
Chapter 1337

Chapter 1337
After walking into the channel of the Lava Heart in the Glass Flame Cold Kiln, Yi Tian found that the surrounding temperature seemed to rise in a straight line. From time to time, magma slowly seeped out from the stone walls around the channel, and then dripped on the channel, making a 'sizzling' sound sound.

It wasn't until the two of them walked three miles away that they realized that the road in front of them seemed to extend downwards in a spiral. If they went on like this, they were probably already hundreds of feet underground.Dugu Can, who was walking in front, also seemed to realize this, and then he opened his mouth and said, "I don't think you are a member of the royal family of the flame prison demon clan. .”

"Fellow Daoist Dugu laughed at me, and I was forced to do so by the city lord because of my helplessness. In terms of strength, there is still a big gap between him and the late-stage monks," Yi Tian replied with a smile.

Dugu Can only echoed symbolically, and he didn't really care about such a perfunctory reply.After taking three breaths, he opened his mouth again: "This time I need to temper the magic weapon in the Ice Marrow Cave, and I can't come out until the magic weapon is finished, so I want to make a deal with Yi Daoyou."

"I don't know what the transaction is, please explain it in detail," Yi Tian is not stupid. It sounds like the other party wants to take up most of the time. Although the limit is ten days, it can't take up most of the time. Give yourself a small part, otherwise it would be too bad.

Considering the need to use Huiyang Water to get in to get the fire, Yi Tian didn't take this matter too seriously.On the contrary, he has a little interest in Dugucan's strength. I don't know if he has made enough preparations. If he can't stand the power of the ice marrow flame and retreats soon, it will be cheaper for him.

I just heard him say: "I have a magical weapon called the soul-killing crossbow in my hand, which needs to be tempered in the ice marrow flame before it can be used, but with my strength, I can stay in the cave for three hours. If the time is up and you can’t finish it, please ask fellow daoists to help, and I’m willing to offer you the mystical power of the ‘Heavenly Demon Eye’ after it’s done.”

It turned out to be such a reason, and Yi Tian didn't answer directly after hearing it, but opened his mouth and asked: "Can you take out your magic weapon and show it to me first before making a decision?"

Since Dugu Can ask for something from others, naturally he didn't pretend, he took out a black crossbow and held it gently in his hand to examine it.

After Yi Tian's divine thoughts swept over, his brows could not help but tighten, his face remained unchanged, but he felt a little suspicious in his heart.There was a heavy resentment emanating from this soul-destroying crossbow, and the dark skeleton of the spirit weapon itself didn't look like a rare material, but was more like a corpse taken from a certain demon cultivator.

As for the material of the crossbow string, it is not taken from the tendons of monsters or monsters, but is refined from the flesh and blood of high-level demons.

Unexpectedly, Dugucan in front of him would use such materials to refine magic weapons, so it is conceivable how much he hated this person, and he would not let him go even if he died.Although Yi Tian turned into a demon, he still had deep disdain for such things in Lingxiu's eyes.

Then he nodded slightly and said, "Okay, since Fellow Daoist requested so much, I can promise you that if you haven't finished tempering the spirit weapon, I can help you refine it for another hour at most."

"That's very good," Dugu Can replied with a smile: "Four hours should be enough."

Seeing that Dugu Can was satisfied, Yi Tian asked, "I don't know what is so wonderful about the Heavenly Demon Eye, You, have you practiced it yourself?"

Unexpectedly, the other party replied indifferently: "I have never practiced this supernatural power, and there are no more than five people in the Heavenly Demon Clan who can practice it."

"Your Excellency seems to think too highly of me, and it seems too far-fetched to pay for such a mysterious power that few people can cultivate," Yi Tian said with an unhappy expression.

"Fellow daoists, calm down first. This magical power of the pupil art is actually divided into two volumes. The first half is called the dark magic pupil. People who have trained it can improve the identification of illusions and the art of defense against charm. It is a defensive skill," Dugu Can explained.

After hearing the mention of the dark magic pupil, Yi Tian cheered up 12 points. He found the dark magic pupil's cultivation secret technique from the dead ghost Yanlong's relics, and the refining was close to the level of Dacheng.Although it is only a defensive pupil technique, it still has a lot of effect on walking in the devil world.

It's just that it didn't work out, and it turned out to be only the first half of the Sky Demon Eye Technique. From Dugu Can's introduction, it seems that there are still some articles in it.Maybe this second half of the volume of supernatural powers and secret arts will have a great effect on improving myself.

Although it was unbearably itchy in his heart, he said disdainfully: "Could it be that fellow Taoists only have the lower half, and it seems insincere to come up with such incomplete exercises and supernatural powers."

"That day, the entire book of the magic pupil was dismantled thousands of years ago. I took the second half, although it is a broken book, but it still has some merits. A monk like you from the flame prison demon clan who cultivated the flame demon body Under the circumstances, after cultivating supernatural powers, at least one of them can be used to easily see through the hiding spells of high-ranking monks," Dugu Can explained.

"This sounds a bit far-fetched, can you use the secret technique and supernatural powers to have a look with me before making a decision," Yi Tian replied after thinking for a while.

After hearing this, Dugu Can showed embarrassment, but seeing Yi Tian's indifferent look, he couldn't help it, so he reached out and took out the roll of animal skin and gently handed it over.

After taking the jade slip, Yi Tian opened it and took a brief look, and it turned out that it was made of the same material as the scroll of dark magic eyes in his hand, but he couldn't help laughing in his heart after a sweep of his divine sense.This is indeed a complete set of two volumes of exercises that complement each other. The second volume of Tianmotong is an extended use of the first volume. If you practice successfully, you can naturally improve your strength to a higher level.

After thinking about it, he put away this volume of exercises and said to Dugu Cang: "Okay, since that's the case, I will agree to it. Don't worry, fellow Taoist, you can try to refine it first. If you don't have enough time, you can drink this bottle of Huiyang water. It's okay if you think about it." We can make up for the lack of time.”

"Huiyangshui, fellow daoist actually has such a treasure, so I can sleep peacefully," Dugu Can was overjoyed after taking the jade bottle, and then looked at the soul-destroying crossbow in his hand : "That's enough, then exchange the Tianmotong technique with your Yanghui water."

Continuing to explore down, the two of them came to the exit of the passage not long after they walked together. At this time, the temperature around them dropped suddenly.In the depths of the outer stone chamber is a cave with a width of one hundred feet. The two of them could see a little blue light flashing from a two-foot-sized hole in the deepest part.

"It should be here, let's go up and have a look," Dugu Can said with a happy face, and then walked forward quickly.

Yi Tian nodded and followed aside, turned around and looked around, and it seemed that the scene here and the passage were completely different.The ground and the surrounding stone walls are covered with a thin layer of hoarfrost, and the temperature gets lower the further you go.

After walking to the entrance of the Ice Marrow Flame Cave, I only felt a biting cold wind blowing out of it, and from time to time, flames burst out in the air and sealed the gap near the cave entrance with ice.

(End of this chapter)

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