
Chapter 1327

Chapter 1327
Unexpectedly, Nanny Yang could still produce the imperial edict of the Demon Emperor of the Flame Prison, which made even Ye Luan's heart move. After all, the newly raised price was indeed very attractive to him.

Even if the Feitian Rakshasa occupies all the mining areas in the Devil's Spine Mountains, it will always be a great hidden danger if the Expeditionary Army of the Flame Prison Demon Race does not withdraw.This kind of military camp facilities is like two nails locking the Devil's Spine Mountains. For the Flying Rakshas, ​​it is no different from a thorn in the back that must be removed.

A little later, Ye Luan nodded and replied: "Since you can make such a big investment, it seems that my clan is no longer there if I don't follow. Let's make a blood contract demon oath."

After speaking, he repeated the spell he swore before, and drew a new blood oath rune in the air.Nanny Yang stretched out her hand without hesitation and squeezed out a drop of blood to complete the new contract.

After the two finished, Yi Tian quietly asked through a voice transmission: "You Daoist Yang seems to be very confident in this subordinate, is it because Concubine Yan asked you to cooperate with me in private?"

"Boy, you guessed wrong this time. Although the old man is not strong, he still has the eyesight to recognize people." Yang Nanny replied through voice transmission: "I can accompany the three palace masters to seize power in the Yin corpse world, and kill the master of the flame prison." You are all in your handwriting."

This matter is done, and Concubine Yan will definitely tell her cronies about the process, so she doesn't need to deny it.He nodded slightly before continuing: "If I lose, all my previous efforts will be in vain. Could it be that fellow Daoist Yang is willing to bet that he can win Ye Luan?"

"As I told you before, the mines in the Devil's Spine Mountains are now the materials that the Devil's Emperor urgently needs. Since we have lost a game now, even if you win the last game, it will not help. On the contrary, I agree with your approach very much. I really envy you who are young and courageous, and dare to face up to difficulties," Nanny Yang replied without hesitation: "I believe that with your resourcefulness and determination, you will not make such a reckless decision easily, and I am optimistic about you."

In the end, he was praised by others, and Yi Tian showed a helpless smile.Flying forward slowly, he reached out and took out the Cursing Heaven Demon Bell and Taiyuan Demon Knife, raised it lightly, and then said to Ye Luan: "Don't waste time and start."

A simple sentence seems to have provoked Ye Luan's sore feet, and it was the same situation back then. After the two fought, he suffered a bit of a dark loss before leaving with hatred.

Now the new hatred and the old hatred came to my heart together, and I stretched out my hands to take out two sword blades, and then spread the wings behind my back and extended them to a distance of one foot.This time he was determined to avenge his shame, so he used his advantages as soon as he came up, and no longer passively waited.

Glancing lightly at Yi Tian, ​​he uttered the Qijue magic sound gently, and at the same time, the Curse Sky Demon Bell hummed rhythmically under the coordination of exercises.This time, after the sound waves spread out rapidly, they did not attack Ye Luan directly, but slowly surrounded Yi Tian within a mile radius, forming a huge sound wave barrier in the air.

When Ye Luan saw it, his face froze for a moment, then he stretched out his hand to sacrifice the cross light blade he was good at, and slashed towards Yi Tian's position.After the light blade drew an arc and invaded the sonic barrier, it was suddenly reversed, deviated from the original trajectory, and passed by Yi Tian's side thirty feet away.

Unexpectedly, such a situation would appear in the first fight, and Ye Luan was also unexpected. His best moves had no effect at all in front of the sonic junction.After looking at it, he shouted sharply: "This is the Seven Absolute Devil Sounds of the Heavenly Demon Clan. Why are you, a member of the Flame Prison Demon Clan, so proficient?"

"It doesn't seem to be related to you what kind of exercises I practice, and if you openly provoke before the battle, can you only rely on talking to win this round?" Yi Tian said with a sneer.

With one sentence, Ye Luan's face turned red when he was insulted, and he gritted his teeth and said, "My boy, I will show you the real strength of my clan later, so that it won't spread and make others think that Ye Luan is easy to provoke."

Ye Luan's aura surged instantly after the demonic energy around him was mentioned again, and his skin also showed a petrified appearance. The original three horns on the front of his head suddenly jumped out by more than three inches.

Yi Tian knew in his eyes that they should not be underestimated, and the size of the horns on their heads according to the demon form he knew represented the level of their strength.High-level demons generally have one to three horns, and the length is no more than a few inches.Like Ye Luan in front of him, he probably isn't a member of the Flying Rakshasa family with very pure blood, but the appearance of the horns on his head is obviously changed after forcibly improving his skills.

It can be said that his state at this time has been further improved compared to before, and coupled with the mutation on the surface of the skin on his body, it can be regarded as the standard fighting form of the flying Rakshasa clan.

Ye Dang didn't even show his appearance just now, so that Nanny Yang and Yan Tong, who were behind him, were stunned when they saw it. Yan Tong blurted out in shock: "This is Feitian!" Rakshasa's ultimate combat form."

"Wrong, I haven't cultivated enough yet," Nanny Yang added.

Obviously, the two of them were reminding themselves, Yi Tian immediately opened his mouth and spit out the burning flames to record in the palm of his hand, then flicked the Taiyuan magic knife lightly and wrapped it.

Just after sacrificing the magical powers, Ye Luan's figure moved, and several afterimages flew across the air, and even directly invaded the protective barrier of Qijue Demon Sound.It was obvious that his movements stagnated when he entered the range of the enchantment, but after a breath, he adapted to the environment inside and continued to move towards him without slowing down.

Yi Tian is also very clear in his heart that the real energy in the domain space of the Seven Absolute Magic Sounds consumes a lot more than that of the outside world. If he wants to maintain the speed of the outside world, the opponent must consume twice as much magic power.

The advantage of the Flying Raksha clan lies in speed, as long as you grasp this point and work hard on it, you can completely drag the opponent to death.

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, he said in a deep voice: "Good time," holding the knife with both hands, he swung thousands of Heavenly Demon Blades at the splits around him, and then moved towards Ye Luan's surroundings.

Now that he came in, naturally he wouldn't let him out so easily, I'm really sorry for not leaving something behind.

Ye Luan in front of him also had a strange divine light flashing in his eyes. He shook his hands and drew out the blade, which turned into two solid blue light blades to meet him. It was two completely identical people who besieged and stepped forward.

The sound of "dang dang dang" was heard endlessly that day after the confrontation between the magic blade and the Rakshasa blade, it vibrated violently in the barrier, and the aftermath of the spell seemed to force the barrier open.

And Yi Tian also moved, and the burning flames all over his body went up against the current and ignited all of himself. Unknowingly aware of the crisis, he couldn't help but cast the true flame armor.It's just that the original Purple Flame of Thunder Flame was replaced by Flame of Demon Realm, which looks completely dark red.

After swinging out the Taiyuan Demon Knife with both hands, he raised a huge Sky Demon Blade and slashed towards Ye Luan in front of him. With a 'click' sound, the magic blade was forcibly blocked by Ye Luan's extended sword.

It's just that another figure of Ye Luan suddenly appeared in the void on his right, raised the blade in his hand and slashed down diagonally.

(End of this chapter)

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