
Chapter 1335

Chapter 1335
Dugu Yuchen of the Heavenly Demon Clan went up and showed the body of the Heavenly Demon Transformation without saying a word. His whole body was instantly raised by more than a foot, and two long horns grew on his forehead.

At the same time, the skin on his body was dark and shiny, with some tiny scales on it.

Such an appearance is naturally commonplace in front of everyone around, but Yi Tian frowned deeply in his eyes.

Although the appearance displayed by Dugu Yuchen, who is also the demon of the sky, is powerful, but the inner spirit is a bit different from Dugu Ao back then.

But what is the difference, I can't tell for a while.In a blink of an eye, he stretched out his hands and punched the Sky Survey Gong twice.

The sound of "Dang" shocked the entire side hall, and made everyone present startled.Yi Tian hastily worked secretly to suppress his impatience, then glanced at the Xuntian Gong and said in his heart: "I really misjudged, this thing in front of me is obviously a heaven-level magic weapon, maybe it's still sitting on Yanlei weapons."

Dugu Yuchen, who was in the big formation, seemed dissatisfied with his first try, but after looking at the sky surveying gong in front of him, he gritted his teeth and punched again, and two groups of black magic lights hit it.

Finally, after ringing three times with his strength, he stretched out his hand to signal, then shrank his body, put away his movement, and turned around to leave. The surrounding barriers opened and opened a hole to let him walk out.

Yan Lei, who was seated at the top, said, "Very good, your Heavenly Demon Avatar is well practiced, and there are very few disciples present at the transformation stage who can outperform you. You are qualified."

As soon as this remark came out, there were bursts of whispers in the whole scene, and many people couldn't deny this evaluation.And the way they look at Dugu Yuchen has also become different, most of them are full of hostility, and a few are envious and jealous.

The city lord Yan Lei seldom praised anyone since he came in. Now the eyes of the two princes of the Flame Prison royal family suddenly ignited a raging fire, as if they wanted to prove something unwilling to be reconciled to others.After three breaths, the fourth prince took a step forward and said: "I'll be the next one, and the members of my royal family can't be compared with others."

After he walked into the enchantment, he immediately showed the flame demon body, then stretched out his hand and took out a big knife, gathered his spiritual power on the blade, and then turned his full strength towards the sky surveying gong.

A crisp sound spread throughout the side hall, and after ten breaths, the gong sounded again, and he was blushed.After the third Luo's sound, the fourth prince was sweating profusely, as if he had just taken a shower.

Later, he also stretched out his hand to signal the end of the test, but when he walked back, his footsteps were obviously weak and he seemed powerless.The city lord gave some encouragement after seeing it, after all, the demon clan of the Flame Prison shouldn't grow others' aspirations to destroy his own prestige.

But all the distracted monks present could see that the Fourth Prince was still inferior to Dugu Yuchen.At least he still had enough strength left, although he couldn't strike the fourth time, but he still seemed to be in good spirits, without any sense of exhaustion.

Next, a group of participating monks in the stage of transformation stepped forward one by one and tried to ring the sky surveying gong.But the people who followed up, including the Seventh Prince, couldn't knock it three times, and even some people felt the spiritual power and their hands trembled after only knocking once, so they couldn't lift it anymore.

After the test for the monks in the transformation stage is over, it will be the turn of the monks in the distraction stage.At the request of the city lord, those who want to participate in the test draw lots in turn and line up to wait outside the forbidden barrier.

Yantong was unfortunately ranked second, and the No.1 in front was a monk of the Heavenly Demon Clan.But he doesn't seem to be Dugu Yuchen's guard, but more like a casual cultivator, and he is also indifferent to the young patriarch.

The man stepped forward and showed the real body of the demon, then took out the black hammer and raised it with the power of the magic force, and then tilted it towards the sky survey gong.

Obviously this person also wanted to show his skills, and he knocked fifteen times in a row before stopping.After he came out, Yan Tong, who was standing behind him, stared at the man with an incredulous expression on his face, and then his eyes showed deep fear.

After ten breaths, when he stepped forward to do his best, he only knocked ten times and then stopped.When he came out, his face was full of loneliness, the difference was not just one or two points.

After looking up at Yi Tian, ​​his lips moved slightly and he said in a voice transmission: "Be careful that the man from the Heavenly Demon Clan is very powerful, I will try my best to win the quota, it depends on God's will."

Yi Tian nodded knowingly, turned around, and after sweeping his eyes, there was a care in his heart.The next five people stepped forward to strike the sky survey gong one by one, but none of them could reach fifteen times.

Most of them only knocked twelve or three times before they died down, and there was a monk of the Flying Raksha tribe who only knocked nine times before his flag died down.After all, his race is good at speed, and its real combat power is still much weaker than other races.

When he stepped forward, Yi Tian walked into the enchantment slowly, but when he stood in front of the Xuntian Gong, he realized that the magic power emanating from this piece of magic breath was almost like that of a monk in the fusion period. No wonder these people before were forced to use spells to beat the gong under this coercion.

Reaching out to take out the Brahma Demon Bell, he slowly read out the tone of the Qijue Demon Sound, a black sound wave was uttered from his mouth, strengthened by the Brahma Demon Bell, and then swept towards the sky surveying gong.

After feeling the vibration of the sound waves, the sky surveying gong sounded in accordance with the Qijue magic sound, and every time Yi Tian cast it, he urged the Qijue magic sound to ring the sky surveying gong once.

After urging it fourteen times in a row, Yi Tian felt that it was almost done. With his distracted appearance in the early stage, he was far superior to most of the late monks, and he had already shown his sharpness.Just accept everything as soon as it is good, anyway, I have got the admission ticket and don't need to waste any more effort.

Just when he was about to stop, Yan Lei, the city lord, suddenly heard the sound transmission voice in his ears: "Don't hide it, kid, you must at least compare with me from that day's demons. In the territory of my flame prison demons The Lord cannot allow others to behave wildly."

Yi Tian's divine thoughts spread out and found that all the monks in the distraction stage outside the barrier at this time were looking at him with incredible eyes.It is obvious that his performance has exceeded most people's predictions, and Yantong who came here with him for training is already speechless.

Although he lost, he was already shortlisted, so he still had a chance to get a spark.

Yi Tian showed a helpless wry smile on his face at this time, he obviously wanted to hide his clumsiness, but he seemed to be seen through in front of the old monster in the fusion period, so he couldn't hide it.

Since Yan Lei wanted to continue knocking on his own, it seemed that he had to do as he said, but when did he suffer from this anger.

After putting away the Brahma magic bell, the magic flames all over his body flashed, and then a flaming demon body appeared, and then the figure flashed his feet and kicked off the ground, and then kicked in the air in a roundabout, hitting the center of the Xuntian gong.

After a loud noise popped out, a black wave of light spread towards the surroundings, and the two teams maintaining the protective barrier shook. They couldn't even maintain the barrier in their hands.

After the sound wave dissipated, all the cultivators at the transformation stage were shaken to the point of collapse, and many of the weaker cultivators slumped down on their buttocks.

(End of this chapter)

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