
Chapter 1328 Deterrence

Chapter 1328 Deterrence
The sudden change of situation on the scene made the eyelids of the two watching the battle jump. Yi Tian's good situation restrained Ye Luan's offensive and further forced the opponent to fight a war of attrition.

However, there is nothing foolish about his cultivation level. Under the unfavorable situation, Ye Luan also adopted bold and aggressive tactics to forcibly rush into Yi Tian's defensive formation.This time, what he used was not the speed-escape phantom of the flying Rakshasa clan, but the actual avatar technique.In other words, there must be a clone of him on the scene.

During the fight, Ye Luan was able to afford to let go and let his avatar forcibly connect Yi Tian's Heavenly Demon Blade, while his real deity hid aside and waited for an opportunity to sneak attack.Unexpectedly, with one blow, everyone present was deceived, and the sneak attack was successful.

At this time, Yi Tian's face changed suddenly, so he didn't know the opponent's tricks, but he was bullied by him, and at such a close distance, he couldn't use the Taiyuan Demon Saber and sacrificed the Heavenly Demon Blade to meet him.

After his complexion sank, he put the Taiyuan Demon Saber aside for a moment, and then stretched out his hand and closed it, and even used a spiral fire shield to block in front of him.

After the two black burning flames in his hands intersected, they converged into a spinning top shape and blocked Ye Luan's powerful move.Of course Ye Luan's expression was displeased that the killing blow that had been soaked for a long time was caught like this.

After the supernatural power and spell attacked, a large area of ​​distortion suddenly appeared in the void, and under the fluctuation of spiritual pressure, the surrounding space was actually split into several traces.

Yi Tian had the experience of forcibly tearing and tearing through the void before, but he was hiding in the distance and was not affected by the tearing force of the void.

But this time, the distortion of the void at such a close distance directly affected the two of them. Not only himself, Ye Luan in front of him also secretly cried out, because the huge suction force in the gap in the void seemed to drag the two of them into it.

The two looked at each other, knowing that there was nothing to be done, hurriedly forcibly closed their efforts, and then each retreated a hundred meters away from this area.

The gap in the air here was slowly closed and restored to its original state after the rest of the supernatural powers and spells dissipated.

Yi Tian put away the spiral fire shield in his hand, stretched out his hand to take back the Taiyuan Demon Knife, looked at the two Ye Luan in front of him, and then laughed loudly at the corner of his mouth: "You are clever, but you were mistaken by your cleverness this time." You're doomed," said the figure, and after the figure flashed past, he used the burning sky flame to urge the lightning escape technique to attack the one closest to him.

After the black magic knife slashed through the void, the forceful move hit his avatar. After the sound of 'Dang', Ye Luan first showed a sneer, but after a breath, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

Obviously under that blow, the avatar was pushed back thirty feet to stabilize its figure, then sensed the deity from the huge shock on the avatar and blurted out: "I still underestimated you. The strength of the game is at least the strength of distraction in the mid-to-late stage."

"Fellow Daoist Ye Luan, if I were you, I wouldn't be so calm. This gambling fight is related to the future ownership of the Devil's Spine Mountain Range," Yi Tian sneered, "I'll give you a chance to fight after you recover your whole body."

After speaking, the scorching flames of the horizontal knife on the front body ignited again, and then slowly converged into the epidermis, and then a series of dark red magic lines appeared on his skin.

But behind Yan Tong exclaimed in surprise: "This is the flame demon body, I didn't expect that you also cultivated the skill of burning the sky and burning flames."

After he took a closer look, he waved his hands calmly and said: "It seems that I also overestimated you. It's just an unfinished prototype, and it's still a long way from being a big success. It's just that the flame tattoo on your body is true."

Knowing his own affairs, Yi Tian felt a sharp horn about half an inch in the middle of the bun on his forehead.Fortunately, his long hair covered up this mutation.As Yantong said, the rudimentary form of the flame demon body may be worse than the magic horn.

After Ye Luan withdrew his avatar, his aura lifted, and he flew up holding the blades in both hands.Seeing this, Yi Tian just curled his lips, and after the magic light appeared around him, his figure also moved. After casting Thunder Tunnel, his speed was comparable to that of Ye Luan who opened his wings.

There were bursts of thunderous noises in the air again, and sparks that could be seen everywhere splashed out and fell into the depression of the Devil's Ridge Mountain below, instantly igniting a black and red mountain fire.

As for the fact that after the two fought hand to hand, Yi Tian had a good understanding of Ye Luan's strength. Fortunately, he had not fully trained the fighting form of the flying Rakshasa. Downwind.

The opponent's weakness is that it is conducive to rapid attack. Once it is delayed to the later stage, its spiritual power consumption cannot keep up, and it is bound to gradually fall into a disadvantage.After thinking of this point, Yi Tian was not in a hurry to pester the other party directly to consume it.

Anyway, his background is strong enough, but Ye Luan used his own instinct to use his escapism, so he consumed his magic power much faster than himself.

Seeing that the long-term attack was difficult, Ye Luan also showed anxiety on his face. After all the cards in his hand were exhausted, he didn't get any benefits. On the contrary, he was gradually dragged down by Yi Tian because of the protracted battle, and his demonic energy had begun to fade Follow-up fatigue occurred.

It's hard for Yi Tian to let him get rid of the entanglement under the name of Ye Luan. After getting better, he has already taken the lead.From the beginning of the equal share to the present, the opponent has been suppressed, and there are at least seven or eight shots within ten moves that directly make Ye Luan open the video frequency to let go.

The advantage of the Feitian Raksha clan lies in speed, but it has become no advantage in front of Yi Tian.And defense is his weakness, Jiushou must lose, and Yi Tian swung the Taiyuan magic knife with great strength to forcefully break through the defense.

When the black blade light hit Ye Luan's face fiercely, it split him instantly and then pushed down hard on the hill below.

After the sound of "coax", the mountain was full of rubble, and Ye Luan's body was shot straight into the depths of the Devil's Ridge Mountains like a stray arrow under the powerful attack of the Heavenly Demon Blade.

After the sound of "crash, clatter", at least one mountain collapsed on the spot under the impact, and the sound spread throughout a hundred miles.

At this time, Yi Tian stabilized his figure in the air, then retracted his flame demon body and shouted loudly to the collapsed mountain below: "Fellow Daoist Ye Luan has accepted, if you are still not convinced, we can continue to fight."

After ten breaths, a blue figure flew out of a pile of rubble, and Ye Luan's figure appeared not far in the air.It's just that now he no longer has the haughty expression on his face, instead his eyes are full of deep fear.

He stretched out his hand and took out three jade bottles and threw them over: "This time, you have won. We will meet again in Shanshui. Next time we will meet again, it will be the time of life and death."

Then they flew back to the main formation, and after three breaths, the group of Feitian Rakshas flew back in an orderly manner.Before leaving, Yi Tian found that Ye Dang had been staring at him for a long time, as if he wanted to firmly engrave his appearance in his mind.

Putting away the Huiyang water, Yi Tiancai slowly flew to the two monks who transformed the spirit and said, "Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life."

 Thank you Leo for your support
(End of this chapter)

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