
Chapter 1322

Chapter 1322 The Return
After forcing Ye Luan away, Yi Tian slowly descended and returned to the barracks, and then hurriedly called Concubine Yan's cronies to teach him the opportunity.

Since then, the two strongholds of the Flame Prison Demon Army on the Devil's Ridge Mountain have begun to speed up their construction, placing many unnecessary facilities first and building many nodes of the defensive formation first.

Soon the two military camps separated by [-] miles were connected, and a small defense node was set up every [-] miles.After opening, it can withstand the siege of ten monks in the transformation stage, so eight or nine nodes form an island chain defense to cut off the front of the Devil's Ridge Mountain.

Then they sent monks at the magic infant stage to garrison with the same team separately. Whenever an enemy invaded, they would open the defensive formation first, and then the demon generals at the transformation stage in the formation would lead troops to reinforce them.

During this period, the Flying Raksha clan on the opposite side also organized many small teams to carry out tentative attacks, and both sides maintained restraint and did not expand the battle.

After that, Yi Tian didn't dare to hide in the cave and cultivated. Every now and then, he had to go out to inspect outside the range of the defensive front.

It wasn't until half a year later that Yi Tian found a red light flying from the rear sky towards the large formation of the military camp here when he was inspecting.After the divine sense came out, it turned out to be a dragon tooth warship, but its scale was larger than the flagship of the expeditionary force.

Half a moment later, a [-]-meter-long and [-]-meter-wide exhibit appeared in front of him. After flying in from the sky, it slowly slowed down and finally stopped at the airport fifty miles away from the military camp.

Not long after, several rays of light flew out from the warship towards the barracks, and Yi Tian returned to his tent after landing and waited.

Needless to say, the person who came was Concubine Yan who was going to the Demon City of Flame Prison, but this time she seemed to bring a lot of people back.Among this group of people, Yi Tian found that there were at least two people with similar cultivation levels as himself.

I was thinking about what to do next, when I suddenly heard a message from a soldier outside the account: "My lord, Keqing, the commander will return to the camp and invite you to go to the big tent to discuss matters."

Knowing that he couldn't avoid it, Yi Tian simply got up and walked slowly towards Daying, but in his heart he was thinking about how to face Concubine Yan and the people she brought.

Before, Concubine Yan seemed to be relying only on herself. Obviously, she had no one under her command, so she obeyed her advice.But now it is clear that he has won the trust of the Demon Emperor to return with such great fanfare. Not only did he bring soldiers and warships, but even the cultivators at the scoring stage were dispatched. importance.

After walking to the main entrance of the big tent, the divine mind stretched out a little and found that all fifteen demon generals from the two armies were present.Randomly heard Concubine Yan's voice from inside saying: "Brother Yi is here, please come in quickly."

After slowly walking into the big tent, she found that Concubine Yan was sitting on the main seat in the center, and there were two distracted middle-stage monks sitting on the left and right sides of her.It seems that he was sent by the Demon King of Flame Prison to help in the battle.Those two people were a man and a woman. The woman looked at Concubine Yan who was sitting on the seat with kindness in her eyes. Needless to say, she should be from Concubine Yan's family.

As for the other man, his face was full of solemnity, and the demon generals who looked around were full of delicate expressions. When he glanced at him, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and then he retracted his gaze.

Concubine Yan who was seated hurriedly got up and cupped her hands and said, "Brother Yi, please take a seat."

Yi Tian glanced and found that she had arranged a seat for herself just below the female cultivator.After walking up slowly, she sat down at the seat and saw Concubine Yan take out a roll of animal skin and began to read the edict of the Demon Emperor of Flame Prison.Listening carefully, it seems that the Demon Emperor of Flame Prison approved Concubine Yan's proposal, and this time he sent two monks in the distraction stage to help in the battle.

The entire meeting lasted for nearly half an hour before it ended. During this period, Yi Tian just sat still like an old monk and hardly heard any nutritious words.It wasn't until Concubine Yan assigned all the tasks that everyone slowly got up and left.Yi Tian was about to stand up, turned around and saw Concubine Yan lowered her head and moved her lips a few times and said, "Brother Yi, please stay."

Knowing that she would do this, Yi Tian sat in his seat and waited until everyone had left before turning his head to look at Concubine Yan who was sitting in the right seat.She stretched out her hand and cast out a sound-proof barrier to envelop the two of them.

Later, she only heard her say: "Thank you Brother Yi for taking care of the army for me these few years. I heard that there were high-ranking monks from the Flying Raksha clan who came to make trouble a few years ago, and I sent Brother Yi away."

"It's all trivial matters. I just supervised the construction of the military camp under my command these years," Yi Tian replied indifferently: "As for the Flying Rakshasa's attack, it was unexpected. Fortunately, he was dismissed immediately after fighting him. Walk."

"I guess it's not as simple as sending it away." Concubine Yan stood up with a smile, then walked down the steps gently to Yi Tian, ​​then sat down in a seat and said: "I heard that the person who came is the Flying Rakshasa who is here to search for the world." The captain of the team, Ye Luan, has cultivated to the late stage of distraction, and even a monk with distraction may not be his opponent."

To be honest, after Concubine Yan came back this time, Yi Tian found that the look in her eyes facing him was not as firm as before, and she also had a somewhat puzzled expression.Although she didn't explicitly exclude herself, but thinking about it, the decree issued just now directly excluded herself.

But this is also reasonable. At that time, I used her power to successfully enter the demon world.And now that she has soldiers and food around her, she is naturally more confident.

After thinking for a while, he changed the subject and asked, "I don't know if you went back this time smoothly. It seems that the Demon Emperor didn't punish you too much for seizing power."

"Brother Yi really has a clever plan. You have expected the reactions of the father and the ministers. Most of the situation is just like what you said before. The royal family still needs to cite blood inheritance. So the father took this opportunity to delegate the power to me. Many younger brothers and sisters," Concubine Yan replied with admiration in her eyes.

"That's just expected. I guess the Demon Emperor sent two distracted monks to you this time just to see how you can control this group of subordinates. And your younger brothers and sisters are also forming gangs to ask for help Okay, but didn't they secretly trip you up, this is not like the style of the royal family," Yi Tian joked.

Speaking of this, Concubine Yan frowned and said with a drooping face: "Who said there is no, among the two distracted monks who are helping the battle this time, Nanny Yang is the help sent by my mother. But that Yan Tong is the mother behind the fourth brother. People of the clan, if he gets involved in many things, he will be restrained and unable to do anything."

It turned out that the two distracted monks were not together, so Yi Tian laughed in his heart.I didn't expect the Demon Emperor of Flame Prison to balance himself, so there are many restrictions on himself on the surface, but as long as the relationship is handled well, he can handle it with ease.

After thinking about it, he replied with a smile: "I'm afraid this is also a test given to you by the Demon Emperor. In the face of those difficult courtiers, you must try to maximize their effectiveness."

"Then how should I deal with Yantong? This person didn't give me a good face all the way, and he's acting like he's trying to make ends meet. I'm afraid I won't be able to mobilize him at that time, and I have to trouble Brother Yi for a lot of things." Concubine Yan said helplessly.

"Don't worry, you can ask him to be responsible for some camp defenses, as long as you take care of everything, he won't be able to object," Yi Tian explained.

 Thanks to book friends 20170517170603195, more than ordinary people, and the monthly ticket support of the head of the earth army

(End of this chapter)

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