
Chapter 1333 Going Out

Chapter 1333 Going Out
After the Flame Prison Demon Army gained a firm foothold in Devil's Ridge Mountain, it began to speed up the mining of the magic spar mining area.Concubine Yan was well aware of the pros and cons after the interference from the previous Feitian Raksha clan, and took advantage of the victory to hastily intensified her efforts and dispatched more than three times the manpower to start mining crazily.

According to the original mission promised to the Demon Emperor, it is estimated that the time can be shortened by one-third.Moreover, since she talked with herself last time, she has also recognized the current situation clearly, and after that, her willful temper has also restrained.

Under the guidance of Nanny Yang, managing the army is gradually on the right track.

Two years later, under the orderly operation of the Devil's Ridge Mountain, Yi Tian was able to find time to take a leave of absence with the coach with Yantong, and sneaked out of the barracks, Liyan Hanyao and his party.

As for Yan Tong's recommendation, she had initially gained Concubine Yan's trust. After all, there were still many estrangements before, and Nanny Yang was also very concerned about this matter.Under her guidance, Concubine Yan readily accepted Yan Tong's surrender. After all, she will face many such things in the future.

At this stage, Concubine Yan is still dormant, and besides that, she needs to subdue more monks who have surrendered to form her own team.If the Flame Prison Demon Emperor really wanted to give her a chance, he would definitely take a laissez-faire attitude towards this matter, anyway, the final decision-making power still remains.

On that day, Yitian followed Yantong to avoid being watched by the Flying Rakshasa tribe, holding his breath far above the sky and flying quickly.

Originally thought that Yantong would take him directly to the Liyan Cold Kiln, but after flying for a while, he found that the direction of the two was in the direction of Liaoyuan City.Yi Tian followed behind and asked softly through sound transmission: "Fellow Daoist Yan, are we going to Liaoyuan City in this direction to find someone to join?"

"That's not true, it's just that there are too many people who want to go in Liyan Cold Kiln, so the Demon Emperor ordered that all monks who want to go have to go to Liaoyuan City to ring the sky patrol gong, and only those who pass the customs can take the special train The flying boat went there," Yan Tong explained.

It turned out that there was such a troublesome matter, and I hadn't heard him mention it before.Yi Tian thought that this matter was a sure thing, but unexpectedly, the threshold was set up as soon as he came up. It is not difficult to pass the test with his own strength.

Seeing that he was silent, Yan Tong said that he was a little neglected, and now that everyone is on the same boat, naturally he dare not have many reservations.Then he hurriedly explained: "Friend Daoist Yi, the threshold of the Liyan Cold Kiln has always been like this, and it is also because we dare not violate the rules set by the Demon Emperor. We will know this matter after we arrive in Liaoyuan City. The Liyan Cold Kiln It is only released once every [-] years, and there are monks sent by the Demon Emperor to guard at the gate, but fortunately, the ten places are usually filled up."

"Why is there still a quota limit? Fellow Daoists haven't mentioned this before," Yi Tian curled his lips and replied with dissatisfaction.

An embarrassed smile appeared on Yantong's face and said: "Actually, ten people were released every time before, and there has never been a situation where the staff is full. After all, the sky survey gong can be rung at will."

Regarding this matter, Yi Tian could only curl his lips in disbelief, and then signaled the two to speed up and go to Liaoyuan City.

In this way, the two flashes of light flickered slightly and rapidly in the sky like two shooting stars across the dark night sky.

Liaoyuan City is a large town in the territory where the Demon Emperor sits down. It is located on the scorched plain 30 miles northeast of the Demon Spine Mountain Range.With its back against the Burning Peak, it built a city within a radius of five hundred miles at the foot of the mountain, forming three defenses: the outer city, the middle city, and the inner city.

Under the leadership of Yantong, the two directly passed through the outer city and the middle city, and then fell outside the inner city wall.

Like the cultivation cities in the spiritual world, there are usually different passages to enter the city according to the level of cultivation.As expected, the exclusive channel owned by the monks in the distraction period should be empty.

But when Yi Tian came here, he found that seven or eight monks in the distraction stage had already entered the city through the passage.And among these people, there are actually several other monks from the Demon Clan, three from the Guangtian Demon Clan, and two monks from the Flying Rakshasa Clan.

Faced with such a situation, Yantong turned his head to look at Yi Tian with embarrassment, and he couldn't help showing a little guilty expression on his face: "Things may have changed, this time there shouldn't be so many monks from other races participating in this event." Yes."

The complexion on his face is not good, it is obvious that this time is different from usual.The good things under the demon emperor's territory in the flame prison can attract the prying eyes of monks from other tribes. Presumably the demon emperor had to compromise after being pressured by other tribes.

It's just that Yi Tian didn't care about it at all in his heart. If only the fourth prince and the seventh prince sent people to come, he would be a little passive.If he wanted to fight against them, he would have to pull Concubine Yan out early to be in a position of opposition to these princes and daughters.

Now that Concubine Yan is still fledgling, it is definitely not the best choice to come forward directly.And I thought in my heart early in the morning that it would be better to hide my clumsiness. Now that there are foreign monks entering, they can naturally form cliques to confuse the situation.

After entering the inner city, under the leadership of Yan Tong, the two quickly entered a side hall, but at this time, it seemed that more than 20 monks had already arrived in the main hall.After Yi Tian's spiritual thoughts swept over, he found that there were more than [-] monks at the transformation stage, and those monks at the distraction stage were more like bodyguards guarding them.

Yantong said in private: "The fat one in the front is the Fourth Prince, and the thin and tall one opposite him is the Seventh Prince. Behind each of them there is a late-stage monk who is distracted, all from the Demon Emperor's guards."

Yi Tian just weighed Yantong's aura in his mind, it seemed that he was three points weaker than the one in front of them, and these two people are really powerful people.

In addition, after sweeping his eyes, he stopped on a monk of the Heavenly Demon Race. Although this person only had a mid-stage cultivation base, he didn't bring a bodyguard with him, or his bodyguard didn't enter the hall.It's just that this person's aura is long, and he has the aura of a high-ranking person in his gestures, and he can be regarded as an outstanding person among the monks of the transformation stage.

After feeling his gaze, the person turned his head and looked at him, without any fear in his eyes.

As for the gloomy cultivator on the other side, Yi Tian looked sideways, and the aura of this person was well restrained.If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have known that there was a person standing there, and there was a monk behind him who seemed to be his guard.

Later, Yi Tian quietly sent a voice transmission and asked: "You all know the fellow human beings here. Could it be that they all went into the Liyan Cold Kiln to get fire?"

"That's not true. As far as I know, there are two roads to the Liyan Cold Kiln. Those of us who fetch fire usually go through the heart of lava, and just pass through the ice road. Cultivate physical skills in the lava pool of Yan Chongtian."

Hearing that he was not with Louis Tian also felt a little relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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