
Chapter 1324 Provocation

Chapter 1324 Provocation
After flying out of the cave, Yi Tian unfolded his divine sense and found that the atmosphere in the expeditionary army barracks was solemn, and the defensive formation had been opened.These demon generals under him have all been in place and controlled at their respective large formation nodes.

As for Concubine Yan, she was stationed in the central army with two monks in the distraction period, and outside the defensive cover was a group of monks from the Flying Rakshasa clan.The leader was Ye Luan who had fought against him last time.

Fei went forward to join Concubine Yan and the others, only to hear Yan Tong say in a nonchalant way: "Yi Dao's friendly airs, he only comes out after asking the coach three times and four times."

Yi Tian just glanced at him, then turned his gaze to Concubine Yan.I saw a little hesitation in her eyebrows, but when she saw herself, her expression became relaxed for no reason.

Slowly walked forward and asked: "I don't know what the situation is now, why did the other party break the boundary?"

"You Daoist Yi came too late after the other party hit here," Yan Tong taunted him unpreparedly, "If you really can't resist here, I'm afraid it will be difficult for the coach Concubine Yan to hold her head up in front of the Demon Emperor, right? .”

Although the situation is not as bad as imagined, but as Yan Tong said, if the two armies are facing each other at this time, if they lose the front fortress and want to come back from the counterattack, it will take some time.

At this time, Concubine Yan coughed lightly and took out her commander-in-chief posture, then said: "Brother Yi, as the invited elder Keqing, is directly assigned by me. He will not follow military orders on weekdays and only act when necessary."

One sentence blocked Yantong's mouth. At the same time, these words also showed that he was listening to the tune and not listening to the announcement, and was only responsible to Concubine Yan.Unlike the two distracted monks who came this time, they were directly assigned by the Demon Emperor of the Flame Prison, so every move of the army is closely related to them.

To put it bluntly, even if the expeditionary force is defeated, responsibility cannot be imposed on the head.As for the other two, it is not the case. At that time, the people around the Demon Emperor will definitely make a fuss about their success or failure.

The little episode was harmless, and Yi Tian turned his head and asked without hesitation: "Ye Luan, this time, is this group of rabble going to break into the defensive formation of the barracks?"

"He has nothing to fear. In the past few years, he has provoked once and gained the upper hand. This time, he seems to be prepared and wants to overwhelm us again," Concubine Yan explained the current situation of the battle.

After hearing this, Yi Tian understood in his heart, maybe they came here last time to get some bargains from Yantong, and this time they gathered a large team again to suppress the expansion of the army in Devil's Spine Mountain.

Immediately, Nanny Yang, who was standing behind Concubine Yan, said, "You two don't have to argue now, the opponent who commits the crime should be retreated first. I will confront Ye Luan and see what he does next." Why come here?"

After she finished speaking, she took the lead and flew out of the formation in a flash, while Yan Tong looked at it coldly and hurriedly followed.Yi Tian showed a slight smile, then gave Concubine Yan a reassuring look, and then flew into the air.

After leaving the protective formation, the three cultivators of transforming spirits lined up in the air in a character-shaped formation.Two people also flew out from the opponent's camp and stood thirty feet away in front of them. After standing still, Ye Luan shouted: "You flame prison demons are too deceitful. The spar mine really doesn’t take our family seriously.”

Nanny Yang said unhurriedly: "It seems that you and I have never clearly defined the boundaries of the territory here, so how can we talk about crossing the boundaries?"

"Pretty words, the fact that the Devil's Ridge Mountain serves as a buffer between our two races has been acquiesced for thousands of years," Ye Luan retorted, "Since you want to make small moves under my nose, you have to bear my anger. "

"Do you want to fight again? This time it's three vs. two and you don't have the advantage in numbers," Yan Tong who was on the side interjected.

"The defeated man is so brave, if I were you, I would have obediently stood aside and stopped talking," Ye Luan teased after casting a disdainful glance.

These words directly made Yan Tong's face flushed, and Yi Tian secretly applauded in his heart.The last time when she received the summoned jade talisman, she knew that Yan Tong had suffered a bit of a secret loss under Ye Luan's hands. It seems that Concubine Yan still concealed a lot of the situation of that fight.

Judging from the situation, Ye Luan seemed to be well prepared this time and would not make a move easily, but the current situation seemed to be led by Madam Yang, and she would not be able to speak for a while.

A little later, I saw Nanny Yang flying forward a few steps and said: "Since the noble and our clans are arguing over resources again, we must find a way to resolve it. I wonder if Fellow Daoist Ye Luan has any good strategies?"

"As usual, let's divide the Devil's Spine Mountain Range into four parts, and keep a warning zone of [-] miles outside each station," Ye Luan suggested.

"This is feasible, but what about the central area? As far as I know, the main production areas of the magic spar mine are all in the central area," Yang Nanny asked.

"Bet half to half according to the area. If you lose, your personnel will evacuate immediately," Ye Luan said without thinking.

"Friend Ye Daoist always speaks lightly. It took several years for my army to explore the ore veins and then open the underground tunnel to start mining the ore. I didn't expect to give you such a light word and deny it directly," Yang Nanny He also laughed angrily at the other party's words.

Ye Luan didn't seem to listen to these words at all, but said aggressively: "If I send people to harass everywhere, I'm afraid your miners won't be able to transport the magic spar out of those caves."

"Then how do you treat?" Nanny Yang also said angrily.

"Divide the whole mine into three parts, and the people from my side will fight three games with your side, how about the winner owning the ownership of the mine?" Ye Luan suggested.

As for the fact that the other party dared to make such a request, it was natural that he had something to say. After hearing this, Nanny Yang frowned slightly and seemed a little hesitant.

With her strength, even if she could win, she would only have one-third of the share. As for Yan Tong who had been defeated by Ye Luan before, this battle would definitely have some impact on her.As for Yi Tian, ​​who is obviously a distracted early-stage cultivator, I don't know his strength.

Calculated in this way, even if Ye Luan wins two games against three, it can be regarded as a big victory. After all, he is empty-handed this time, and even if he wins a share, it will be a huge advantage.

After thinking for a while, Nanny Yang nodded helplessly and agreed to the other party's proposal. After all, the entire army is stationed here now to expand the territory.However, personnel and logistics have to be resolved by themselves. Seeing that the mining area of ​​Moji Mountain has been gradually brought under control in the past few years, and the operation of the army has gradually improved, it is impossible to directly turn against others during this preparation period.

Even if they want to bring the entire Devil's Spine Mountain Range under the command of the Flame Prison Demon Emperor, they still have to wait for the right opportunity.Moreover, the Devil Emperor once said in front of the court ministers that it is possible to create friction and provoke local wars, but it cannot turn into a war between the two clans. This is a consequence that the entire dynasty cannot bear at this stage.

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(End of this chapter)

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