the magic baby stage.

Naturally, there is no need to come forward for such small fights. During this period, Concubine Yan's cronies controlled the expeditionary army to maintain the situation.

Yi Tian took advantage of this time to practice hard in his cave, not only mixed his natal real fire with the power of the magic source, but also refined the Qijue magic sound and two spiritual weapons.

Sitting cross-legged in the cave, looking at the two mother and son Jinling in front of him, his face was full of complacency.The original idea was to refine only one big piece, but if I cast the Heavenly Thunder Eight Notes in the Demon Realm, I would be targeted by those old demons in the fusion period within a short while.

In this way, the material was divided into two parts to refine the son-mother golden bell, the big one was five inches high, and the small one was three inches high.It is made by using two kinds of natal real fire sacrifices for spirits and demons respectively.After the small Brahma Golden Bell is trained, its surface is full of auspicious auspicious light, and after being infused with the Heavenly Thunder and Eight-tone Gongfa, it is directly put into Yuanying's hands to warm it up.

As for the dark golden color of the big cursing sky magic bell, it is made of the Brahma golden bell as the body for the second time. The surroundings are engraved with the mantras according to the skills of the Qijue magic sound, and then the supernatural powers are slowly injected into it. in.

This set of son-mother golden bells can be used in conjunction with refining, and I also specially reserved the Brahma golden bell as the core. Once combined, the curse sky magic bell can be directly refined into a whole set of spiritual treasures.

I did this to be able to completely control the Cursed Heaven Demon Bell, even if it is left for others to use in the future, I can easily transform this thing into a Buddhist spiritual weapon.

Over the past ten years, the Barracks on Devil's Ridge Mountain has almost been built. At noon on that day, there was a dazzling sun flashing across the sky not far away.Then the halo became stronger and stronger.After a while, the light flew closer and closer until it stopped thirty miles away from the new military camp on Devil's Ridge Mountain.

In the depths of the old camp of the army, the defensive formation had been opened long ago, and then the demon generals who stayed behind stepped out of the battalion commander to look up.Thirty miles away in the air stood Flying Rakshasa, his body was covered with blue skin, his eyes were shining, and he was holding two sword blades. After the spiritual power spread out, he turned out to be a late-stage cultivator.

I saw the opponent hovering in the air, and then stretched out his hand, the two blood blades interlaced and drew a cross blade light, and hit the protective shield fiercely.

Fortunately, the large formation here did not cut corners, and the expeditionary army fought in the coalition forces of the Yin corpse world and the Buddhist world for nearly 20 years without showing the slightest panic about this attack.

After the sound of the horn three times, the soldiers from all over the barracks lined up one after another, took their positions in an orderly manner, and ran around the barracks formation to maintain the stability of the formation.

Later, a black aura flew out from the back mountain and landed not far from the flying Rakshasa.After the magic light faded, Yi Tian's deity was revealed, and after looking at the other party in a blink of an eye, he slowly said: "I am an expedition soldier of the Flame Prison Demon Clan, Yi Tian, ​​I don't know if you want to provoke the two clans by attacking the important place of our military camp for no reason. war?"

The Feitian Rakshasa sneered and said, "I am Ye Luan, the captain of the Rakshasa Clan here, and your army has once again built fortifications to provoke a war between the two clans. Since you are the person in charge, come and live with me." Pass it, if you can take three moves, I will leave."

"Since your Excellency has drawn the road, I have to take it, well, I also want to see what the Flying Rakshasa family is capable of," Yi Tian replied with a serious face.

Reaching out to take out the Taiyuan Demon Knife and the Cursing Sky Demon Bell, he slowly sacrificed it, waiting for the opponent to make a move.

In terms of cultivation, he seems to be two small levels lower than the opponent, but he is not at all in the face of Juddara who is in the late stage of the avatar, let alone these flying Rakshas.

It's just that this is my first battle after arriving in the Demon Realm, and I just took this opportunity to test the power of the newly refined spirit weapon.

Slowly making the Qijue magic sound from his mouth, the Cursing Sky Demon Bell beside him began to buzz and vibrate.Then waves of black light spread out and covered the head of the Flying Raksha Yeluan in front of him.

It was obvious that Ye Luan was frightened by his sudden attack. Under the cover of the black sound waves, his body movements seemed not as fast as before, and the mobilization of the spirit body in his body was also a bit blocked.

"Boy, you dare to use evil tricks," Ye Luan groaned strangely, and a gray magic light gathered on his body, forcing the intruding magic voices around him to be within three gaps.Then waved the two sword blades on both hands, and then raised the cross light arc again and slashed towards Yi Tian.

Facing the menacing attack, Yi Tian's expression sank and he didn't dare to back down directly, otherwise the cross light arc hit the barracks defense formation not far behind him again and would increase the burden on the formation.It seems that the other party also sees that he has scruples, so he will attack unscrupulously.

Yi Tian poured spiritual power into the Taiyuan Demon Knife and waved it away. At the same time, two three-foot-large Heavenly Demon Blade light knives were sacrificed and moved towards the blade of the cross star.

After two consecutive "bang bang" sounds sounded in the air, a hurricane-like spiritual pressure fluctuation spread towards the surroundings.The strong wind blew on the large array of defenses, shaking the protective cover to rattle, so frightened that the guardian demon generals had to take action at each node to stabilize the protective cover.

Yi Tian didn't expect that the opponent's strength was stronger than he expected, but it was still a lot worse than Jiuduoluo.After thinking about it in his heart, he smiled at the corner of his mouth and continued to harass the other party with the Qijue magic sound.

Obviously the advantage of Flying Rakshasa lies in its speed, but the power of its moves is still much lower than that of the Flame Prison Demons, not to mention the Sky Demons who are known for their strength.

Using the Qijue magic sound to restrict Ye Luan's spiritual power movement and greatly weakened his advantage in speed.Thinking about it secretly, striking while the iron is hot will not give him a chance to get out of the influence range of the Seven Absolute Magic Sounds.

After waving the Taiyuan Demon Knife in his hand again, he drew several magic blade light knives in the air, and then turned into countless tiny sky magic blades to attack the opponent.

Just now, Ye Luan just said that the three-stroke agreement did not take this matter to heart, and he had to be careful when dealing with the demons. When the strength is about the same, the three-stroke agreement is just a polite talk.If I show any weakness at all, I'm afraid that the other party will definitely use the donkey downhill to chase and beat me fiercely.

It was obvious that Ye Luan's ferociousness was also aroused by his repeated shots. After the two wings behind him spread out, his figure suddenly accelerated and turned into a gray lightning bolt rushing towards him.At the same time, the two sword blades on both hands waved again and returned to the void, and then split two blue auras to strike at him.

Yi Tian stretched out his hand and pointed at the besieging magic blades, which instantly surrounded Ye Luan's real body, and at the same time raised the magic blades in his hands and turned them into black arcs of light to block in front of him.

After the loud "coaxing" sound, the two pushed back a hundred feet and stabilized their figures. After looking at each other for a while, Ye Luan yelled coldly: "You're lucky this time, boy, we'll see."

(End of this chapter)

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