
Chapter 1339 Foreign Objects

Chapter 1339 Foreign Objects
On the high platform of the Ice Marrow Flame, Yi Tian saw a 'Qingming Ice Flame Cauldron' in the middle, and the Ice Marrow Flame was slowly separated from it and spread out in the cave.

And these ice marrow flames seem to be turned into filaments, but they have a deadly affinity for the black fire of the scorching flame demon body on his body.At this time, they were still swarming up, if he hadn't forcibly opened the defensive cover of the Scorching Flame Demon Body to the maximum, he might have been frozen by the ice flames at this time.

But the natal real fire Leiyan Ziyan in Niwan Palace seemed not to be outdone, and flew out automatically as if smelling something delicious, and then replaced his own black magic flame.

The surrounding Ice Marrow Flame and Lei Yan Zi Yan are in a state of stalemate with each other, and they seem to be arguing with each other, but after a little exploration with divine sense, you can find that your own Lei Yan Zi Yan is constantly devouring the Ice Marrow Flame, although the speed is not very fast But it is indeed refining those blue ice flames.

Since his natal real fire has this characteristic, Yi Tian simply sat down cross-legged and stretched out his hands to make seals, and then repeatedly urged the natal real fire to speed up the devouring speed.In this way, the ice marrow flame that was originally attached to his body was accelerated and assimilated in a sudden flicker.

At the same time, Yi Tian didn't dare to be careless, his pupils froze and he stared at the 'Qingming Ice Flame Cauldron' carefully.Obviously, there should be more than just the Ice Marrow Flame in the cauldron. After the lid was lifted just now, it seemed that a foreign object had fallen on the bottom of the cauldron.

His whole body was entangled in blue ice marrow flames, but he did feel that there was something underneath.

After finally coming here, it would be fine to just collect ice marrow flames, but now that there is this foreign body, Yi Tian's curious mind became active again.

After about a period of time, I used my true fire to refine all the ice marrow flames outside my body, and then I found that my purple flame became brighter, and there was a faint blue light on the outer layer of the true flame, which should be the effect of devouring .

The surrounding ice marrow flames are still rushing towards him, but this time it is not as frozen as before and cannot be used.Yi Tian stood up, loosened his arms and moved his whole body, as if he could fully adapt to the influence of the surrounding environment on himself.

Then he walked quickly to the front of the 'Qingming Ice Flame Cauldron', and lightly shot out a spiritual light in his hand to lift the top cover.

Suddenly a blue light flashed, and several icy marrow flames rushed out from it, and rushed straight to the door. Yi Tian's face sank like water, and then he formed a seal with one hand and held the purple flame of thunder and flame in the palm of his hand.After a short breath, according to the ice marrow flames that rushed towards him, he stretched out his hand to collect it.

The intensity of these icy marrow flames far surpassed those of the previous scattered icy flames. Fortunately, the purple flame of Lei Yan in his palm was also strengthened, and within ten breaths, all the gathered icy marrow flames were refined.

Then Yi Tian stretched out his hand again and slowly lifted the cover, and the ice marrow flame that sprang out this time was rolled up with one hand and distributed to the side.Immediately, the pupils of the eyes focused on the thing at the bottom, and saw a three-inch round black object lying horizontally there, surrounded by blue ice flames.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian gritted his teeth and wrapped Leiyan Ziyan with his right hand, then reached into the bottom of the 'Qingming Ice Flame Cauldron' and grabbed the black object.Later, a blue flame sprang up from the ground, as if it was about to rush out of the 'Qingming Ice Flame Cauldron'.Yi Tian then forcibly closed the lid with his left hand to seal the ice marrow flames inside.

Turning around and looking around, he saw a black projectile wrapped on the blue flame, Yi Tian hurriedly reached out to melt the icy marrow flame above it, and then revealed his real appearance.

After carefully looking at it, I only saw that it was a three-inch black round bead, and the surface of the bead was engraved with Buddhist Sanskrit characters, which could be stored in the "Qingming Ice Flame Cauldron" and wrapped in ice marrow flames. After tens of thousands of years, it is not ordinary.Moreover, this thing must be closely related to the Buddhist sect. If I guessed correctly, it should be something left by the evil Buddha from the mixed world.

Presumably, Master Precepts did not go to the Demon Realm until after the Mahayana period. As for the first arrival of the evil Buddha from the mixed world, it happened to be in the late stage of integration.Moreover, this thing must be inextricably linked with his achievement of Mahayana. It should be after abandoning this thing that he crossed the sky and raised his cultivation base.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian couldn't help being a little startled, what could stop a monk in the fit stage from advancing.Yi Tian stretched out his hand and stroked it lightly, and found a hot feeling coming from it, and then the whole bead was slightly dark and reddish.

After removing the surrounding ice marrow flames, the bead's true color gradually appeared, and the temperature around it seemed to be affected, and then rose rapidly, even melting the ice floating on the stone steps under its feet.

Looking at the surrounding environment, Yi Tian hurriedly took out a jade box to put the black beads in it, and then took out a separate storage bracelet to put it in.After doing this, I realized that the surrounding temperature dropped again. Under the influence of the ice marrow flame bred in the 'Qingming Ice Flame Cauldron', the temperature here seemed to drop rapidly, and it was three times colder than when I came here. point.

Naturally, he understood in his heart that the black pearl wrapped in the ice marrow flame was indeed a scorching hot thing.After taking it out, there is no heat source in the 'Qingming Ice Flame Cauldron' to fully reflect the power of the ice marrow flame.

After tidying up, Yi Tiancai hurried down from the high platform, and then jumped out from the gap.

After taking it back to the grotto outside, I found that Dugucan had already left, and the surrounding environment had changed a little bit compared to before. After the temperature dropped sharply, the entire floor of the big grotto was frozen and covered with a layer of hard ice.

Yi Tian didn't want to waste any more time here, so he turned around and hurried back to the original road.It wasn't until after walking for a while that the temperature in the channel slowly returned to normal. Looking back, the red lava deposited on the original lava core channel on the ground had solidified into white stone steps.

Not long after, he followed the original path and walked out of the passage grotto, and saw at the door the city lord Yan Lei sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed.Yi Tian stepped forward and bowed to him, saying: "This junior has finished taking the Ice Essence Flame, thank you for the city lord's suggestion this time."

After hearing this, Yan Lei only opened his eyes and looked at it slightly before replying via voice transmission: "In this case, you should leave the passage first, and help Concubine Yan well, I believe in her eyes, and want to see me too Will the Flame Prison Demon Race usher in new changes?"

These words are obviously partial to Concubine Yan, and being able to get the approval of the monks in the fit period, concubine Yan has taken another big step on the road to winning the throne.

Later, after Yi Tian said hello, he turned around and was about to leave. It happened that Dugu Can also stood up and signaled to go together.Knowing that he had something to say, Yi Tian just nodded slightly, and the two of them flew towards the portal of the pair of images one after the other.

(End of this chapter)

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