
Chapter 1340 Invitation

Chapter 1340 Invitation

Half a moment later, when the two returned to the side hall, they found that many people present had already left, and the only ones left were the guards who had been modified in the transformation stage and Yantong who came with him.

The guard monks just looked at themselves and Dugu Can, then stopped making a sound and continued to sit cross-legged and wait.Anyway, no one had any conflict of interest, so Yantong rushed forward and asked privately via voice transmission, "Did Fellow Daoist Yi get the Ice Marrow Flame?"

Knowing what he was thinking, Yi Tian reached out and took out a half-foot-sized ice cube and handed it over, "Fortunately, the three strands collected here are enough for your cultivation and strengthening."

After hearing this, Yan Tong's face immediately showed joy, and after receiving the ice cube, his divine sense swept over him, and he even smiled from ear to ear.After putting away the alchemy furnace, he said with a smile: "You Daoist Yi is really powerful. If I personally shot as much as I would collect a wisp, but you are far better than me, three times the amount is enough for me to cultivate." It has reached the peak of the distraction period."

Hearing this, Yi Tian only showed a slight smile on his face. With Yantong's strength, he can reach the peak of the late stage of distraction with only three strands of ice marrow flames.

While I couldn't help feeling sorry for him secretly, I was also full of confidence in my path.With my current strength, I wantonly swallowed and refined the ice marrow flame before reaching the threshold of the middle stage of the avatar. If I continue to accumulate and develop to the peak in the later stage, it should not be difficult to break through to the fusion stage when the conditions are ready.

When the two were about to leave, Dugu Can's voice suddenly came from their ears: "Can you take a step to speak, fellow Taoist?"

Yi Tian looked at it and felt that the other party had something to say, so he replied directly: "This is not a place to talk, let's go out and talk."

Then he took Yantong straight out of the side hall of the city lord's mansion, and at the same time, he realized that Dugucan followed in his spiritual thoughts.

After arriving in the outside world, Yan Tong also seemed to be aware of the situation and lowered his head to ask quietly, while Yi Tian gently instructed him to leave first.With his strength, he can't make any waves in front of Dugucan, so it's better not to get involved in this matter.

After Yantong left, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to signal, and the two flew directly into the sky.Later, seeing Dugu Can slowly flying forward, Yi Tian asked, "I don't know what is the purpose of fellow Taoist Dugu staying here to find me?"

"Fellow Daoist Yi, are you interested in going to the Dark Demon Temple?" Dugu Can cut to the chase.

"I don't know where this Dark Demon Temple is going?" Yi Tian thought for a while but didn't answer directly, he just wanted to understand the situation clearly first.

"This Dark Demon Temple is said to be the residence of the former Demon Saint Prince, but it has been abandoned for thousands of years and now it has become a dangerous place," Dugu Can replied.

"Qiu Yu's palace," Yi Tian raised his brows lightly, feeling excited.The ultimate purpose of my coming to the Devil Realm is to find the footprints of Master Jie Ding, so the places where he once stayed are naturally not to be missed.

But seeing that a strong man like Dugucan needs to find himself to go with him, it is no wonder that it must be a crisis.After thinking about it, he put on a look of embarrassment and said: "I am the guest of the flame prison demon army. I can't leave the army for a long time, so as not to be blamed by the commander. And I don't know much about these dangerous places. Please explain the situation there briefly. Let me make a decision after listening."

Seeing his embarrassment, Dugu Can had no choice but to explain: "That palace has been abandoned for 2 years, but from time to time some of them would take advantage of the weakening of the barrier to break in. After all, there are not many treasures left like this in the demon world, let alone the things left by the evil Buddhas of the ancestors who mixed the world, if it weren't for the strong rejection of old monsters in the fusion stage, it would be cheaper for monks like us."

It turned out that it wasn't the palace that Qiu Yu left behind, but now Yi Tian's face changed slightly and his heart beat.From this point of view, if you go to this place, you may meet Kudara Nasi again. To be honest, I really don’t want to meet him too often. After all, everyone knows that entering the Demon Realm has another purpose.

After thinking for a while, he shook his head and replied: "This matter is yet to be discussed. I will inevitably worry about the Feitian Raksha clan starting a war after I leave the army for a long time. Why don't you leave the message method like this, and contact me when the time is right. I'll make a decision." Yi Tian didn't want to directly offend the other party, so he took a compromise method and pushed the reason all on the battle of the flame prison demon army.

Unexpectedly, Dugu Can said: "In this way, fellow Daoist Yi can go back to the camp first to deal with trivial matters, and then you can go with me after you settle down. Anyway, there are still more than ten years before the time limit for the weakening of the forbidden barrier is reached. .”

Seeing that the other party seemed to depend on him, Yi Tian became suspicious, and said with a puzzled look on his face: "Why does Fellow Daoist want me to go with you? Is there something hidden in this?"

"But it's a little troublesome." Dugu Can said directly without avoiding it: "I have a deadly enemy who will go there on time, and his strength is not weaker than mine, so he will naturally bring a helper."

"Why did you choose me? And why don't you find a few more people to help you?" Yi Tian said again.

"Based on my strength, I can only lead one person to break through the ban, and the other party is also the same, so I can only choose the strongest," Dugu Can explained: "And there is a thing left by my master in the palace. What I must have is related to the key to the advanced integration period, so the other party will definitely think about destroying my good deeds."

"If I'm not mistaken, that person should be your junior brother?" Yi Tian joked, "I'm afraid it's not a glorious thing for you two to fight each other."

Dugu Can's eyes were stern and he said: "She is my junior sister Situ Rou. In terms of strength, she has already cultivated to the late stage of avatar and is on par with me, and the helper she finds must also be a powerful character, so I want to find You help."

"But when fellow Taoist goes to the palace, he will definitely compete with Situ Rou for some relic of the devil's holy prince. As for me, what profit can I make?" Who would do nothing for nothing.It would be too whimsical to ask Dugu Can to make a move without a considerable bargaining chip.

He hesitated for a while before saying: "I have three items in my hand. If you want to go, you can choose one. If you don't like it, then I have nothing to say, so I have to find someone else."

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his right hand and took out a jade slip to hold it in his palm. Yi Tian's divine thoughts flashed across his face, and his face was startled. He didn't expect that the other party actually took out the jade slip of the demon clan's kung fu.

Then Dugucan took out a piece of dark golden precious material in his left hand and held it in his palm, and took out a jade bottle and said, "These two are demonic blood soil, which can cultivate any demonic plant you have seen in the demonic world. It can reach the level of heaven. The other is the magic marrow true liquid, after taking a drop, it can stimulate the potential and make the strength rise to a level in a short time, and its function does not allow me to talk too much."

(End of this chapter)

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