
Chapter 1323 Consolidation

Chapter 1323 Consolidation
After chatting with Concubine Yan, Yi Tian didn't hesitate to unload the burden on his hands and returned to his cave to start retreat.

Before leaving, she repeatedly told Concubine Yan to handle the relationship with these people. It is estimated that after the expeditionary army is stationed here, it has attracted the attention of all parties.

Now that the Demon Emperor of Flame Prison is willing to let her back, he naturally has some thoughts about this land.

Therefore, Concubine Yan can't sit still and wait for death, at least she must include all the dangerous positions of Devil's Ridge Mountain into the territory of the Flame Prison Demon Clan in order to show her extraordinary wisdom and courage.

And I also pointed out that many princes and princesses now have the approval of the Demon Emperor of the Flame Prison to lead the army alone, so naturally they have become a state of competition with each other.Thinking that Concubine Yan is just a little bit ahead, but the Demon Emperor's Magic Eye who wants to enter still needs to prove its value.

In addition, after the return this time, the Flame Demon Token brought back by Concubine Yan was returned to the Demon Emperor of the Flame Prison and was not given again. Now this thing is a hot potato.No matter which prince the devil bestows it on, it will be envied and peeped by the rest of the people, and over time, it will become a very popular situation among the royal family.

For the current situation, it can be said that it is the best result, that is, to preserve the majesty of the royal family, and to draw a big pie in front of all the princes and princesses, so that they all try their best to express themselves.

After returning this time, Concubine Yan should have been a little scrupulous, and there seemed to be a little hesitation between her brows, but under her own analysis, she quickly adjusted her mood and devoted herself to the operation and deployment of the army.

This time, since two monks in the distraction period came at once, it was the Demon Emperor's intention. Since Yi Tian didn't bother, he returned to the cave after explaining what he was doing.

Sitting cross-legged in the cave and resting for ten days, before the restriction outside the door, a gap the size of a fist opened automatically, and a jade talisman flew in from it and flew in front of him.

There was a little suspicion on his face and he thought to himself that this meeting just finished explaining whether or not Concubine Yan is about to enter the army.At least you have to wait for the army to prepare and transport the logistics and transportation in place before doing it.

As a result, the Jade Talisman of Communication sent a thoughtful look on his face after sweeping his eyes. The letter was also very simple, just telling him that Ye Luan, the captain of the Flying Rakshasa patrol, had brought his clansmen to call for battle.

This time the opponent was obviously prepared, so Concubine Yan was worried that the situation would develop out of control and wanted to call herself to take action.

The opponent came this time with two late-stage monks who were distracted. According to Concubine Yan, she wanted to have an advantage in three-on-two numbers and try to protect it.

But Yi Tian didn't think so in his heart, since the person who was sent by the fourth prince among the visitors was greedy for sand, it would be better to take this opportunity to show his prestige and make the visitor retreat.

Thinking of this, he lightly sacrificed his spiritual power on his fingertips and began to inscribe it on the Jade Talisman of Communication. After a while, he sacrificed it again and sent it out.

After finishing these, I took out several jade slips and put them in front of me to think about them.These are the supernatural power jade slips brought from Yanlong's hands. The Qijue magic sound that I only practiced before, combined with the curse sky magic bell has unexpected effects.

But now I urgently need to practice other supernatural powers and secret arts, otherwise I can't keep up with the needs of the situation by using the magic blade and light knife with the Taiyuan magic knife in my hand.

Fortunately, the dead ghost Yanlong's personal collection is still quite a lot, roughly looking at no less than seven or eight kinds.

Among them, there is actually the supernatural power of Burning Heaven Demon Fire, which fits very well with his own attributes.It's a pity that this supernatural power is only the basic method of the first half of cultivation, and there are no follow-up supernatural moves.

In this way, even if it is cultivated, it can only be used in an ordinary way, and the natural power of the moves will be greatly reduced.

It's like Nanming Lihuo who has practiced Lihuo Palace, if there is no Lihuo Nine Transformation magical powers, the power will only be [-]% to [-]%.

But the other supernatural powers either have incompatible attributes, or they need a lot of evil spirits to pour into the body to form a violent demon body.These are not the results I want, after all, I have read the materials of the demons in the scripture cabinet of Daleiguang Temple.

After ordinary demons enter the stage of transforming into gods, they usually have two forms: static and dynamic, which are commonly known as violent demons and calm demons.The attack range of the former's physical body and spells has increased significantly, but the sequelae are that because he can't control his inner mania, he can easily lose his mind and become a demon who only knows how to kill.

The latter is naturally the path taken by most demon emperors, which is why they have been able to control the demon world for so many years.Among them, the Heavenly Demon Cultivation Technique of the Heavenly Demon Clan is the most peculiar. As for the Flame Prison Demon Clan, they also have the same method, but I haven't seen it for a while.

After thinking about it for a while, Yi Tian chose to practice Burning Sky and another magical power named Dark Demon Eye.This dark magic pupil is a bit like my own pupil technique, but the effect is stronger than it can be used to observe things. The biggest effect is that it can prevent other pupil techniques from affecting your soul.

With my current experience, I also know that there are many strange supernatural powers in the devil world that can directly affect my soul. If I practice such supernatural powers and secret arts, it will naturally be a double insurance for myself.

Immediately put away the other jade slips of exercises, but kept these two copies, sacrificed the image of Asura Dharma, and began to refer to and evolve separately.

At this time, Yi Tian is not worried about the outside world at all, as long as there is a large protective formation of the military barracks as a barrier, even if the opponent cannot win, he can defend it.

As for that Yantong, since he came to make trouble, let him fill in the knife head first, anyway, there is plenty of time for him to wrangle.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian sat cross-legged in the cave and entered the cultivation state. After a black magic fire appeared, it directly protected the whole body, and then began to gradually refine the skin and hair on his body.Gradually, the originally rosy-yellow skin gradually showed a dark and radiant color.

Yi Tian remained in the cultivation state for an unknown amount of time, until the gate was opened for the second time and a Jade Talisman of Communication flew in before he slowly put away the Burning Demon Fire on his body.He opened his eyes and looked carefully at the black flame in his hand, which was considered a small achievement, and took out the hourglass to see that before he knew it, more than ten years had passed.

As a result, after glancing at the communication jade talisman, I saw that it said 'war is urgent, please hurry to help' written in devil characters.Yi Tian frowned slightly and said in his heart: "How come two-on-two relying on a large defense formation can't beat the Flying Rakshasa, and the two on the side of the Flame Prison Demon seem to be too weak."

He didn't waste time thinking about himself, put away the dharma body image and jade slip exercises, then hurriedly opened the restraint and flew out of the cave.

After coming to the outside world, he turned on his divine sense and scanned, and found that there was a battalion of Flying Rakshasa troops three thousand miles away from the existing military camp and opposite the Devil's Ridge Mountain.

The fact that they are fighting each other like this is obviously aimed at this side, and the unknown number of high-ranking monks in the other side's camp is also the most difficult problem they are facing now.

(End of this chapter)

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