
Chapter 1325 For

Chapter 1325 For
Ye Luan of the Flying Raksha clan brought people here to provoke a gamble this time, so Mammy Yang had to accept it, although Yi Tian was quite puzzled by it.But since she nodded in agreement and Yan Tong didn't object, it's inconvenient for him to say anything.

Later, I saw Nanny Yang slowly backing away, and at the same time, she said to herself through voice transmission: "You Daoist Yi will rely more on harassment in this battle, and I also know Concubine Yan's plan, but now it's not an open challenge." An opportunity to start a war between the two clans."

"I understand, but now the other party seems to have a well-thought-out plan, and I don't know how we should deal with it," Yi Tian replied quietly through voice transmission after hearing this.

"Concubine Yan issued a military order in front of the Demon Emperor to ensure that 5 yuan of high-grade magic spar will be paid every ten years to replenish the national treasury, so the mine veins in the Demon Spine Mountain Range cannot be lost," Yang Nanny also straight to the point said Yan Concubine's base capital Shake it out.

Now Yi Tian's face is a bit embarrassed, Yang Momo's consciousness is very clear that this time the share of the ore veins cannot be less than one point, since the other party provokes trouble, he can only suppress it.Otherwise, with the innate magical powers of the flying Rakshasa clan, they will disappear without a trace, and the mines here that can be harassed will not be able to operate normally.

It is a big deal that concubine Yan cannot complete the task of the Demon Emperor of Flame Prison so much. Once Concubine Yan loses value in front of the Demon Emperor, I believe someone will replace her as the coach soon. This is the last thing Yi Tian wants to face thing.

At the same time, the meaning inside and outside the words of Yang Nanny's words are also very obvious, and he wants to go all out to make a move, but Yi Tian is looking at Ye Luan and the two in front of him, wondering what method they use to take advantage.

A little later, Ye Luan shouted: "Since the two parties have agreed, let's hurry up and start after we make the blood oath." After speaking, he stretched out his hand to force a drop of blood from between his fingers, and then opened his mouth to swear that the previous agreement will be fulfilled. The content and procedures have been explained.

Then lightly popped the blood bead and turned it into a blood contract rune in the air. Nanny Yang on the side also stretched out her hand to force the blood bead to make an oath and then catapulted the blood bead onto the opponent's blood contract rune.

After the black flames ignited on the runes were all burned out, Yi Tian suddenly felt an invisible force connecting himself with the four people in front of him.He secretly said in his heart, "It's so terrible that the blood oath of the demon clan will have a faint restraint effect on a monk like himself. It is precisely with such a blood oath that the guaranteed two families will unconditionally let go of their hands and do whatever they want." '

Seeing this, Nanny Yang said slowly, "Since you are so old, let's make the first move. Fellow Daoist Ye Luan, which one of you will fight?"

Unexpectedly, Ye Luan just sneered and said: "Your Daoist Yang is superb, I feel ashamed of myself, the first match was naturally won by your side without a fight."

As soon as this remark came out, instead of showing joy on Yang Nanny's face, a little worry appeared on the contrary.Ye Luan's preservation of strength was nothing more than wanting to put the article on top of the next two games.And with the restraining power of the blood oath, she naturally couldn't intervene again, and the next thing was to rely on the two behind her.

After moving her lips a few times, Yan Tong who was on the side frowned slightly, gritted his teeth after three breaths and flew forward and said, "If it's not too late, let me do the second round, Ye Luan, you take action. I want to see how you do this time."

When Ye Luan heard the words, he laughed a few times and said: "How dare the defeated general speak wild words, this time my adjutant Ye Dang will take action to meet you."

After finishing speaking, the silent Flying Rakshasa cultivator behind him spread his wings behind him, and the spiritual power around him suddenly lifted, leaving only an afterimage in the original place.His real body appeared directly in front of Yan Tong, as if there were two people at the same time.

This kind of speed made Yi Tian, ​​who was watching from a distance, couldn't help admiring. The talent and supernatural powers of the Flying Rakshasa clan were really powerful, especially when fighting in the air, their advantages became more and more obvious.

Yantong was also riding a tiger at this time, stretched out his hand, took out the long spear, held it in his hand and shook it lightly, fireballs flew out of his mouth, eyes, ears, mouth, nose and seven orifices, and in the air, a group of blue ghostly flames were attached to the long spear above.

The surrounding temperature did not increase but began to drop slowly, and a chain of icicle crystals formed around Yantong.

The pupils in Yi Tian's eyes turned up and slowly cast out the dark magic eye to look at it for a while, only to find that Yantong also seemed to be a powerful character, and he was cultivating the cold marrow and ice flame.This kind of flame is a rare real fire of yin attribute in the demon world. It seems to have little power, but it can be specially used to deal with spirit bodies of Nascent Soul type, which has unexpected effects.

Even if it is stained in a battle with others, there is no special way to extinguish it, only to watch it burn out.

Ye Dang in front of him seemed to recognize such a skill with a blush, and then reached out to take out a jade bottle, opened it, and drank all the spiritual liquid in it.After taking three breaths, he took a nap, then opened his blood-red eyes, stared at Yan Tong in front of him and smiled.

Although he didn't know who was He Lingya in the jade bottle, Ke Yitian always felt that something was wrong, since the other party recognized such a cold marrow and true flame, he must have something to do.

In a blink of an eye, the two people on the field started to fight. Ye Dang took out the Golden Hammer and Lei Zuan, relying on his speed advantage, he went forward to fight Yan Tong.

With the sound of 'Zla', several bolts of lightning exploded at close range under the action of the thunder hammer, and Nanny Yang said with a look of embarrassment: "It turned out to be the evil thunder hammer, but Ye Dang was actually a flying Rakshasa." direct blood relatives."

"That's natural, but it's a pity that his bloodline is not pure enough and he can only display [-]% of the power of this evil thunder hammer. Otherwise, it is estimated that Yang Daoyou may not be able to take it," Ye Luan joked.

With [-]% power, he can still gain the upper hand in a fight against Yan Tong who has cultivated the Cold Marrow True Flame, so if his strength is further improved, wouldn't he be able to win this match steadily?Yi Tian knew that the opponent must have backhands. It was not as simple as it seemed on the surface, but at this time, black thunderballs burst from time to time around Yantong, forcing him to turn to defense.

If things go on like this, the outcome will be divided. It's not that Yan Tong is not strong enough but that the opponent is too strong.

As the thunderstorm sound of 'Zrazla' gradually sounded, the surrounding spiritual power surged crazily, and after a while, a thunderstorm cloud formed in the sky with a range of about one mile, forcing Yi Tian and the other three to also have to withdraw from this place. outside the area.

It's just that no matter how the thunder light flickers for a while, he can't rush to break through the faint blue protective shield on Yantong's body.

Half a moment later, when the thunder clouds were on the verge of erupting, Ye Dang's eyes flashed with a gleam, and he jumped forward and started a hand-to-hand fight with Yan Tong.

Nanny Yang then shook her head and said via voice transmission: "We lost, the other party drank Huiyang Water designed to counteract the cold marrow and ice flames, and it's only a matter of time before Yan Tong's greatest advantage is canceled out."

Unexpectedly, Ye Luan was fully prepared to take this point into consideration, and Yi Tian had to re-evaluate the situation in front of him again.After losing one copy, it will not cause any trouble to the supply of magic spar, and whether she can complete the task is a small matter. If Concubine Yan falls out of favor, her decades of planning will soon be in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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