
Chapter 1331 Secret Discussion

Chapter 1331 Secret Discussion
After Concubine Yan expressed his intentions, Yi Tian agreed with her directly that he would help her to the top without any fuss, but at the same time, he also put forward an additional condition that he needs to get the recommended quota from the Demon King of Flame Prison to go to the abyss of the Demon Realm.

Although Concubine Yan always had doubts about this, she had no choice but to agree to it under Yi Tian's insistence.After all, this matter had been discussed as early as in the Yin Corpse Realm. As for Yang Nanny, she thought that she wanted to take this opportunity to find opportunities to achieve Mahayana.

After dismissing the two, Yi Tian didn't return directly to his cave, but after going around in the air, he flew straight to the outside of Yantong's cave, and after a soft sound, he passed the sound through the forbidden barrier in front of the door. Passed in.

After ten breaths, I saw that the entrance of the cave opened a hole, and Yi Tian's figure flashed through it and entered the cave.

The inside of this temporary cave is not very big, after he brought himself in, he heard Yantong's voice saying: "Fellow Daoist Yi has finally settled the matter, please come in for a while."

Walking slowly to the hall at the end of the passage, I saw that Yantong was sitting cross-legged in the middle, with a tired look on his face, but he pulled himself together and stretched out his hand to beckon him to sit in front of him.

It seems that he obviously suffered a dark loss in the gambling fight with Yedang this time, and it is more likely that he was seriously injured but still trying to maintain his appearance.After slowly sitting down, Yi Tian looked at the other party and said, "Why did you invite me to visit the place through sound transmission, friend Unknown Yan?"

Yantong coughed lightly and said, "The supernatural powers and mystical techniques practiced by Daoist Yi are my royal family's burning demon body."

"That's true," Yi Tian didn't deny it, anyway, it's better to admit it openly if you can't hide it from the public.Seeing that Yantong seemed to want to make a fuss about it, he immediately asked, "Do you have any advice from Fellow Daoist Yan?"

"I don't dare to teach you," Yan Tong waved his hands and said, "As far as I know, anyone who practices this technique needs to go to the Mosha True Flame Jedi of his own clan."

This is the same as Yang Nanny mentioned, and Yi Tian didn't deny it and directly told what he knew.It's just that Yantong's eyes are a little bit poor, and he doesn't see that he has already refined the Xiaocheng realm.

Afterwards, Yan Tong said: "Actually, fellow Daoist Yi, you know that there is an excellent place for cultivation in the territory under the rule of the Demon Emperor."

"I don't know what you are referring to, but I would like to hear more about it," Yi Tian became interested after hearing this, and then asked.

"Have you ever heard of Liyan Hanyao?" Yan Tong gently opened his lips and said a place name.

'Glass Flame Cold Kiln' I've never found any information about this place in the previous information, but looking at Yantong's serious face, it doesn't seem like a fake.

"I don't know the situation of the 'Glass Flame Cold Kiln', so please explain to Fellow Daoist Yan." Since the other party believes that he will definitely need something, it's better to use his tricks to get his words out.

I saw Yantong paused for a moment with a smug expression in his eyes and said: "The 'Glass Flame Cold Kiln' is also an excellent place to practice, and my cold marrow and ice flame have extracted a trace of the deepest source from there. It is refined after the glass flame is real fire."

"So that's the case. Congratulations to Fellow Daoist Yan for having this opportunity. It's just that the 'Glass Flame Cold Kiln' you mentioned will have an irreplaceable auxiliary effect on my cultivation of the Flame Demon Body?" Yi Tian asked again Dao, it's just that there is less suspicion and more expectation in the words this time.

"Indeed," Yan Tong nodded and replied, "As far as I know, anyone in the royal family who cultivates the Burning Flame Demon Body will try to go there to try their luck. The drawbacks of the yin-yang imbalance brought about by the Flame Demon Body technique. I believe that Fellow Daoist Yi should have experienced the disadvantages of the Flame Demon Body, and the deeper you practice, the more obvious its effects will be."

It turned out that Yi Tian finally understood what Yan Tong meant, and he thought he was the same as those princes in his feelings.But in fact, he didn't encounter such an embarrassing situation. Since he refined his supernatural powers to a small degree, he only slightly noticed that the imbalance of yin fire and yang fire was far from as serious as he said.

The reason is nothing more than the fact that my natal kung fu practiced the Nanming Lihuo of the Lihuo Sect, and then reconciled it with the Sunny Yin True Fire. Naturally, it is very easy to cure this shortcoming.Perhaps it is precisely in this way that the cultivation of the Scorching Flame Demon Body to the Xiaocheng realm can be done so smoothly.

When he was lost in thought, Yantong opened his mouth to explain again: "I want to make a deal with fellow Daoist Yi."

"If it's about this 'Glass Flame Cold Kiln', please speak up," Yi Tian was not polite, anyway, the other party was using this excuse to lure him into the bait.It would be better to follow the trend, anyway, this way, you can also cover up your secrets at the same time, so as to save yourself from being worried about by those who are interested in cultivators with extraordinary eyesight like Madam Yang.

"I'll wait for you to go to the bottom of the 'Glass Flame Cold Kiln' to find the Ice Essence Flame. As for whether you can subdue the refining process, you will see that you have your own ability," Yantong mentioned.

"What about the price? What does Fellow Daoist Yan want?" Yi Tian asked without thinking.If the truth is as light and light as Yantong said, then it seems a little too simple. Although I know it is definitely not simple, I also want to see how high Yantong's asking price is.

Stretching out two fingers, Yantong said in a deep voice, "I want two bottles of Huiyang Water."

"No, at most one bottle," Yi Tian immediately vetoed: "I guess this time Yangshui is the essential thing to collect Ice Essence Flame, since you are willing to take me there, you will not treat yourself badly. If you take two copies of Huiyang Water, you will have two chances to make fire, am I right or not?"

Yan Tong also said without any concealment: "It is true, the place where the ice marrow flame is located is extremely cold, and only after drinking Huiyang water can it be approached and extracted to refine it. Naturally, I am not reconciled to having suffered a big loss at Yedang's hands this time, and there are still a few years before the opening of the 'Glass Flame Cold Kiln', so I will take this opportunity to extract two more Ice Essence Flames for cultivation."

After finishing speaking, he paused for a moment, glanced over, and said, "Fellow Daoist Yi, it is enough to extract a ray at the level of your current cultivation of the Scorching Flame Demon Body, why bother to worry about it."

"It sounds like I can't do it if I don't agree," Yi Tian pouted and said, "I can imagine that there are not only the two of us who extract the ice marrow flame in the 'Glass Flame Cold Kiln', what if we meet other members of the royal family? It is bound to fall into a scramble again. I don't want to have a direct confrontation with those princes and princesses."

"Only the Fourth Prince and the Seventh Prince will need it, and each of them will be guarded by a cultivator in the later stage of clone," Yan Tong seemed to be very sure.

"Then which side are you from?" Yi Tian asked for no reason.

(End of this chapter)

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