
Chapter 1332 Achievement

Chapter 1332 Achievement
When asked by Yi Tian who changed the topic coldly, Yantong was stunned for a moment, then sighed and said, "You Daoist Yi, do you think I'm the one standing there?"

Kicking the question back again, Yantong always acted like he was not interested in oil and salt, and it seemed that he was not going to tell the truth anymore.Thinking about Concubine Yan once mentioned that he was from the concubine mother's side behind the fourth prince, but who would be willing to be controlled by others after this level of cultivation.

In terms of cultivation base, Yantong's potential is almost the same as Yang Memo's, and his longevity is also much younger.If you simply regard him as someone from the fourth prince's side, then you can only say that your eyesight is too shallow.

After lightly smiling, Yi Tiancai replied: "Fellow Daoist Yantong, in your opinion, who among the royal family of the flame prison demon clan has the best chance to become the crown prince."

"There's a chance," Yan Tong replied flatly.

Such rhetoric is obviously perfunctory to himself, and Yi Tian knows that he also has reservations.But this question is tantamount to probing his position on the sidelines. I didn't expect him to avoid the important ones or simply pretend to be stupid.

Knowing that I should give some serious information, otherwise it will become nonsense again if it goes on like this.This time, planning to get the Ice Essence Flame is bound to meet a member of the royal family, and Yantong's position at that time will be crucial, otherwise he will fall into a very unfavorable and embarrassing situation.

After thinking for a while, he said, "I'm afraid fellow daoists may be insincere. With your identity and status in the flame prison royal family, you can naturally come into contact with many deep-seated characters and scenes. You must have already made a judgment in your heart. And I expected this This time you came to supervise the battle under the banner of the Fourth Prince in name, but actually you want to place a two-sided bet yourself."

After the words were finished, Yi Tian raised his head and looked at Yan Tong in front of him, and saw that his face remained unchanged, but a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then he returned to normal, as if he didn't hear what he said just now.

Yi Tian continued with a smile at the corner of his mouth: "To be honest, I am a bit envious that Fellow Daoist Yan can have this opportunity, but I am afraid that it is not easy for you to gain Concubine Yan's trust. And you are still waiting, waiting for her For the next performance, if you can enter the magic eye of the Demon Emperor, it will naturally be regarded as the best choice."

"Could it be that Fellow Daoist Yi just bet on it from the very beginning? I thought that a monk like you would be a bit of a city, but I didn't expect it to be so superficial," Yan Tong didn't evade this time, and indirectly expressed his thoughts .

Now that he knew what he was thinking, Yi Tian naturally knew that there was still something to talk about at this time, so he shook his head and smiled wryly: "That's true. From this level, my city is not as good as that of fellow Taoists. But you should know that there are two sides to the walls. It is impossible for you to enter the inner circle if anyone gains power.”

"That's natural. Betting on both sides will definitely be under double pressure, and sometimes you will face very difficult choices," Yan Tong replied: "And judging from the current situation, I am still optimistic about the Fourth Prince."

"Fellow Taoist Yan, do you know about the Balrog Token?" Yi Tian asked tentatively, and at the same time took out Yanlong's token and placed it in front of him.

Yantong naturally knew about this, and after sweeping his eyes, he said disdainfully: "What does Yanlong's token, the Shaojun of the Flame Prison, mean to you? This thing is a hot potato right now. Don't you be afraid of me when you take it out?" Should you disclose the news to other princes and princesses, or tell the Demon Emperor directly, he will have a lot of thoughts about it."

"I don't pay attention to other princes and princesses at all. As for the devil emperor, he will not have a peeping heart on the piece in my hand. How can he return my fake if he has a genuine piece in his hand?" Yi Tian is really not suitable Said.

The amount of information in these words is really too great, Yan Tong's expression froze and he began to think, and his expression became more and more serious.

From his expression, Yi Tian knew that Concubine Yan must have concealed the news of the genuine Balrog Token and secretly handed it over to the Demon Emperor.

It would be a good thing if it was as he had thought. In a blink of an eye, he looked at Yan Tong in front of him, as if he was completely ignorant of this matter.I have already talked about this point, I am afraid that with his city mansion, maybe he will have some associations.

Immediately, Yi Tian didn't say much and sat there cross-legged and waited quietly. After he digested all the information in it, there must be a follow-up.

Sure enough, Yantong sighed half a moment later, then looked directly at Yi Tianlai.After a while, he asked, "How many people know this news?"

"If my guess is right, there will be no more than ten people including you, or less," Yi Tianda said meaningfully: "I think this can also reflect my sincerity."

"Of course," Yantong said with a dumb smile, "I really admire Yi Daoyou's quick words. In this way, I seem to be able to guess the original intention of the Demon Emperor, and I also seem to be able to understand the real intention of the third princess to come to Demon's Ridge Mountain."

"I don't know how Fellow Daoist Yan plans to choose?" Yi Tian asked tentatively.

"Does it need to be said?" Yantong said with a smile: "Naturally, I made the best choice. Since the Demon Emperor took back the Yan Demon Token from the concubine and the third princess but did not make it public again, I think it is because of the heart of protecting the calf. Now is the time It's not yet mature, and the crown prince can be established only after those princes and princesses can prove their abilities."

"What Fellow Daoist Yan said coincides with what I said, but there are too many people competing for it, and now I am afraid that the Demon Emperor himself will have a headache for it," Yi Tian said.

"Headache, maybe it is." Yantong said with a smile in his eyes: "I'm afraid that the most painful thing for the Demon Emperor at this time is how to put the great credit on the three princesses so that she can accumulate praise and prestige in the court." Let’s pave the way for the rest.”

It seems that the other party is not stupid. From the information he gave and the situation he learned from the Demon King of Flame Prison, he can quickly make such an accurate analysis. It is indeed a number one person.No wonder he was entrusted by the Demon Emperor with a heavy responsibility and dispatched as the military governor to assist Concubine Yan, but at this time, I believe he has already made a decision in his heart.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian put away the fake Balrog Token in front of him, and then said: "I can take a bottle of Huiyang Water to fellow Taoist, and I will introduce you once in front of the third princess."

Yi Tian specially emphasized the tone of the second half of the sentence, which can be regarded as fully expressing his intentions, and Yan Tong should understand it.Then he reached out and took out a bottle of Huiyang Water from the storage ring, put it in the center, and gently pushed it over.

Unexpectedly, without even thinking, Yan Tong reached out to take Huiyang Shui and said with a smile, "Yi Daoyou is indeed a wonderful person, the third princess has a [-]% chance of winning with your assistance, and she is superior to the other princes and princesses. The current affairs person is Junjie, I still have a little bit of ability to know people, so please speak a few words of kindness in front of the three princesses, I am very grateful."

Yi Tian said with a faint smile: "That is naturally wishing us a happy cooperation."

(End of this chapter)

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