
Chapter 1338

Chapter 1338
Go to the bottom of the cave and face the Ice Essence Flame Yitian and Dugucan in the cave directly in front of the cave, and enter at once according to the prior discussion.

The gap was only two feet in size, and the divine sense seemed unable to reach into the cave to find out.The blue ice marrow flames that burst out from time to time in the cave blocked all the invading spiritual prying eyes.

After Dugu Can drank the Huiyang Water, he jumped in. After a while, a blue flame emerged from it, and the remaining flame turned into ice blocks and blocked the exit.

Yi Tian stretched out his hand and shot out a black magic light towards the solid ice at the entrance of the cave, smashing the ice cubes in an instant.

After thinking about it, Dugu Can might stay inside for four hours, Yi Tian simply took advantage of this gap time to search the cave one by one.

When the divine sense scanned it, he found that there were many skeletons scattered around here, and they were all monks of the flame prison demon clan from the perspective of body shape.

There are also some huge icicles nailed into the stone wall above the head. After the divine sense passed over the stone pillars, it can be found that many of the icicles are sealed with the corpses of monks.

It secretly reminds me of the fact that Yan Lei, the city lord, mentioned that there are only two people here who have survived for a hundred years.Needless to say, those among the icicles were monks who were trapped and died here.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian also showed some puzzled expression on his face, it stands to reason that most of the monks who came to fetch fire were similar to himself.Knowledge and courage are naturally top-notch masters, how could they be left here knowingly committing crimes.It cannot be said that there may be some ulterior secrets in it.

As for those who came once like Yan Tong, they don't know how to pass the test.

Although he couldn't guess what might happen next, Yi Tian still waited quietly with 12 points of energy.

After a while, I only heard some noises coming from the gap in the Ice Marrow Flame Cave, and then a black figure flew out of it and landed not far in front of him.

After seeing clearly, his appearance turned out to be Dugu Can whose whole body was frozen and covered with ice chains.At this time, he was holding the soul-killing crossbow, and the body image of the Heavenly Demon Transformation appeared around him, shaking violently and saying: "I'm done, friend Daoist Yi, you can go."

After ten breaths, he returned to his normal state only after he forced the coefficient of cold air out of his body with luck. At this time, his breath was much weaker than before, probably because the magic energy was consumed too much in the Ice Essence Flame Cave.

Yi Tian didn't hesitate when he saw it, but just replied: "Fellow Daoist Dugu, I'll go in now, and we'll talk outside later."

After speaking, he took out the Huiyang water, lifted the lid and poured it into his mouth.After finishing drinking, he put away the jade bottle, took big steps, turned around and got in through the gap.

After the blue fireworks flashed in front of his eyes, he came to the Ice Marrow Flame Cave. As the surrounding temperature dropped sharply, Yi Tian had to use his skills to open the protective cover to protect himself.

Flames were flying around in front of him, but their source was falling from the high platform in front of them.Yi Tian took a look at the high platform, which was about three feet wide and five feet high, as if there was a spiral escalator around it leading directly to the high platform.

Suspicious in his heart, he didn't know what could split and burst out so many ice marrow flames. The magic flame on Yi Tian's body flashed out in an instant, and then he used the burning flame demon body.

Then something unexpected happened, the surrounding ice marrow flames seemed to have discovered their transformation and quickly surrounded them.

Once the ice marrow flames pounced on him, the magic flames on his body merged into one and began to devour each other.

After Yi Tian noticed the abnormal phenomenon, he hurriedly used his kung fu to refine those ice marrow flames, and at the same time found that his flame demon body seemed to have improved a little.

It turns out that here you can improve your skills by devouring and refining ice marrow flames, but thinking about it, it is an excellent training place.

It's just that at this time, Yi Tian's face not only did not show the slightest joy, but his brows were wrinkled, showing deep worry.The ice marrow flames all around seemed to have found their target and rushed towards him, there were about a hundred strands in number.

Yi Tian's complexion sank, he took out Yantong's alchemy furnace, pulled three strands from his body and poured it into it. After a while, the alchemy furnace exuded a trace of cold air from the inside out, and the blue ice marrow flame instantly It's frozen into ice cubes.

Seeing that the pill furnace could no longer be used, Yi Tian had to put it away.Then he tried his best to refine the ice marrow flame on his body.Suddenly, he remembered that the monks he saw outside were frozen in ice and seemed to understand something.

Most of those people have cultivated the Scorching Flame Demon Body like myself, but this body method has a fatal attraction to the Ice Essence Flame.If I follow their example and retreat on the spot at this time, I may not be able to get a frozen end.

Instead of this, it's better to go straight to the ice platform to see what is there.After thinking about it, he simply stretched out his hands to form seals to exert the power of the Scorching Flame Demon Body to the maximum. In the middle of the bun on the top of his head, a single horn as thick as a thumb slowly grew out. Although it was only three inches long, it was much longer than before.

At the same time, the black magic flames around him were overwhelming, pushing the foreign ice marrow flames to a distance of one foot.

After slowly walking up to the high platform, what came into view was a half-foot-sized alchemy furnace, and a thick layer of frost had condensed around the alchemy furnace.But inside the alchemy furnace, there was a blue fire that continued to flicker. Could it be that some thin flames drilled out of the cracks in the alchemy furnace cover, flew into the air and then divided into several parts and scattered in all directions.

Needless to say, the ice marrow flames that besieged him came from this, Yi Tian glanced at the words engraved on the front of the alchemy furnace.After careful identification, it was found to be the characters of the devil world, and the letter "Qingming Ice Flame Cauldron" was written.

Next to it is the specific description of this magic weapon. After reading it, I learned that this is the place where the magic sage stopped before he advanced into Mahayana.The Qingming Ice Flame Cauldron was also left behind by him, but it was too long after the time, and the Demon Sage did not return to take this treasure back.

Since it is something left over by the monks of the Mahayana period, it will naturally attract the attention of the monks of the fit period. As for a distracted monk like myself, it is also a peerless magic treasure that is crazy about it.

But after three breaths, Yi Tian suppressed the greed in his heart, and thought secretly at the same time.If this thing is really so easy to get, with the strength of the city lord Yan Lei, he has already taken it as his own, so why put it here.

If I move a magic weapon that I shouldn't move, maybe it will catch fire on my upper body, and the purpose of my visit is to get rid of the ice marrow and flames, so there is no need to do everything right.

After thinking about it, after using the Flame Demon Body to its strongest, a black and red magic flame barrier was formed around the body.Then stretched out his right hand to hold the lid of the Qingming Ice Flame Cauldron and lifted it gently.

With a sound of '嗖', a dark blue flame burst out from the cauldron and surrounded him all over, and then Yi Tian felt a piercing cold coming, and in a blink of an eye, he found that it had begun to apply on his arms. A thin layer of frost.

Seeing that something is not going well, Niwan Palace's real fire, Leiyan Ziyan, jumped out without calling and replaced the magic fire on the Scorching Flame Demon, so Yi Tian really felt that there was no chill around him, so he looked carefully at the Leiyan Ziyan. Actively devouring the ice marrow flame.

(End of this chapter)

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