
Chapter 1334 Assessment

Chapter 1334 Assessment
In the side hall of the Lord of Liaoyuan City, Yi Tian could only sigh in the face of the sudden change.It was not expected that there would be monks from other races participating, so the competition for the ten quota limit would be very fierce.

Yan Tong who was standing beside him naturally realized this and his face became extremely ugly at the moment.In terms of strength, he can only rank at the bottom among the monks in the late stage of clone.

And monks like Yi Tian seem to be distracted in the early stage, but their real strength is far more than that.Looking at the crowd on the scene, it seems that there are still quite a few monks in the later stage of the avatar. If ten places are still given this time, I'm afraid he won't even be able to get a ticket.

After a short rest, someone came out from the back of the hall and sat down on the main seat in the middle.This person has a majestic face, looks about 30 years old, and all the evil spirits in his body have been restrained.But judging from the aura emanating from his body, he was undoubtedly a monk in the fit period.

He looked sideways at the people standing in front of him, and soon his eyes swept over, among them, he paused for a few cultivators at the stage of transforming gods, and then glanced over.

When Yi Tian found that the city lord finally turned his eyes to himself, he stared at him for ten breaths before he looked away.After a while, the city lord said in an extremely flat tone: "Welcome all the heroes of the demon race to participate in the qualification selection for the Liyan Cold Kiln. The old man Yan Lei is the witness of this selection competition."

The words were silent, but the faces of all the people present showed awe-inspiring expressions. Naturally, no one dared to make a sound when facing the monks in the integration stage.Then I heard him go on to say: "This trip to the Liyan Cold Kiln is different from the past, and there are many monks who come, so we need to filter it. My Flame Prison Demon Clan will take half of the quota, and the remaining five will be allocated by the rest. Clans are distributed according to strength."

As soon as the words came out, many people began to whisper to each other, but they didn't expect that the quota for this time was still ten.Many Spirit Transformation cultivators present showed expressions of impatience, while the guards in the distraction period behind them showed hesitation, and immediately lowered their heads to discuss with each other via sound transmission.

Later, I saw a monk from the Flying Raksha tribe slowly stepping forward, taking out a jade slip and holding it in his hand, he said to Yan Lei, "Senior, we are all here under the orders of our respective patriarchs. Those who participated in the election. Here is a copy of the biography jade slip, and please ask the city lord to take a look at it first."

Yan Lei's face was serious, he knew what was written in the jade slip without looking at it, it was nothing more than that all ethnic groups wanted to take advantage of it.It's just that he couldn't attack on the scene, after all, this time it was the other six demon emperors working together to exert pressure on the flame prison demon emperor.

If it is not handled properly, it is very possible that it will cause a lot of burden to the Demon Emperor in the future.I saw Yan Lei stretched out his hand to take the jade slip in his hand and stretched it in with his divine sense, then carefully inspected it, and then said: "Okay, since this is the case, let's determine the quota based on strength. Eight lava pools go The quota for the lava pool, and two places for going to the heart of lava to get fire. The selection method is based on the number of times each of them rings the sky survey gong, and the top eight are selected for the god transformation stage, and two monks are selected for the distraction stage."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present obviously had a strange look on their faces, and those who wanted to temper their body skills were all juniors in the transformation stage.Some of these people rely on the help of high-level monks behind them, but when they encounter such a head-on situation, they show hesitation on their faces.

Looking at the performance of these people below, Yan Lei's face swept away the haze and continued: "Because the two roads are located in different positions and will not disturb each other, so the guards of the young patriarchs don't need to go in."

One sentence blocked their support, and now even the faces of the Fourth Prince and the Seventh Prince became unnatural.They have always been pampered and have never experienced such a situation, let alone contact with top monks of the same generation from other demons.

Now that Yan Lei said this to let them face it directly, naturally his face is not good-looking.Yi Tian swept his eyes across the many monks present, among which the monks who were guarding the distraction period accounted for the vast majority.And there are very few people who really want to get the kindling, but if you look at it carefully, there are seven or eight people including myself.

From this point of view, at least half of the talents here must be eliminated, and Yan Tong behind him said softly: "Friend Yi Dao, let's advance and retreat together this time, if anyone can't get the quota, another person will take the shot." Let's make fire together."

Looking secretly in his heart, Yantong seemed to have some expectations for his own strength, and in the end, he was just trying to get the other two bottles of Huiyang water in his hand.

After thinking about it, he replied with a faint smile: "Since Fellow Daoist Yan has this plan, there is no reason why I won't allow it. Let's add up after the test."

Yan Lei, who was talking about the seat of honor, stretched out his hand and pointed to the void on the right, and suddenly ripples of spirit patterns appeared.After the invisible light wave expanded to a height of three feet, a huge shelf loomed, and in the center was a copper gong with a diameter of one foot.

He laughed and said, "All the junior disciples who want to go go forward and ring the gong one by one, no matter what method you use to ring it. Only the top eight are counted by the number of times, and each person has only one chance."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yan Lei stretched out his hand and waved it, and two teams of soldiers walked out from the apse. Under the leadership of the leading demon general, they sealed off the ten-foot radius around the Xuntian Gong.Then these soldiers stretched out their hand seals and placed an enchantment outside the area to prevent anyone from cheating.

Many of the monks present had their faces twitched. They didn't expect that the city lord would do such a thing and kill all the calculations in their hearts in the cradle.

After looking around and looking around, none of these monks at the transformation stage was willing to jump out to test the water. Even the two princes were gnashing their teeth, but there was nothing they could do about Yan Lei.

Shaoqing only heard the city lord shout: "Why are you young talents shrinking when it's your turn to make a move? I really disappointed this old man. You young people really can't do it."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a shout from the crowd: "Let me try it and see what is so special about the sky-scanning gong of the Flame Prison Demon Race."

Following the man's voice, he found that it was the cultivator of the Demon Race that day, Yi Tianshen said to Yan Tong beside him, "He should be the first one to pass the level."

"Really, this person is Dugu Yuchen, the young patriarch of the Heavenly Demon Clan, but I don't know if he is stronger or weaker than the two princes," Yantong replied.

"It's only strong but not weak, you'll know it when you read it," Yi Tian said with a twitch of his mouth, but he was secretly surprised that the royal family of the Tianmo Clan was named Dugu, and the Tianmomen on Tianlan Continent was naturally the same. No wonder the remaining veins of the royal family can practice the agility of the Heavenly Demon Transformation.

Just thinking about seeing Dugu Yuchen walk into the restricted area and stand in front of Xuntian Gong, and then take a deep breath, the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body suddenly rise to the level of the late stage of transformation.Then his fists swung out and hit the Sky Survey Gong directly, making a crisp sound.

(End of this chapter)

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