
Chapter 1336 Enter

Chapter 1336 Enter
In the enchantment in the side hall, Yi Tian's unreasonable shot not only broke the defensive enchantment from the inside, but also shocked many distracted monks present.

Even the cultivator of the Heavenly Demon Race turned around and stared at him for a while, and then his face showed a dignified expression.Being able to ring fifteen times is already a leader in the distraction period, and Yi Tian is still an early monk who can achieve such strength. It is conceivable that his potential is far beyond the comparison of ordinary people.

Compared with such people, they are definitely top-notch existences among the demons. The best solution to such existences is to kill them when they are fledgling.

I must have been remembered by all the monks on the spot at this time, turned around to see the rare joy on the face of the city lord Yan Lei who was sitting in the upper position, but Yi Tian could only force a smile.

After a while, the city lord said, "Okay, the disciples of my Flame Prison Demon Clan are powerful, so the two quotas will be decided," and after speaking, the quotas for entering the Liyan Cold Kiln have been confirmed. .

In this way, all the people present could only keep their mouths shut obediently, but they all showed some fear when they looked at Yi Tian and that day's demon monk.

After walking back slowly, I saw Yan Tong with a face full of joy and privately transmitted a voice: "Yi Daoyou is really powerful, I didn't expect your strength to be comparable to Dugu Can from the Demon Race that day, I'm afraid it will be enough in time Stabilize him well."

"This person's name is Dugu Can, is that a member of the Heavenly Demon Clan's royal family?" Yi Tian thought for a while before replying.

"Yes or no," Yan Tong shook his head and said, "This person was a good fighter in the Heavenly Demon Clan in the early years, but unfortunately he was kicked out of the Heavenly Demon Clan's lineage because of something that happened 2000 years ago. The list of candidates. Now it can only be regarded as a marginal force of the Sky Demon Clan, compared with Dugu Yuchen's status, it is not one or two points worse."

It turned out to be like this. Before the difficulty, Dugu Yuchen felt that Dugu Yuchen in the stage of transformation did not have the slightest respect in his eyes when facing the monks of the same family in the stage of distraction.However, analyzing myself from the Heavenly Demon transformation method performed by the two of them can almost find the previous answer.

When I saw Dugu Yuchen performing the Heavenly Demon Transformation, I always felt that there was something lacking in its form, but when Dugu Can performed it, it was similar to the movements of the people from the Heavenly Demon Sect that I saw in the next session.

The only answer should be the sparseness of the bloodlines. Like Dugu Yuchen, although he is a leader in the Tianmomen's transformation stage, it is a pity that the bloodlines are not pure enough.Therefore, the Heavenly Demon Transformation that appears seems to be powerful, but its inner power is far from the real skill. It can be said that it is just a show.

As for Dugu Can, it was not the case. When he used his movements, his true energy was extremely condensed. Apart from the difference in his cultivation, the degree of condensed blood played a decisive role.

Later, I saw Yan Tong reached out and quietly handed over the jade bottle containing Huiyang water and a pill furnace, and said again through voice transmission: "Since you got the chance to enter this time, Daoist Yi, please trouble me to extract it for me." I am grateful for a trace of ice marrow flame, and I will never turn back to whatever I ask for from now on."

Faced with his appeal, Yi Tian was stunned for a moment and understood his meaning in a blink of an eye. He stretched out his hand to take the jade bottle and the alchemy furnace, and then replied via voice transmission: "I don't know what else to pay attention to when making fire in the heart of lava. How could a cold attribute flame like ice marrow flame be bred in the lava core?"

"This glass flame cold kiln is also strange. The outside is a huge ice cave, but the area in the middle is surrounded by lava passages. In the center is a cave dwelling with ice flame essence, which is only enough for one person to enter and exit, and You need to drink the Huiyang Water before you can resist the ice flame attack and cast a spell to extract the true flame," Yantong explained.

Nodding slightly in response, Yi Tian knew in his heart that he and Dugucan were lucky enough to enter this time, so naturally they could only enter it separately to make fire.But this is also good, I have three bottles of Huiyang water in hand, at least I can support it for a long time in the Bingyan Essence cave, during which time I will have the opportunity to explore the mystery of it.

Just as he was thinking about it, Yan Lei, who was sitting at the top, said: "Since the quota has been confirmed, the monks who have obtained the admission qualifications can follow me. As for the others, they will wait here until they return." Go to the back of the side hall

The guards of the little lords gave careful instructions, and then saw eight monks in the stage of transforming gods lined up according to their strengths and followed up.

As for Yi Tian, ​​he met Dugu Can's eyes, walked to the end of the line, and walked out of the side hall.

After passing through the long corridor, a group of 11 people came to an empty teleportation hall with a two-way teleportation door inside.Yan Lei stretched out his hand and activated the portal, and then opened the restrictions around him before saying in a low voice: "You all follow closely, and don't go the wrong way outside the Liyan Cold Kiln."

After speaking, he jumped into the portal, and the cultivators at the transformation stage behind him followed one after another, for fear of falling behind.But when it was the last two's turn, Dugu Can turned around and looked at himself before saying: "You are very special, if there is a chance, we can cooperate."

"To each other, there should be a chance after entering," Yi Tian replied without changing his expression.

Immediately, the two walked into the teleportation gate one by one. After a white light flashed in front of their eyes, they only felt that their bodies were weightless and then fell vertically.

Yi Tian hastily adjusted his figure and then slowly fell down. He opened his eyes and looked around and found that he was already outside a snow mountain.In front of him was a three or four mile long path leading into the valley. After stretching out his divine sense, he looked forward and found two ice holes, one large and one small, at the end of the path.

Needless to say, these are the two passages leading to the Lava Heart and the Lava Road, but Yan Lei shouted: "Follow up, stop talking nonsense."

The few monks behind him followed Yan Lei quickly along the path to the end without saying much.

After standing in front of the two ice holes, Yan Lei pointed to the big one on the right and said, "All monks in the stage of transformation who want to practice their physical skills go here. You can stay inside for ten days at most. If you If there is a fight, I will not take action, but I believe you will not waste your time here, if you want to fight, you can wait until you get out."

Then he turned to himself and Dugu Can and said, "The one on the left is the road leading to the lava core. You also have ten days. Don't wait after the expiration date. Remember that this is a closed Xumi space, and there is only one way to go back and forth. If you don't come out within ten days, I won't wait here."

Yi Tian immediately replied: "This means that if you miss the time, then you have to wait for the next passage to open a hundred years later."

"In theory, yes, but I can tell you that there are only two monks who can survive here for a hundred years, and the rest are buried in the cave forever," Yan Lei replied with a flat face.

(End of this chapter)

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