
Chapter 1330 Analysis

Chapter 1330 Analysis
After coming out of the big tent, Yi Tian had a look of helplessness on his face. After talking with Nanny Yang just now, he realized that she was Concubine Dai Yan in disguise to make a request to him.Although he didn't say it explicitly, he almost blatantly demanded that he could assist Concubine Yan to take the position, and promised him the title of Prince of Flame Prison.

Of course I know what this title means, but if I don't agree, I'm afraid it will make them feel bad.After all, I have deliberately avoided Concubine Yan's proposal before, if I don't handle it properly this time, I'm afraid it will affect the subsequent process.

But in the bottom of my heart, Yi Tian still feels good about Concubine Yan, and she also obeys her own words, and the relationship between the two of them is still very good along the way from the underworld.

So this time, Yi Tian directly agreed to Mammy Yang's proposal, but with many conditions attached.Although the other party was embarrassed at first, after hearing it, he fell into deep thought and was unable to give a clear answer for a while.

After all, it is hard to imagine the road to the throne. Once you embark on this road, you will naturally have to face all contenders who are willing to participate. Even siblings who had a good relationship before will become competitors.

After coming out, I saw that Concubine Yan was already waiting outside the big tent, a blush flashed across her face and she said to herself: "Brother Yi has already talked with Nanny Yang."

After slowly nodding his head, Yi Tiancai said in a deep voice: "Let's go outside and talk in detail."

Later, after the two of them flew out of the camp to stabilize their figure above the sky, Yi Tian looked at her expectantly and said with a smile: "We have known each other for decades, you know me well how many?"

"Brother Yi, I only know that you are a member of my flame prison demon clan, and your cultivation base is in the early stage of distraction." Concubine Yan thought for a while and replied: "And you have helped me several times, from seizing power in the corpse world Partial teacher, and later joined forces to deal with Yanlong and helped me get back the Flame Demon Token. After returning to the Demon Realm, he advised me to set up troops on the Demon Ridge Mountain, in order to attract the attention of my father and plan to seize the throne."

"Yes, these things are all handled by me for you, but have you ever thought about whether you have the strength to control the entire flame prison demon clan?" Yi Tian tried to ask: "I think the demon emperor will definitely know in the future What I have done behind your back, if you can't show your extraordinary side, it may be difficult to get into your father's eyes, let alone meddle in the position of Demon Emperor."

Seeing that she spoke so seriously, the smile on Concubine Yan's face gradually faded away, replaced by a solemn look, with a hint of worry between her brows.

Seeing this, Yi Tian also struck while the iron was hot and asked: "Before, you favored me in the world of corpses and wanted to make a promise with your body, but I didn't agree."

"That's right, I don't know why you said that, Big Brother Yi. Could it be that you don't like my royal status?" Concubine Yan said with a glint of resentment in her eyes.

"It's not that I don't want to, but I can't," Yi Tian replied lightly.

"Why, as long as I ask my father to agree," Concubine Yan argued.

"That's on the premise that you don't want to fight for the throne of the Demon Race in the Flame Prison. The Demon Emperor may still agree, but now if you get involved in right and wrong, I'm afraid you can't help yourself," Yi Tian shook his head and explained.

"Why can't I decide on my own?" Concubine Yan shouted.

The scene became awkward in an instant, Yi Tian didn't answer, but a black glow flashed in his eyes, he looked at the void behind Concubine Yan, and then said lightly: "Yang Daoyou, you should answer this question. You can guess what you are thinking about. Since this is the case, let's make it clear, so that Concubine Yan can't blame me for not knowing the situation."

After speaking, ripples and ripples appeared in the void, and then a faint shadow appeared, which was Nanny Yang following behind.

She smiled and nodded and flew forward and said, "You Daoist Yi is really powerful, I'm afraid you have already realized that the old man is following behind you."

Some things don't need to be said too clearly, Yi Tian just curled his lips and smiled and didn't answer.Concubine Yan, on the other hand, shouted angrily: "How dare you bully others, I am so old and still treat me like a child."

"Hey, your mother is the eldest lady of my clan. I was entrusted with taking good care of you when she was dismissed from the army. Naturally, I will do my best." Aunt Yang looked at Concubine Yan with a little love in her eyes and replied, "Yi What Fellow Daoist said just now is reasonable, if you want to get your hands on the position of the Demon Emperor, you can’t let your temper do many things, I really made people laugh at you because I didn’t think about it before.”

After hearing this, Concubine Yan felt uncomfortable even if her cronies, who were always obedient, did not stand by her side, she just pouted a little later, looking disconvinced and sullen.

"You know how difficult the road to success is. Now among the royal family, only you and the fourth prince have the chance, and the seventh prince has the opportunity, and they all have their mother and concubine to assist them, but you don't," Yang Nanny explained.

After hearing this, Concubine Yan also showed dissatisfaction and said: "But I have an army under my command, and there are many ministers in the court who also support me."

"The reputation of your military power is not justified. This time the Demon Emperor obviously wanted to give you a chance to rectify your name, so he ordered you to seize the magic spar mine that mines the Demon Ridge Mountain. You can only gamble after you can successfully complete the task. The mouths of those opponents in the upper court," Yang Nanny said.

Yi Tian also interjected at this time: "I guess the Demon Emperor is also waiting now. He has delegated power to many princes and princesses, but it still depends on the individual's ability to make up his mind. Once he has a decision, he will help to suppress the opponent. , if you can’t get into his sight, I’m afraid that your military power will be deprived soon, and you will be given a false title at most.”

After hearing this, Nanny Yang also showed a solemn expression on her face, and she agreed with these remarks from the bottom of her heart.

It’s just inconvenient to make it clear with Concubine Yan that I’m afraid of touching her mind, now that Yi Tian said it so bluntly, Nanny Yang also sighed and echoed: “To be honest, the third palace master, you are already walking on the road of thorns to seize the throne. On the way, I can understand what fellow Yi Daoist is thinking, and I wouldn’t be able to easily make a decision on my own. So it’s up to you. If you’re a person who can’t help you, then we’d better disarm and return to the field as soon as possible. Your royal brothers and sisters did a good job."

After hearing this, Concubine Yan gradually put away the smile on her face. She looked at the solemn faces of the two and realized the complexity of the matter. Later, she just looked sullen and aggrieved.

"Whether it's up or down, you can decide with one word. If you want to become the first queen of the flame prison demon clan, then you have to hurry up. In addition to training, you must also be good at running the army. I don't think this Devil's Ridge Mountain will be silent. If it takes too long, the Demon Emperor will naturally not just let go of such a large piece of fat, and the Feitian Rakshasa will wait for an opportunity to recover after suffering a dark loss. This place is a battleground for military strategists and an opportunity for you to rise ,” Yi Tian said in a deep voice.

"That's right, the third palace lord can no longer slack off," Yang Nanny continued.

"I want to be the queen of the flame prison demon clan," Concubine Yan said with determination in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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